"Explosive Flame Curse!"

Following Wu Xiaohui's order, the fireball closed instantly!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

The white beam of light directly penetrated the orange fireball and hit the wall, breaking a hole equal to the size of the beam of light.

Zhao Hufeng, who was recording the game, looked at the hole, and the corner of his mouth twitched.


A trace of emotion flashed across Wu Xiaohui's ancient well-free face.

As mentioned earlier, the floors of the training room are made of specialized materials.

That wall is no exception.

But such a wall didn't even block it for a second, and it was melted in an instant.

Just imagine, if this trick hits the human body, the consequences can be imagined.

That is definitely not even the ashes left!

Fan Xinglu grabbed the chair with her small hands, and the sound of her delicate Qiong nose inhaling became louder and louder.

"It's a good idea. If it wasn't for me, if ordinary people fell into this kind of killing array, they should have finished their game long ago."

The figure moves with the sound!

With the sound of howling wind, the straight knife slashing towards the waist did not completely escape Wu Xiaohui's perception.

Although he completely lost sight of William, the warrior's intuition and hearing helped him successfully determine the direction of the attack.

During the rotation of his wrist, he instantly erected the long stick to block it behind him.

Using the right foot as the central axis, he used the strength of the waist to twist the whole body, just as he was about to kick this powerful blow to William.

His body flew out completely uncontrollably, hitting the wall behind him heavily.

A mouthful of red blood sprayed out directly from his mouth.

It hurts!

At this moment, the fragile viscera in his abdomen were whining to him constantly. Even with Wu Xiaohui's tenacious character, this severe pain still made the veins on his forehead throb.

However, William didn't mean to give Wu Xiaohui a break at all!

"The "Self-acceleration Warlock" is activated!"

"[Roar! (Thunderstorm)!]"

Double speed blessing, coupled with his increasingly strong physical fitness.

It is still in the case of using star power to specialize and strengthen the speed.

William has enhanced the speed to the extreme.

In this short distance of 20 meters, he really used his physical body to do something similar to moving in space.

It is even said that his speed exceeds that of teleportation.

After all, teleportation still needs the time to build a warlock.

The simple short knife slashed straight at Wu Xiaohui's eyebrows, and the moves were full of ruthlessness.

If it is not known that there is no enmity between the two people, then these two people will definitely be considered by outsiders to have a life-and-death enmity.

Whether it was the fireball just now.

A beam of light piercing the wall.

It's still the same knife!

That is definitely a fatal move, if one is not careful, it will end in death.

The sharp light of the knife cut through the thick wall like cutting tofu.


A large number of sparks burst out again.

At the critical moment, Wu Xiaohui successfully fixed her dislocated viscera with her own muscles and regained her ability to move.

The raised stick picked up the dagger, Wu Xiaohui's broad palm turned into the shape of an eagle's claw, and grabbed William's face.

"Good come!"

While William was praising, Idle's left hand turned into a fist to meet him.

A loud bang!

The invisible shock wave spread out from the intersection of fist and palm as the center point.

The floor tiles that the two of them were stepping on began to crack with countless deep marks, and the broken floor tiles flew into the air.

Wu Xiaohui took a big step back quickly, maintaining the best attack distance for the long stick.

The muscles on his arms bulged, and countless black charms flew out of his pocket, tightly fitting on his body.


Ling Lie's stick shadow was released from Wu Xiaohui's hands with a whistling sound of piercing through the air.


Crisp strike!

The short sword about 50cm in length deflected away the stabbing long stick, and the faint light particles on William's left hand gathered in the palm of William's palm.

Three daggers exuding a cold aura suddenly appeared, and William caught them between his fingers.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The finished dagger shot out towards Wu Xiaohui, carrying a strong wind, tore through the air, and went straight to Wu Xiaohui's face and heart!

Wu Xiaohui's pupils shrank suddenly, and she quickly returned to the cage with her left hand holding the long stick, while her right hand held the handle of the stick at the same time!

At this moment!

The long stick was danced by Wu Xiaohui into continuous stick shadows, which stirred up wind like a tornado.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The three daggers were bounced off and fell to the ground at the same time, making a bang bang bang bang bang bang bang sound, and then they turned into pale golden light particles and dissipated in the air.

Wu Xiaohui, who successfully blocked the attack, did not see any joy in her eyes, nor did she take advantage of this momentum to bully her!

Instead, the fingers and index fingers were closed together, and the lips seemed to be muttering something in a low voice.

"Hurry up like a decree! Edict!"

William's heart began to beat violently, which was the most natural instinctive reaction of his body when he was about to be attacked.

At the same moment!

The gravel and rubble at the feet began to emit dazzling light, and the rioting star power scurry among the rubble.


The rapidly expanding white light extended a distance of nearly tens of meters, completely engulfing William's figure!

The heat waves and storms emitted turned into the most primitive thermal shock waves, constantly sending out fluctuations to the surroundings.

"Eldest brother, it's amazing!"

Zhao Hufeng looked at the sweaty man with admiration.

This kind of spiritual thinking that flexibly uses various venues and facilities in battle, he has never possessed this ability.

All he can do is keep training his fists and feet.

Compared to Zhao Hufeng, Fan Xinglu watched the game without saying a word.

Her immature face was also lost in thought, and she didn't know what she was thinking about at the moment.

After the explosion, Wu Xiaohui quickly retreated towards the edge of the field.

The training clothes that fit tightly to his muscular body are now in tatters, and there are holes everywhere that have been scraped open by sharp knives and wind blades.

The silky hair has also become messy, and even the face is covered with dust.

Just looking at Wu Xiaohui's current appearance, if you change his nationality to YD, you won't find any violations.

The sharp eyes are staring at the surrounding vigilantly, he knows that if this kind of pediatric attack is against other people, it may have the effect of winning with one blow.

But to deal with William, this can only be seen as a firework at best, and it will be of no use at all.

That's exactly what happened!

After the light and the smoke from the explosion dissipated, William stood at the center of the explosion unscathed.

However, the clothes on his body also suffered some unavoidable damage.

These are unavoidable.

In Fan Xinglu's eyes, Wu Xiaohui might be an out-and-out fool!

But whoever really thinks this way and fights him with this mentality is really a pig.

No matter what, he is also a ruthless person who has almost firmly sat on the second throne of the Jielong sequence, so he still has the strength he should have.

Besides, his ranking in "Poetry Mead" and "Sixty Thousand Gods" has always been in the top 20,

You must know that "Poetry Mead" and "Sixty Thousand Temples" are different from the lists made by each school.

They are a list that includes students from all colleges, and even graduates who have graduated.

As mentioned earlier, Helga Lindovall, known as the strongest witch of the previous generation, "The Witch of Time Law", came to the No.1 of these two lists respectively.

The strongest witch of the present era, Ophelia Landorufen "The Lonely Witch", is No.2 on this list.

As for the third place, of course it is Fan Xinglu, the current student council president of Jielong "Wan You Tian Luo"!

Of course, Fan Xinglu ranked No.3 entirely because she was too young to participate in the official Xingwu Festival due to the lack of exposure.

But because of this, everyone can also see how powerful the previous two generations of Wanyou Tianluo managed the name "Wanyou Tianluo".

That's why a virgin who hasn't publicly expressed her strength at all can be ranked third on the list.

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