The audience at the scene seemed to have forgotten that this was actually the scene of "Wanglong Xingwu Festival", and regarded it as Silvia's personal concert.

They all shouted Encore together!

I hope the girl will not end her singing so easily!

Even Zhao Hufeng, who is usually full of martial arts posture, kept waving light sticks in the lounge, with a reluctant expression on his face.

"Okay, Hufeng!"

"It's all over, just be quiet for a while!"

"It's about to start!"

William put his feet on the coffee table, and said helplessly to Zhao Hufeng who was still standing firmly in front of the screen.

When he looked at the space window just now, he saw it intermittently. The reason was that a thin figure in front of him split the screen into two.

"Ah! Miss Silvia's singing voice is really beautiful...!"

Zhao Hufeng didn't feel embarrassed at all when William said that!

Instead, he returned to his seat with a satisfied face, and praised his idol proudly.

The cheers of the audience continued!

At this moment, a ray of white light suddenly lit up and shone in a corner of the stage.

It was a man in his prime, with bright golden hair on top of his head, and wearing a suit and leather shoes.

Handsome appearance, coupled with the atmosphere of a mature uncle that has accumulated over time.

A little girl in the audience had already started screaming for it.

The pure black leather shoes made a crisp sound as they kicked on the smooth floor tiles!

The spotlight followed the man's progress, showing his tall and straight figure.

"Interesting, Hufeng, who is this?"

William raised his eyebrows and revealed a playful smile.

"Ah! He is the chairman of the operation committee of the conference!"

"—— Mathias Mesa!"

With such a long time buffer, Zhao Hufeng was somewhat out of the frenzied state just now, and then he stabilized his attitude and was able to explain to William.

"Hey! Hufeng, if I remember correctly, the chairman of the operation committee of the Xingwu Festival should be a very important position in the chaebol of the unified enterprise!"

"That's right! This should not be far away from the decision-making level in the chaebol of the unified enterprise."

Zhao Hufeng nodded in a daze, he didn't quite understand what William asked.

"Interesting, which Xingmai generation can also join the management of the integrated corporate chaebol?"

"No, I heard that this guy was also the champion of a certain "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" that year, and his wish at that time was to join the chaebol of the unified enterprise."

"That's why he can join the chaebol of the unified enterprise as the star pulse generation."

Zhao Hufeng tried his best to explain to William, but he only knew so much about Mathias.

That's all he got from asking Fan Xinglu when he participated in the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival".

"That's it!"

William narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly!

He didn't express his guess directly.

What he guessed was that Mathias got his position, and it wasn't justified!

Even if he took advantage of his wish and successfully joined the Conglomerate Conglomerate, it probably wouldn't allow him to climb to such a position at such a young age.

I'm afraid he should have some ability to control the spirit in his hands, which has affected the high-level people inside, so that he can be promoted so quickly.

However, William had no interest in exposing him.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with him.

Besides, for now, he still has a slight liking for Mathias.

He has long been a bit contemptuous of this somewhat deformed world.

Obviously, it is the Xingmai generation that controls the power in this society, but it is still ordinary humans who control the world.

But it would be fine if everyone lived in harmony, but now the general public in society is hostile to Xingmai generations and resigned to Xingmai generations, accepting those humiliating conditions unconditionally.

All of these things made him very uncomfortable.

He still appreciates Mathias, a person who can change his destiny by himself.

"William, what's wrong?"

Zhao Hufeng looked at William who suddenly got up from the sofa, and asked with some doubts.

"The speech will be over soon, it's time for me to go on stage!"

ps: Thank you acg Oriental Gardenia for the original sun love!Yae Sakura!A tip from Zero Mo

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Chapter 150 IX Wanglong Xingwu Festival Begins "4000 Characters Seeking Subscription"

"Okay, then, the first match of the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" 32 to the top 16 will officially begin!"

Mathias opened his arms and declared loudly.

There was also raging applause from the auditorium, and the enthusiastic appearance was not much worse than the atmosphere aroused by Silvia's singing just now.

"Then I'll leave it to Miko Ryase, the announcer of the Hexagram Broadcasting Company, to bring you the live broadcast."

"The commentary is brought to you by Ms. Fang Tingchang, an alumnus of the Seventh Academy of Jielong and the current minister of the Administration Department Aledfa."

The voices of two young girls came from the live broadcast room, and their youthful and beautiful voices were spreading through the speakers.

"Then now, let's invite our two contestants to come on stage!"

The columnar buildings on the east and west are activated like the suspension bridges on the ancient moat, forming a connection bridge with the main stage.

Countless spotlights hit the entrances of the contestants on both sides at the same time, and the faces of the two contestants appeared on the huge space window on the central stage at the same time.

The black-haired student from Heywolf Black Academy in the east was relatively normal when he appeared.

There was a symbolic applause from the audience in the auditorium!

But wait until the man with short blond hair in the Jielong uniform from the west appears on the stage.

The atmosphere at the scene immediately seemed to be ignited by fireworks, and the screams of the girls in the audience had completely drowned out the applause of the boys.

"Oh! You really deserve to be classmate Sfengel! You are still as popular as ever!"

"William Sphengel from World Dragon Seventh Academy is appearing here!"

"There is no sequence ranking in Jielong, but the preliminaries have been easily passed!"

"With his strong strength and handsome appearance, the girls in Asterisk have vaguely ranked him at the top of the list of most popular boys!"

Ryase Miko said with admiration, and at the same time she covered her chest with her hands, making a look of being deeply fascinated.

"About this, I am also very sorry!"

"When I knew that I was going to comment on this game, I went back to inquire about it."

"However, the only information I got is that Student Shifenger officially attended class at Jielong two weeks ago."

"The previous classmate Sfengel seems to have been traveling abroad all the time."

Fang Ting often scratched her hair, also looking very distressed.

She hasn't seen a player with such little information for many years.

Fortunately, in order to make the explanation better, she specially invited that annoying guy from the administration department to dinner.

In the end, the information she got was completely nonsensical, at least she didn't dare to speak nonsense without the nod from her superiors.

"Okay! Then let's pay attention to Mr. Sfengel's opponent!"

"Moritz Nessler, who belongs to the site otter consultation гEyes?/p>

"Ah! It seems that this should be a fierce battle between dragons and tigers!"

No matter who they are, they are quite convinced of the strength of the first 12 students of each school, although Moritz's journey to the top 32 is not easy.

But no one will doubt his strength.

And this year is also the first time for him to participate in the Xingwu Festival. It is the first time that he can achieve such a good result, and it is also worth looking forward to his future.

The arrangement of this game is also due to the careful consideration of the organizers.

While the singer was in charge of the finale to ensure the ratings, he, whose popularity was rising like a rocket, was in charge of the opening, stirring up the atmosphere.

But the first game ended too quickly and there was nothing to watch.

That's why they arranged for him a player who would make William a little tricky in their opinion, but would not affect his victory.

"Hmph! It's really annoying that a mere boy is so eye-catching."

Moritz, with black hair standing on end, looks a bit like a dead tree, but his eyesight is unusually sharp.

His tone can be regarded as polite, and the uniform on his body is also neatly dressed without any creases.

This is quite a rare thing in Heywolf, where the school spirit is extremely chaotic and open.

Although his position is only an accompanying runner among the first 12 players, he is still the first 12 members of Heywolf!

Such an existence was actually robbed of the limelight by a Jielong outside the sequence, how could this not make him complain and complain!

Especially the lazy attitude of the guy opposite made him even more angry!

Are you looking down on him!

"Then now, the game begins!"

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