Now his station location is Asterisk's international airport.

Looking around, there are black heads everywhere!

This is a grand occasion that can only be seen when the Xingwu Festival starts. People from all over the world will come to watch the event, which is only once a year.

He held up a sign with the name of the person he was picking up.

As for why he did such a troublesome thing, it was entirely because he didn't want to be surrounded by a group of women.

Although he has now mastered his charm ability, his appearance is still evolving every day. Even if he doesn't use his ability, it is still a fatal poison to many women.

That's why he hid his true face.

Now, he has seen the person he is going to pick up.

The little girl with short silver hair was looking around, and when she saw the card in William's hand, she immediately walked towards this side with a smile on her face.

"Hello, are you a friend of Senior William?"

The silver-haired loli looked timidly at the black-haired man in front of her!

〖The problem of being afraid of being born is still not improved! 〗

William put down the cards in his hand, and put his big hand directly on the silver-haired Lolita's head.

Just when the silver-haired loli wanted to free the big hand on top of her head angrily.

"Qirin, long time no see!"

The familiar voice froze the girl's body, which was about to move, and then spoke in a questioning tone.

"Is it Senior William?"

Qi Lin raised her head and looked at William's face with her big watery eyes.

"It's me! Why is it just you, Aunt Sword Teng!"

William's affirmative reply also reassured the girl, and her voice became cheerful, although she still didn't understand why the senior she had been longing to meet suddenly changed her appearance.

But that couldn't stop her joy at the moment.

"My mother was in a hurry and said to come back when the game started."

"Okay, let's go first!"

William nodded, stretched out his hand to grab Qi Lin's soft and boneless little hand, and shuttled smoothly through the crowded crowd.

Because of William's sudden movement, Qi Lin's face was also stained with two touches of red before she knew it.

〖Senior William's hands are so big and warm! 〗

My own hand was completely wrapped by William's big hand, and bursts of warmth kept pouring into my heart from the palm of my hand.

The girl's face was getting redder and her body was getting weaker and weaker, and now she was able to move forward entirely because of William.

"It's here! Hurry up and get in the car! Kirin!"

Stopping in front of a black car, William woke up Kirin who had completely let go of her thoughts.

"Ah! Yes!"

In a panic, she broke free and was still holding her big hand tightly, and the shy Qi Lin got into the car directly.

"This little girl!"

William chuckled, walked around the front of the car, opened the driver's door, and sat in directly.

This car is also a special car allocated by Jielong to Fan Xing to show up.

Of course, after William came to Jielong, Fan Xinglu lent him the key!

Now he likes rich women more and more. As long as her needs are met, he can prepare all the material things you need.

"How about it! Do you want to go out for a meal first! You must be very hungry after flying so early!"

William, who got into the car, canceled the "disguised line" and spoke to Kirin with his real face.


William put his hand in front of Kirin's eyes in doubt and shook it!

〖 its not right!I have restrained my ability very well! 〗

Flushed face, empty eyes, this state of losing sanity, isn't it the same state that those women looked at me when I was out of control!

〖no solution anymore! 〗

William untied the seat belt on his body, crossed the middle position, and placed his fingers on Qi Lin's forehead.


The instant pain on the forehead made Qi Lin cover her forehead subconsciously, and the memory began to go back.

Qi Lin directly lowered her head, and the sinking arc was even stuck firmly in front of her own moon.

From this angle, William can't see her face at all. The pink ears and the steaming heat allow William to appreciate her current state. Guess what!

"Sorry! Senior William!"

"I was distracted just now!"

"You're fine!"

William asked with concern.

Qi Lin shook her head desperately, her small hands tightly grasped the corners of her skirt, the original flat skirt was scratched into many creases by her.

〖I can’t say it! 〗

The more Qi Lin thought about it, the more sad and indignant she became!

I was stunned because I saw the senior I hadn't seen for a long time!

And although she is usually very shy, she is not an emotional idiot who knows nothing.

Covering his heart that was still beating violently with one hand, he carefully recalled the feeling as if it was about to explode just now.

She knows it all now!

What I have for Senior William is not a very ordinary feeling for seniors!

I want to be with Senior William!

William's powerful figure when they first met can only be said to have left a good impression on the girl's heart.

When he learned that this senior actually chose to participate in the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" with himself, a useless person, to help him.

This feeling has quietly begun to germinate.

The real reason for this feeling to sublimate in the girl's heart is William's meticulous care for the girl for more than half a year!

But soon, Qi Lin immediately put on a disappointed expression!

Because she knew that although she had strange feelings for William.

But when the senior looked at her, he only had a feeling of caring for his younger sister, and there was no emotion between a man and a woman.

Through the rearview mirror of the car, seeing Qi Lin's continuously changing expression, William was also at a loss.

"Is there anything Kirin would like to eat?"

"I can do it!"

Kirin responded in a low voice with some frustration.

"Then after lunch, why don't you go directly to Jielong for a visit?"

"It just so happens that Auntie didn't come either, so let's just stay in Jielong at night!"

"live together?"

Qi Lin's face instantly turned hot, and she looked at William in disbelief.

"how is this possible!"

The girl's exclamation made William frowned, casting a blank glance at this little guy who likes to think too much.

"Of course I'm talking about letting you live with Xinglu's female disciple."

"It just so happens that I recently met a worker...a nice guy."

"Go and ask her, she will definitely agree!"

"Oh, alright!"

Qi Lin nodded her head, obviously a little ashamed of William's suspicion just now.

But when William saw the expression on Qi Lin's face, the corners of William's mouth twitched!

〖What the hell is your disappointed expression! 〗

Now he can be said to only regard the little guy in front of him as his younger sister, so he didn't think much about it at all.

This is where preconceived notions work!

Otherwise, with his EQ, he would have already discovered what kind of emotion Qi Lin has for her.

"By the way, Kirin, you didn't bring "Senba Kiri" here this time, did you?"

William glanced at the girl's shoulder, and the sword bag that had been hanging on the girl's body did not appear here!

"I can't help it, 'Senhagiri' is too troublesome to carry!"

Qi Lin shook her head, and naturally touched her shoulder with her hand. The beloved sword she had been carrying with her suddenly disappeared, and her heart was empty.

"That's really troublesome!"

William also frowned!

"What's wrong? Senior William!"

Kirin asked curiously!

"I originally wanted you to meet Xinglu tonight. If your knife is not here, it will be a little troublesome!"

"My weapon has been recognized by the owner, and others can't use it at all!"

"Orion" only recognizes its use, and others cannot wield it at all.

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