
William did not choose to attack, but Wu Xiaohui was panting heavily!

Beads of sweat the size of peas kept slipping from the top of his head, wet his clothes!

"Xiaohui, don't think about dragging him into a protracted war!"

"That guy's retention of star power is a monster that I haven't seen in the past thousand years."

Fan Xinglu's timely reminder made Wu Xiaohui firm up in an instant, and she stretched out her big hand like a cattail fan to wipe the sweat off her forehead.

He didn't know why the master suddenly reminded him, but he wouldn't ask because of his dull personality.

Just follow the instructions of the master!

Reaching out his hand, he took out a spell engraved with strange patterns from his pocket.

All the star power in his body was mobilized by him, passing through his stomach and through his arm holding the talisman paper with one hand.

Star Power seemed to be free of money, and was poured into the spell in his hand like the endless Yellow River and Yangtze River.

"Xinglu, if you remind me like this, won't you violate the rules!"

William said to Fan Xinglu with a smile, although the words on his mouth were similar to blame, but there was no trace of anger in his tone.

"Heh, hurry up and use your ultimate move for my old lady!"

"Xiaohui's trick is not easy to follow."

Wu Xiaohui's move was originally based on imitating her move, and she knows its power best.

That's why she asked Wu Xiaohui to use this move, so that she could watch William's ultimate move first and relieve her increasingly restless mind.

William squinted his eyes, feeling the star power that was constantly gathering towards Wu Xiaohui in the space.

Wu Xiaohui really didn't have the ability to transform the star power from the outside into the star power in her body like him.

ps: Today is two more eight thousand words, the progress of the learning battle is really too slow, so I need to speed up a little

Krypton life code words have been prepared this month, and there will definitely be updates from time to time

So if you still want to give a reward, you can send a blade, and I will also take a gift of 8 cents

Chapter 160 The second chapter of the sky moving Vientiane "4000 words for subscription"

But like Fan Xinglu, he attracted the star power floating in the atmosphere to his side.

Then communicate and detonate in an instant, through which a powerful destructive move is created.

"Okay, let me show you!"

William dropped this sentence lightly!

The bursting thunder light instantly enveloped his body, feeling the silver snake continuously flowing from his internal organs, flesh and bones.

William held up his right hand, as if the surging currents were being driven away, all of them surged into his palm, forming a silver-white lightning gun.

"'Thor's Gun'!"

The huge "Thunder God's Spear" was held high in the air by William in this way. This appearance is easily reminiscent of the scene in ancient Greek mythology when Zeus released his own thunder.

There was a mournful sound of being torn apart in the air, and the occasional scattered arcs from the "Thunder God's Spear" would hit the ground, creating large potholes one after another.

Wu Xiaohui, who was on the other side, was also ready at this moment.

The hands holding the long stick were trembling slightly, and his light brown skin had turned blood red at this moment.

A black phantom actually appeared on the strong arm, and the appearance of baring its teeth and claws could easily be associated with the appearance of an ancient oriental dragon.

The whites of his eyes were already bloodshot, and normal people could tell that he was suffering from great pain, but his face was still expressionless.


Wu Xiaohui roared, and the long stick in her hand hit the ground with a bang.

The smoke that blocked the sight instantly enveloped half of the training ground.


A roaring roar came from the thick smoke, and immediately after, a huge dragon head rushed out of the smoke, rushing towards William's direction to bite.

William looked at the attack that seemed to wipe out everything, and he just waved his hand lightly.

When the "Thunder God's Spear" collided with the "Black Dragon".

The black dragon only persisted for a second or two before being penetrated by the "Thunder God's Spear" from its bloody mouth without any suspense.

The black dragon with its fangs and claws was torn into particles, and the scorching high temperature roasted it into residue, which dissipated in the air.

But even so, "Thunder God's Spear" still didn't stop its progress, and flew towards Wu Xiaohui without losing momentum.

Just when Fan Xinglu was terrified and was about to use the ground shrinking method to remove his disciples.

William's little finger moved slightly, and "Thor's Gun" immediately deviated from the original track as if it had been plugged into a remote control antenna.

Passed through the wall above Wu Xiaohui's head, and flew towards the vast blue sky.

William flicked his fingers directly, and a weak electric current burst from his fingertips.

"Wu Xiaohui, the school badge is damaged!"

"Game over! Winner William Sfeldl!"

The sound of machinery sounded in this dilapidated training room, and Zhao Hufeng, who was already in a daze, came back to his senses.

Although he often watched the battle between Fan Xinglu and Wu Xiaohui, he had never seen his elder brother being forced into this state.

An unbelievable thought arose spontaneously in his heart.

He subconsciously looked at Fan Xinglu beside him, trying to find his answer on her face.

But unfortunately, when he looked around, there was no one around him.


"Your move is called "Thunder God's Spear"?"

Fan Xinglu looked at William excitedly.

At this moment, she is like a child standing in front of the counter looking at a newly released toy, her eyes are full of light.

"Yeah! How about it? It's named after the trick he used in the battle between Zeus and Kronos in ancient Greek mythology."

"its not bad, right!"

William was also quite satisfied looking at his masterpiece.

The technical content of this trick is actually extremely low, but the only thing that needs to be done is to continuously compress the thunder into a ball, and frantically improve the quality of "Thor's Spear".

This is a move with higher quality and greater power.

"It's really good, it smells like the god-killing gun in the myth!"

Fan Xinglu also nodded in agreement. The simple way in William's move can be seen with her eyesight.

But this trick is because the principle is simple, but the actual operation is more difficult.

If you don't have the ultimate ability to control the power of the stars, if you want to control this move, you will be lucky if you don't get killed by the bomb first.

"It's a pity! If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have let you participate in the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival"."

"In this way, I can enjoy this delicious dish earlier."

Fan Xinglu said regretfully that if she hadn't seen William's move, she would still be able to endure it.

But now she couldn't bear it anymore.

In this regard, William can only laugh without saying a word.

"Alright! Alright! Go back to Huangchen Palace!"

Seeing William's expression, Fan Xinglu showed a bored expression and patted her little hand.

There was another whirlwind, and the next moment, they returned to the magnificent audience room.

With one leap, Fan Xinglu sat on his throne-like wide chair.

Looking down at his two disciples.

As for William, he leaned casually on the load-bearing columns supporting the beams of the house.

Although the two battles today did not consume him more than the weight he trained by himself, he still felt a little tired.

If Fan Xinglu didn't seem to have something to say, he would have gone straight back to his room.

"Tiger Peak!"


Zhao Hufeng immediately clasped his hands together and took a step forward, waiting for Fan Xinglu's order.

"You go announce the result of this game, and then put William's name...!"

When Fan Xinglu said this, he suddenly got stuck, and then cast his gaze on William.

"What title do you want?"

"It doesn't matter! Just pick one, I really don't have much talent for naming names!"

William shrugged. He hadn't named himself since Mayumi complained about his ability to come up with names.

After developing new moves, they are all named directly from the allusions in mythology.

It looks a little taller that way.

"That's it!"

Fan Xinglu was also lost in thought, and began to recall William's characteristics during the battle in his mind.

Time passed minute by minute, and after a while, Fan Xinglu's closed eyes suddenly opened.

"The registration title should be called 'Tiandong Vientiane'!"

After Zhao Hufeng took the order, he immediately went out to carry out Fan Xinglu's order.

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