Moreover, ordinary weapons are extremely poorly adaptable to star power.

If it is said that 90.00% of the power of the stars can be used by Huang-style weapons, ordinary weapons can only use about 30.00%.

But at this moment, it was already the best opportunity Qi Lin could find in the audience.


With the momentum of Liebo, the bamboo sword was raised from William's armpit, and the target was the school badge on William's chest!

The sound of the school emblem shattering did not sound as expected, but her bland bamboo sword tip easily penetrated the body of her beloved senior.

The bamboo sword just kept the posture of piercing through the chest, but the most weird thing is that there is no blood flowing out of the knife edge.


The sudden feeling of being touched by a hard object from her waist made Qi Lin shudder!

But the subsequent stroking on the top of the head made Kirin show a very reassuring expression.

"Senior, when did you replace your real body!"

The battle is over, and I have lost again!

But these are indifferent things, anyway, losing to Senior William is not an unacceptable thing.

The point is that I must immediately reflect on the mistakes I made in the battle just now.

Correct it in time, so that you can follow up with the speed that Senior William seems to be riding a rocket.

Yes, the current Qi Lin's motivation to promote her to become stronger is not only to save her father.

Being able to keep up with the progress of her predecessors is also the goal she has been working hard for now.

"Of course after releasing Bai Lei!"

"Otherwise, how could I show you such a big flaw!"

William flicked Kirin's fair forehead.

"You can hit such an obvious trick, but you usually have too few battles with witches and magicians."

Although it can be heard from the sentence that there is a sense of teaching, but from the tone of voice, there is no such thing at all!

Because William also knew very well that Qi Lin couldn't be blamed for this at all.

She grew up in the Dao Teng School since she was a child, and most of her daily sparring partners are disciples of the Dao Teng School and elders of the family.

Witches and magicians are quite rare resources, and Kirin's lack of experience in dealing with them is of course understandable.

"I see!"

Kirin nodded obediently!

It was only after William's reminder that she realized how abrupt William's action of releasing Bai Lei was.

He even put down the bamboo knife in his hand to lure her into taking the bait, making people think that he needs this special gesture to release this skill.

"Okay, turn your head around!"

After finishing the business, William put his hands on Qi Lin's shoulders, forcing her to turn around.

"Hey! What's wrong?"

Qi Lin was still a little confused, so she looked at William, but William's next action directly made the little girl blush, and her voice was a little stuttering.


William gently lifted the girl's silvery hair, but the black cutaway ruined the overall beauty.

"There was no need to move with such a small range of motion just now, my hair was burnt!"

There was a hint of blame in William's tone.

All his attacks just now were within his calculation range, and even the speed of the attack was deliberately slowed down by him.

The purpose is to let Qi Lin escape safely, and then fall into her own trap honestly.

But who would have thought that Kirin would choose this mode of action in order to quickly transform into an offensive!

"It's okay, it's inconvenient to have such long hair anyway, I'm about to get a haircut!"

Qi Lin didn't care about it at all, as a warrior!

Too long hair is quite inconvenient for movement, so she has had short hair since she was a child.

"Okay, then I will accompany you to the beauty shop tomorrow!"

"The first thing we need now is to go to the Master and get the results of your review!"



Zhao Hufeng put his hands behind his back, and his back was straightened by him!

The distortion of space is formed in the center of the hall, and the combination of one tall and one short also shows itself in the middle as the space gradually stabilizes.

The virgin who was sitting on the chair just now disappeared in the same place in an instant, and appeared in front of the short figure the next moment, looking up and down.

The girl was scrutinized by such explicit eyes, and she was also angry with a slight sense of fear. She subconsciously took a wrong step and hid behind the man.

"Okay, don't be afraid!"

"She is the 'Wan You Tian Luo', Fan Xinglu!"

He pulled out Qi Lin who was hiding behind him, and slapped Qi Lin's slightly curved back with his wide palm.


The physical contact made Qi Lin's face immediately stained with a faint blush, and the fear of being sized up by Fan Xinglu was also left behind by her.

"How is it? Stardew?"

William asked Fan Xinglu!

After all, no matter how satisfied she was with Qi Lin, it was still Fan Xinglu who made the decision.

"Ha ha!"

"very good!"

The satisfaction in Fan Xinglu's eyes was undisguised, and looking at Qi Lin was like looking at a peerless treasure.

In the carefree laughter, there is a sense of satisfaction and expectation.

"Sure enough, this is a good era!"

"Excellent materials popped up one by one, which was unimaginable in the era before the falling stars."

"It's great that I didn't choose to hide from the world like those old guys, but chose to join the world!"

Although the battle she has been longing for has been slightly satisfied by William!

But she never only pursues the satisfaction of one person.

Cultivating a steady stream of people who can satisfy her opponents is what she expects.

That's why after fighting William, she still chose to return to Jielong to continue her teaching career.

"Tootou Kirin, isn't it!"


After being called, Kirin immediately stood up straight, as if waiting for the commander to issue an order at any time.

But so is the truth!

At this moment, she was like a recruit preparing to join the army, and Fan Xinglu was the examiner in charge of assessing her.

Whether he can pass or not depends entirely on Fan Xinglu's thoughts.

"From today on, you are a disciple of Lao Shen!"

In the immature voice, he said quite old-fashioned words.

Immediately, her conversation suddenly changed, and the greedy eyes of the hunter when staring at the prey appeared in her eyes, and she spoke in a calm tone.

"To become Laoshen's disciple, you only need to remember one thing!"

"You don't need to think about anything else, you just need to keep improving yourself, and one day you will let your old body experience the joy of fighting."

Anyone who met Fan Xinglu for the first time would definitely be shocked by her words.

But regarding Fan Xinglu's character and pursuit, William had already explained it to Qi Lin like a bean.

So she had already made the preparations in her heart.

"I see, Master!"

ps: Thanks to Zero Mo for the reward.

Tomorrow, the Wanglong Xingwu Festival will start

Your Highness Diva, whom everyone has been looking forward to, will also make her debut

Chapter 150 4000 Sylvia Lunaheim "[-] Subscriptions"


Time flies like a fleeting moment!

Today, streets that are not normally crowded are packed with people.

The flow of people from all directions also converges in one direction.

The destination of these people is all one place, which is an extremely majestic dome-shaped building in the city center.

Sirius Dome!

In Asterisk, a man-made water city, there are many arenas, large and small.

During the opening period of the Star Martial Arts Festival, these battle facilities became the competition venues for all sub-divisions.

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