The doorbell is ringing!

William also happened to put the braised pork ribs on the table, looking at the four dishes and one soup on the table.

He sighed silently, his skill has not diminished in the past.

He took off the apron tied to himself, put on a flawless smile again, and opened the door of the room.

Zhao Hufeng's handsome face appeared in William's field of vision, but this was nothing to be concerned about.

Because he found that his target was hiding behind Zhao Hufeng, her eyes were tightly closed by her, and his hands were tightly clutching the corners of his junior brother's clothes.

Zhao Hufeng's brows were also knitted together.

"Senior Sister, William is watching!"

"Aren't you rude!"

"But! But! Is Hufeng really all right?"

She absolutely didn't want to experience the feeling of losing her mind that day and gradually losing her rationality.

At that time, she only felt that she was hot all over, and she just wanted to hug and kiss the golden young man at that time urgently, and then dedicate everything to the young man in front of her.

"Don't worry! The master must have verified it, don't you still trust the master!"

For Zhao Hufeng who made excuses for himself, William could only silently praise him!

Although William never said that Fan Xinglu had given him a certificate, Fan Xinglu's name was still very useful.

Cecily imagined the appearance of her master in her heart, she mustered up the courage to open her eyes, and looked at the man who had left her with lingering fears these days.

Seeing William's warm smile like spring, Cecily couldn't help but blushed slightly.

Zhao Hufeng yelled directly that something was wrong, and was about to move his body to block Cecily's sight.

Cecily patted her cheeks vigorously with her hands suddenly, and the blush on her face gradually faded.

"It's okay! Hufeng!"

"I'm not mentally affected!"

I am normal now!

There is no urge to linger with the boy in front of him!Rationality has not been lost, thinking is normal.

It was a normal physiological reaction for me to blush just now, and it is normal for every woman to be a little moved when she sees this kind of smile.

"Let me tell you! Well, come in and eat!"

"Otherwise the food will be cold later!"

Cecily responded normally, and William was also in a very good mood.

Quickly turned sideways and invited two people into the room.

The pain of not being able to live with his true colors for the past few months is finally over, how could he be unhappy!

ps: Thanks to Zero Mo Yuanyuan Sun for the reward

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Chapter 150 Six Recognize Your Mind "4000 Words Seeking Subscription"

It was a very empty room, and there were tall giant rocks everywhere.

The 60-meter-high roof is covered with light bulbs, illuminating the closed space without a single window.


Zhao Hufeng yelled loudly, and he swooped forward like an aurora, clenched his fist with one hand and swung at the young man in the center of the battlefield.

Straight punch!

Side kick!



Zhao Hufeng used the fierce killing move to the extreme. The attack was like a storm, and even because of the too fast move, a series of sonic booms were formed in the air.

But it was this kind of attack that could only see afterimages, but was blocked one by one by the young man with one hand.

That relaxed and natural state was beyond imagination, he was actually fighting the "Tian Ke Wu Burial" Zhao Hufeng who won the runner-up in the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" and was known by the world as the world dragon unicorn.

Even the speed that Zhao Hufeng is famous for in Asterisk was completely suppressed by this young man.

Dust flying!

During the high-speed movement of the clothes, a large amount of air flow was poured in from the gaps, making a rattling sound.

"Hufeng, retreat!"

At the same time as the voice came, Zhao Hufeng pulled back abruptly and walked backwards.

Followed by spells that surged with star power one after another.

The spells were like bricks and tiles neatly arranged by craftsmen, wrapping the blond young man from head to toe.

From the outside now, it is completely impossible to capture the figure of the young man.

"Hurry up as a decree, decree!"

William could only hear such a sentence, and then his ears were covered by harsh beeping.

The star power attached to the talisman was activated instantly, and traces of blue current began to flow on the talisman paper.

"The compatibility is too bad!"

Standing in the center of the battlefield, William put his hands in his pockets after uttering these words from his lips.

Made a gesture of neither hiding, avoiding, nor defending!

Cecily, who was manipulating the spell, observed this calm look, and a big # appeared on her forehead.

"How dare you underestimate me!"


Zhao Hufeng didn't even have time to stop it, and Cecily gritted her silver teeth lightly, and she had already read the last words of the talisman.

The dazzling white light directly took away all the colors in the field of vision.

Only the sound of thunder that rang through the ears like a downpour told everyone whether the attack was over yet!

"Hey! Sister, if William is injured, what will happen to the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival"!"

Zhao Hufeng's complaining voice rang in Sexili's ear.

Cecily's lost sanity was also recalled instantly, and she regretted what she had done just now.

Then she sneered again, grabbed the corner of her clothes and said.

"No way! William is the one practicing against the master, I don't think he will be injured because of my move!"

That's why the two of them are playing against Willian here.

Yesterday, Fan Xinglu, who finally couldn't bear it, called William to the Xuanwu room and had a good fight.

However, neither of them used any powerful moves, almost all of them used fists and kicks.

After the battle, Fan Xinglu patted him on the shoulder with a satisfied face!

And said that if another four or five years pass, his physical skills should be able to reach the level of her heyday.

These two people were also the only spectators on the field at that time!

So at Zhao Hufeng's invitation, he played with these two people.

By the way, let's also appreciate Zhao Hufeng's kicking skills, which Fan Xinglu is full of praise for.

"The problem is that William didn't use the star power to defend!"

Zhao Hufeng waited anxiously for the thick smoke to clear.

He didn't understand why William was so entrusted with it. He had to know that even if their master wanted to take this "Thousand Strikes Thunder" move, he would have to mobilize all his star power to defend.

It's a joke to let go of all defenses and just rely on the body to resist.

Originally, he thought that Jielong could compete for the championship of "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" again this time!

Now that the protagonist is injured, isn't it all in vain!

"The power is very good!"

A dull voice sounded in the thick smoke, and the weak air current pushed the thick smoke upwards.

The open space that had been ravaged by lightning strikes was exposed, and the specially treated floor tiles were planed to reveal the land below.

The black fertile soil and gravel were overturned, forming deep pits that looked like bumps on the surface of the moon.

"is that a lie!"

The eyeballs of Cecily and Zhao Hufeng were about to fall out, and at least William was seriously injured as they expected.

At this moment, he was like a normal person, and the clothes on his body were not stained at all.

As if the lightning and thunder just now had nothing to do with him!

"The next time you attack me, don't use lightning spells."

"I'm immune to this thing!"

The sudden extra weight on the shoulders brought the two of them who had been completely stunned back to their senses.

Looking back at the same time, they couldn't help but wonder if their eyes were spent.

Obviously William was still standing in the desolate field, but who was this one who put their shoulders on their shoulders!


After walking out of the training ground, Cecily and Zhao Hufeng were still thinking about when they had the illusion.

As for William, he has already driven to another place at this moment.

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