Because there is no limit on the number of applicants for the Xingwu Festival every year.

Many students who are not strong enough will also participate in the Xingwu Festival in order to exercise their minds.

As a result, every time the Star Martial Arts Festival starts, a large number of students will participate.

At this time, the usefulness of these battle facilities is reflected.

The students in the preliminaries will be divided into various groups, and only the students who have successfully entered the top 32.

To be able to compete in this Asterisk's largest battle facility - the Sirius Dome.

In order to accommodate people from all over the world who specially come to watch the game, the volume has been fully expanded to accommodate 10 people.

"Mom, hurry up!"

"Senior William's match is the first, don't waste time!"

The silver-haired Loli urged her mother who was still hesitating in front of the food stall.

"I know! I know!"

The woman chose a bucket of popcorn in front of the food stall, and followed her angry daughter.

"Alright! Kirin!"

"Mom, if you pay attention to the time, try it quickly. This popcorn is quite delicious."

Daoteng Qinye took out a piece of popcorn and put it in front of her daughter's lips.

Qi Lin also gave her an angry look, and then ate the popcorn in one gulp.

When eating, the pink cheeks are still bulging.

Like a squirrel saving food for the winter.

Looking at this alone, there is nothing wrong with William's evaluation of her as being like a small animal.

Today's "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" finals opened here.

The auditorium is already full of eagerly looking forward to the audience!

On the huge stage in the center, it is the arena where the students fight.

The opening ceremony of the top 32 competition has started and is running!

At this moment, the magician who performed the magic has just stepped down.

The lights of the entire venue suddenly dimmed.

In the middle of the stage, a small circular stage is slowly rising. The lights that were turned off just now have all been reopened at this moment, reflecting the figure of the woman on the stage.

Her long purple hair reached to her waist like blooming violets.

With her exquisite face, it is no exaggeration to say that she is a fairy descended from the sky.

The costumes that closely adhered to the girls' curves perfectly reflected the unevenness of the women on stage.

After a brief silence, there were thunderous cheers.

The audience cheered one after another, enough to become violent cheers resounding throughout the venue.

The atmosphere at the scene has been heated to the highest point by the woman in front of her on stage.

At this time, inside the player-only lounge.

Zhao Hufeng was staring at the space window obsessively, waving a light stick that would only be handed out by the audience!

William looked at this completely different from usual, and the serious Zhao Hufeng laughed.

Then he set his eyes on the girl who was waving on the stage, and she was wearing white lace gloves with her small hands, and he murmured.

"Sylvia Luneheim...!"

This is the idol and singer who is well-known throughout Asterisk and even the world.

If she considers herself number two, no one will dare to say she is number one.

At the same time, she is also the first in the sequence of Quinnville Girls' Academy in Asterisk.

Her title is—"Warrior Witch"

She is also one of the contestants of the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival".

Each battle of less than 5 minutes also showed her strong personal strength.

William also slowly closed his eyes, preparing to listen carefully to the beautiful singing voice of the world's number one singer.

Just when William blocked his sight.

The girl on the stage, Sylvia directly opened her hands.

The slender and white jade arms are like the wings of an angel, embracing the world.

The next moment, the girl's cherry red lips parted slightly!Smiling and moving singing followed.

"——雨雨り木鼻れ日鸿 (Drizzle rain patters between leaves, warm sun and brilliant iridescence)"

"——いつしかはぐれた青い鸟 (Since when did the flying blue bird lose its direction)"

"——ほらごらん光とらの枪 (Look at the track of light and dust)"

"——今飞び立とう (Let's spread your wings now)"

"——见のいい地方から (in a place with a wide view)"

"——见渡すこの世界で (Look at the present world)"

"——新しいseasonには (in a brand new season)"

"——そっと名も知らぬ花が咲く (Anonymous flowers bloom quietly)"

"——またここで会いたいな (I hope to meet you here again)"

This song is like an intoxicating poison, even if it's just listening to it for the first time, it's easy to make people intoxicated and crazy about it.

The Sirius Dome, which can fully accommodate 10 people, no longer has the slightest noisy sound.

All that can be heard is the girl's light, soft, and ethereal singing voice.

"This kind of singing really makes people suspect that she is using magic to cheat!"

William closed his eyes, savoring carefully!

Sylvia's singing contains the divergence of star power.

But it's definitely not the mind control spells that those rumormongers are talking about.

The effect of this song is to relax the listener's body.

William only listened to two or three sentences, and easily analyzed the ability of this song.

This is why she is called the "Warrior Witch".

Sylvia's ability is omnipotent, she can manipulate all elements to cause any phenomenon by singing a song containing impressions, but the healing ability is not included.

The stronger the ability, the greater the star power consumed. All songs must be written and composed by myself, and a song can only use one ability.

"Indeed, as Xinglu said, she has the ability to grow into a top witch."

Now, there are only two people in Asterisk who are capable of standing in the same position as Fan Xinglu.

The first one is the champion of the previous "Wanglong Xingwu Festival", Sequence No.1 of Levov Black Academy.

"The Lonely Witch" - Ophelia Randolphin

The upper realm "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" won the championship with a crushing situation.

The second one is the current captain of the Asterisk Guard. She even represented the Star Guidance Academy back then and won the second consecutive championship in the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival".

"Witch of Time" - Helga Lindovall

He heard from Fan Xinglu that she often went to trouble her!

For a fighting chance!

There are also victories and losses between the two, and no one can dominate the other.

As for Silvia, in Fan Xinglu's opinion, she is a high-quality material capable of growing to their level.

Although that might not be a good thing to say!

But it is an indisputable fact that witches and magicians have higher potential than ordinary star pulse generations.

The specifics can be seen just by looking at the current "Six Worlds Temple" and "Poetry Mead".

The top ten on the list are almost all witches and magicians, and the rest of the people who can stand out in this group can only be achieved by the Xingmai generation with pure star-like weapons.

But the Xingmai generation that can be selected by the pure Xinghuang-style armament is almost the same as the extremely low birth rate of witches and magicians.

Besides, the pure star-style armament is not as convenient as the natural abilities of witches and magicians.

Almost every pure Xinghuang-style weapon has its own minor flaws, and when using them, the user is also taking considerable risks.

Then why is Silvia so favored by Fan Xinglu!

This is entirely because of her ability "omnipotent".

The strength of the star force is the basis for judging the strength of a star pulse generation.

For witches and magicians, the strength of their abilities is the most important factor in judging their strength.

Why is the current Asterisk guard captain, Helga Lindovaal, so powerful!

Her innate star power beyond ordinary people is naturally the main point, but it is her ability that supports the source of her strength.

That is the manipulation of time!

She can control the time around her at will, and even her age can be changed as she likes.

So this is why she, who was clearly a ruthless person half a century ago, can still maintain a beautiful figure in her 20s and maintain her peak combat power.

Silvia's "Universal" is suitable for the same level as Helga's "Time Mastery", which is the highest level of a witch's ability.

Time flies by in this beautiful singing.

At the end of the song, the charming girl in the center of the stage also came down with the lights.

Just like the state when he appeared on the stage, as the lifting platform slowly fell, he gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

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