All of this is because he uses the "Moon God's Blessing" to communicate with the rough moon stones in this world every night.

As his magic power increased rapidly every day, he had already discovered that his appearance, which was already comparable to a god, was also changing rapidly.

At first, he didn't care about this change.

After all, with his appearance, the women on the street would have been staring at him frequently. He was just more handsome, and it was no different.

But after the Mingyue mark appeared, his life was completely ruined!

This kind of state has gone beyond the category of appearance, even a bit like the beauty gods of Ola Li, born with the power of beauty!

As long as those beauty gods use their beauty god powers, they can make countless male gods and men kneel under their skirts, and no one can escape the exception.

Of course, William can also feel that this state of his own has the same power as the gods of beauty, and can be controlled according to their ideas.

It's just that he hasn't fully grasped the success yet!

"I see!"

Fan Xinglu nodded clearly.

"Then before you can completely control yourself, the old body will provide you with a separate room."

"Hufeng, please take care of this kid for a few days!"

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Hufeng immediately nodded in response, and then asked in a doubtful tone.

"Master, is this your friend?"

William's casual address to Fan Xinglu, as well as the powerful aura that escaped inadvertently, all made Zhao Hufeng make such a guess.

"Well, that's right!"

"And he will join Jielong from today. As for the grade, he is the same as you, Hufeng. When he can control his abilities, you will also guide him to familiarize himself with the environment."

Zhao Hufeng was not surprised that the master's friend was in the same grade as him.

After all, he already has a master who is a thousand-year-old loli, so in his opinion, his master's friend must have changed his age.

"Okay, let's introduce yourself too!"

Fan Xinglu's eyes drifted to William who was looking around.

William who was named also shrugged, and then spoke.

"My name is William Sfengel."

"I met Xinglu more than half a year ago...!"

After William said this, he glanced at Zhao Hufeng.

"My age is actually the same as yours!"

Didn't he see what Zhao Hufeng was thinking in his eyes?He must have thought he was an old monster like Fan Xinglu.

He didn't admit that he was an old monster!Even counting the years of my two lives as a human being and the time spent in the wrong world, I am only in my 30s at most.

Why should he be compared with a thousand-year-old demon.


"Okay, you guys go out first! The old man has something to say to him now!"

Zhao Hufeng's pupils trembled like an earthquake when he heard William say that his grade was similar to his.

But when he was about to continue talking, he was interrupted by Fan Xinglu.

"Yes, Master!"

Wu Xiaohui simply saluted and left. For him, only the master's order is important.

The rest, no matter what it is, has nothing to do with him!

"Then I'll go first!"

Cecily covered the spell on her chest with both hands, and even the matter of saluting was forgotten by her.

no way!Although she already understood that William didn't do it on purpose, she didn't want to experience the feeling just now again.

If it wasn't for Fan Xinglu not telling her, she would have been far away from this dangerous man long ago.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Hufeng still looked a little unwilling, but his teacher's order was hard to disobey, so he obediently withdrew.

In just one minute, there were only two people left in the huge Huangchen Hall.

"According to the plan I gave you this time, have you gained anything in terms of martial arts?"

Fan Xinglu never asked about William's situation in the past six months. All she did was transfer money to William's account on time every month.

As for the star power, Fan Xinglu didn't even mention it. Half a year ago, William's star power was almost comparable to hers.

There is no need to mention it now!

"Don't worry! You will see my results in a few days!"

William's words were full of self-confidence, as if this time he would never repeat the ugly behavior of being suppressed by Fan Xinglu in close combat.

"Then we are really looking forward to it!"

ps: There may be a problem with the typesetting, if there is, I will deal with it when I find time, I rushed out in a hurry

Thank you for the reward from the original sun of zero ink

Chapter 150 Five, Can You Still Trust the Master "4000 Words Request Subscription"

"Speaking of which, did the decisive battle of the last "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" that I provided you with make you a little bit interested?"

While talking, Fan Xinglu used her ground shrinking method to transfer a mahogany chair for William from another room.

"You're talking about that 'Lone Poison Witch'!"

William sat up directly, with his left leg resting on his right.

"Her poison is not directly felt, and the strength cannot be seen!"

"But based on the fact that she used the star power in public last time, in terms of star power, it should be comparable to Xinglu you!"

"Of course, this is also related to the fact that you have just been reincarnated for three years and your body is still too young."

One must know that Fan Xinglu's current strength is far from reaching the peak of her previous era.

Her small body limited her martial arts and her huge star power.

"There is no need to add that sentence later, the old man is not a narrow-minded person."

Fan Xinglu sneered back at William, as if he was retaliating against William for mocking her when he appeared on stage.

〖I think you are quite cautious〗

William silently swallowed the words that were on his lips.

"But to be honest, although I promised you to participate in the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival", I still don't know what is the effect of it."

This martial arts competition, which is very popular among people all over the world, is like a fight between children in William's eyes.

William really couldn't bring himself to do this. The only one he could play with was the "Lone Poison Witch", but the stage limited his performance.

That's why he didn't want to participate in this matter.

"Because it's fun!"

Fan Xinglu opened the folding fan in his hand, and covered his cherry lips with the other side painted with landscape pictures.

Yes, there is no reason!

As long as something is interesting, then she wants to do it, and she wants to see it!

"Alright alright!"

William raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

Who let me still owe this loli in front of me a favor? Favors have always been the most difficult thing to repay.

Besides, Fan Xinglu didn't ask for anything too extreme.

What's more, I also agreed to the sword and Fuji family to participate in the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" with Kirin.

Thinking of this little loli whom he hadn't met formally for more than half a year, the corners of William's mouth curled up, and he smiled knowingly.

"That's right, Xinglu!"

"Help me get a certificate for temporarily entering and exiting the world dragon later!"

"What, who do you want to bring?"

Fan Xinglu asked in surprise.

"Well, the little girl from the Sword Fuji Ruzong family."

"I'm about to go to junior high school, and I decided to come to Jielong to go to school under my introduction."

William narrated flatly.

In the past six months, he and Qi Lin's little Lolita still have occasional video calls.

Now that the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" is approaching, Qilin's little loli just happened to be on winter vacation.

So it is natural to fulfill the agreement between her and William.

Come to the scene of "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" and cheer for William in person!

Of course, Kirin's mother will also travel with Kirin.

My wife Shiro Shino stayed behind at the headquarters of Dao Fujiliu.


"Is it a malleable talent according to you?"

Fan Xinglu was instantly aroused.

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