Even if she doesn't mention the rest, as long as Qi Lin arrives in Jielong, he will naturally take care of Qi Lin.

Who made this little girl so cute!

"Half of the current assets of Dao Teng's family plus all of Dao Teng's knives!"

"make a deal--!"

ps: Thanks to the Dream Summoner for taking me to the car Kurosaki Shana Vincent Meow The reward sent by Kamui directly behind the original sun

ask for subscription, ask for ticket

Chapter 150 4000 This Nowhere Placed Charm "[-] words for subscription"

Located in the southeast of Asterisk, Jielong Seventh Academy, the entire campus is shrouded in countless buildings connected by corridors.

The scattered courtyards and squares seem to be surrounded by these traditional Chinese-style buildings.

It's not so much a college, it's better to say it's closer to a huge palace.

In one corner there is a building called Huangchen Hall.

The three-story terrace composed of vermillion beams and columns and a yellow glazed tile roof is not much different from other buildings when viewed from a standing stand.

But all the students belonging to Jielong know what kind of place this is.

"Master! Eldest brother and second elder sister have arrived!"

Standing in the center of the hall, Zhao Hufeng performed the boxing ceremony with his right fist and left palm, and said to the virgin sitting on the chair.

"Oh ho! Very good!"

The virgin who was sitting on the chair taking a nap immediately woke up when she heard the sound, looked at the four disciples below and nodded, showing a satisfied smile.

"So what's the matter today, master?"

The speaker had light brown wavy long hair, regular facial features, a slightly darker face, and a very conspicuous appearance, which made it obvious at a glance that he was an authentic European.

In fact, most of Jielongli are students from Asia. This is also because the sphere of influence of Jielong, the conglomerate chaebol behind Jielong Seventh Academy, is within ZG territory before Luoxingyu.

So in an environment like Jielong, it is quite rare for a foreigner to appear in it.

The opponent was wearing Jielong's uniform, but the style of her uniform was a bit revealing compared to others. The large snowy skin exposed before Yue Xiong exuded the charm of a mature woman to her heart's content.

"Cecili! I called you here today to ask if you want to participate in the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival"!"

Fan Xinglu held her cheek with her left hand, and looked at the three people standing side by side in the audience.

Ser Xili Wang Jielong ranked fourth in the sequence of the Seventh Academy and was Fan Xinglu's second disciple.I am very good at the star fairy art of the lightning system, so her title is "thunder halberd thousand flowers".

"If you didn't ask, I don't want to participate in this "Wanglong Xingwu Festival"!"

Cecily shrugged, exuding a sense of laziness all over her body, giving people the feeling that she could fall asleep at any time.

"Is that so! What about you, Xiaohui!"

"Full screen master orders!"

The man's voice was as flat as water, without the slightest ups and downs, but firmness could be heard from it.

It was as if Fan Xinglu on the chair would happily attend no matter what decision he made.

Wu Xiaohui

The No. [-] Jielong Academy ranked second. Fan Xinglu came to Jielong three years ago and brought him directly from the outside. He is a master who has cultivated Fan Xinglu's martial arts and star fairy arts to a high level.

Alias ​​"Bawu Xingjun"

Short blue hair, sharp gaze revealed in his eyes, and the Jielong male uniform on his body was tightly fitted to his body full of explosive power, outlining a piece of muscular body.


Fan Xinglu's slender eyelashes drooped down her eyes, and her disappointment flashed away.

"Hufeng, don't you want to participate?"

"Yes, Master!"

"The disciple is still too immature, so I hope to refine it for a while!"

Zhao Hufeng showed a bitter smile. The "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" two years ago can be said to have dealt him a heavy blow when he was high-spirited, otherwise he would not have the humble character he is now.

"No one is participating!"

Fan Xinglu's words revealed a deep sense of disappointment!

Sensing Fan Xinglu's emotional changes, Wu Xiaohui's dull pupils showed abnormal fluctuations for the first time.

Just when he was about to step forward to join the battle.Fan Xinglu suddenly showed an excited look, and her petite body jumped off the tall chair.

Immediately afterwards, the space in front of her began to distort.

The three people present all knew what magical power Fan Xinglu was using. After all, Fan Xinglu often used this kind of magic to shift their positions, so there was no panic at all.

Wu Xiaohui returned to that indifferent state again!

As for Zhao Hufeng and Se Xili, they looked curiously at the place where the space was distorted. After all, they were very curious about who could make the master excited like this.


Ten seconds have passed since the end of the distortion point of space, but nothing has appeared!

Whether it is a person, whether it is a thing!

"Could it be that Master's method of shrinking the land has failed?"

Zhao Hufeng's eyes revealed a strong look of doubt. Looking at the weird scene in front of him, he had to think about it.

Se Xili also looked at Fan Xinglu with the same expression as Zhao Hufeng!

The corners of Fan Xinglu's mouth curled up quietly!

"Why, haven't you shown up yet!"

"Now the old disciples are suspecting that I made a mistake in casting a spell!"


A faint chuckle sounded, and the space seemed to ripple like ripples, and a male figure about 1.8 meters tall appeared just like that.

"This means that I know that only you can use this technique, otherwise I would have used the star force to break free when the force was exerted on me."

His face is like a sculpture with distinct features, and his angular face is extremely handsome.

Under the pair of sword-shaped eyebrows is a pair of slender peach blossom eyes, every unintentional blink of an eye will affect the hearts of thousands of girls.

The short golden hair can touch the shoulders, and he is wearing a very ordinary casual outfit, but the man in front of him wears a noble atmosphere.

The imprint of a bright moon on his forehead added a bit of mystery to this noble man.


Zhao Hufeng waved his hand in front of Cecily's eyes, trying to wake up the senior sister whose eyes had begun to daze.

"I said, has your kid changed recently!"

Fan Xinglu's eyes became more and more joyful, although she didn't have the same ability to see through the energy flow in other people's bodies like William.

But the growing sense of threat in her heart cannot be faked, this is the feeling she has cultivated for thousands of years.

As long as it is an opponent worthy of fighting her, this feeling will emerge in her heart.

The stronger the opponent, the more serious the threat in her heart will be.

"Restrain your fighting spirit a little bit! Xinglu!"

"When I have a good rest, I will play with you!"

The man looked at the girl's increasing fighting spirit, and said helplessly.

For the past six months of his life, he has lived in an unusually hasty manner.

Fighting against Fan Xinglu, a combat madman, when he first came here, his body couldn't bear it.

"Well! Taste the mellow old wine later, it's quite a taste!"

Fan Xinglu nodded, and then jumped back to the chair to do it again.

The man directly ignored Fan Xinglu's ambiguous words of tiger and wolf, and sighed slightly as he watched Cecily who was still in a daze.

The star power around his body began to glow with light blue light, and the bright moon mark on his forehead also dissipated.

The moment the mark dissipated, Cecily's absent-minded pupils immediately refocused.

But even if Cecily's spirit returned to normal, her face still had a faint crimson color.

Even though she tried her best to control herself not to look at the man, her eyes seemed to be uncontrollable by her body, and she couldn't help sneaking glances at the imposing blond man.

Fan Xinglu also noticed the abnormality of his disciple at this time, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then Void shot out a white spell, which directly stuck to Cecily's body.

Cecily came back to her senses immediately, and then couldn't stop taking a few steps back. The look of admiration in William's eyes was no longer there, and all eyes were full of horror.

"Master, what's going on!"

Cecily said with some fear, the feeling of being out of control just now, wanting to fit the mood of the man in front of her, made her still have lingering fears.

"Well! Don't be afraid, this should be a spell similar to spiritual temptation."

"You can't resist it all because you are still not good at learning."

Fan Xinglu comforted her disciple, and then said to William in a playful tone.

"William, what is going on with your face now, even the old man is a little impulsive looking at your face now!"

When Fan Xinglu mentioned this, a bitter smile appeared on William's face.

"This is a side effect of my cultivation. I can't control this state now. I guess it will be fine in a few days!"

He is also very uncomfortable with this situation now. Since the appearance of this round of bright moon marks, he has never used his real face to appear outside.

Because once he uses this face to appear on the street, whether it is a married woman, a young loli, or an eighty-year-old lady.

As long as it is the opposite sex, it will fall into a state of trance, but it is useless for men. It is simply a super magic weapon for women.

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