And William admired Fan Xinglu's naming ability very much.

In fact, all the titles of Fan Xinglu's disciples were named by Fan Xinglu himself.

And every name is quite nice.

"Ba Wu Xing Jun", "Thousand Flowers of Thunder Halberd", "Tian Ke Wu Burial"...

At least the title "Sky Shaking Vientiane", he thinks it sounds much better than his "Thunder Emperor" in the evil world and "Thunderbolt" in the earthly world.

After all these matters were resolved, Fan Xinglu set her sights on her first disciple.

"Xiaohui, do you know why you lost so badly?"

William raised his eyebrows.

A trace of bewilderment flashed across Wu Xiaohui's eyes, and she looked at Fan Xinglu with some puzzlement, not understanding why her master said that.

Looking at Wu Xiaohui's expression, a trace of impatience flashed in Fan Xinglu's eyes!

"It seems that you still don't understand!"

Fan Xinglu sighed softly, then shook her little hand.

"Forget it, you go down!"

"Pack up your clothes and make me tea!"

"Yes, Master!"

Wu Xiaohui knelt down on one knee, clasped her fists in the same salute, and then backed out.

"Then I'll go back too!"

William yawned, and after greeting Fan Xinglu, Fan Xinglu nodded and sent William back to his room.


As night fell, the city that was noisy during the day was quieted down.

The silver-white moonlight scattered on the bed in the room through the large glass ceiling.

The person sitting cross-legged on the bed was shrouded in the pale moonlight, and the imprint of the moon wheel between his eyebrows exuded a mysterious brilliance.

If anyone could see the flow of all elements in William's body, he would definitely roll his eyes out of shock.

Because he is constantly compressing the star power that should exist in the cells of the Star Vein generation.

This technique is like the "Thunder God's Lance" that William just released.

The difference is that one is operated outside the body and the other is operated inside the body.

You know, this technique is very dangerous.

In the process of compressing the universal element, it is equivalent to that you have to tame the violent universal element and let it follow your orders to condense together.

If a link is not handled properly, and the star force is out of control and starts to flow around, an explosion is the only possibility.

However, William also used this technique in his body, which meant that if William lost control, then he would definitely end the game.

"Is there still no successful communication!"

After William sighed, he collapsed on the bed, thinking weakly.

Ever since he came to this world, he has been thinking about how to communicate with the original stone of omniscience on the moon.

According to his understanding, that rough stone should actually be the source of this world, the source of the proliferation of Wanyingsu.

It's just that it has been in an unopened state, which led to the fact that there were very few people who could absorb the Wanyingsu cultivation before the falling star rain.

Because that thing is just a small amount of energy dissipated from that rough stone.

If the passage between the two worlds hadn't been opened by accident, it would probably take quite a while for the rise of Wanyingsu in this world.

In fact, he could still feel the energy escaping from the rough stone on the moon.

His body also showed a great affinity for that energy.

But what bothers him now is that he doesn't know how to communicate with that rough stone.

Normally, he now communicates with all the elements in the air by relying on his own mental power to guide those all elements.

But the problem is that this method cannot be equated with application!

No matter how powerful his mental power is, it would be too nonsense to want to extend the ditch to the moon far away in space.

This method of compressing Wanyingsu started when he simulated the characteristics of Wanyingsu on the moon.

He also hopes to use this method of getting close to Wan Yingsu's interest, and then try to see if he can communicate with the original stone.

In fact, there is still a very simple way, which is to go directly to the moon on a rocket.

In that case, he can choose a method according to local conditions.

But the problem is that the current situation does not allow them to do so.

The current development of the world can be said to be quite deformed. Many high-tech products are emerging one after another, and many problems of the old century have been successfully overcome by them.

But spaceflight, which was already common in the old century, has made no progress in this world.

Not to mention landing on the moon, they have only developed one decent rocket over the years, and it was destroyed in an accident.

Since then, no one has proposed a research project in this area.

So this is also the reason why he chose to follow Fan Xinglu's request and participate in the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" after learning about this.

If his other attempts are unsuccessful, then he will choose to use this desire to set up an aerospace project and join it.

With the knowledge in his head, as long as he can find alternative materials, it only takes two years for him to build a mature space rocket.

"Forget it, sleep and sleep!"

Abandoning the redundant thoughts in his mind, William closed the glass roof above.

Within three or four breaths, he fell into a deep sleep.

During this period of time, he will keep this rest time, and will not practice all night and all night like before.

Because if he doesn't get enough rest, his ability to control all the elements in his body will be weakened, and he doesn't want a self-explosive bomb.

Time flies by!

The fact that William defeated Jielong's "Bawuxingjun" was also spread the next day.

Here I still have to sigh, Zhao Hufeng's work efficiency.

The name "Sky-moving Vientiane" can also be said to have caused an uproar. You must know that personal names are almost all based on the characteristics of their abilities.

The title of William naturally aroused doubts from many unknown people.

Until they clicked on Jielong's public battle video, and the game screen when they played against Moritz at the Sirius Dome.

The lonely figure that caused Tianlei was deeply imprinted in their eyes.

So far, no one has voiced any objection to his title of "Sky-moving Vientiane"!


"Sylvia, can't you really think about giving up again!"

The empty chairman's room looked cold and monotonous. Although the owner of the office had a smile on his face, Sylvia didn't see any emotion on that face.

"No! What I'm after, Pedora, you should be very clear!"

Silvia answered tirelessly, and her attitude has never changed.

Because she doesn't need to change, she is different from other Quinnville's students, she still has a high degree of control over herself.

At least the chaebol of the integrated enterprise cannot directly order her, and most things are discussed with her.

"I see, I'll try to move around again!"

Pedora, who had been expressionless, sighed humanely, and then made a call.

ps: Thank you ZERO MO, I will always love Kuangsan

Like harem anime Elt Lucy Brunstadt

Gazing at the history and looking at the future, little bird

A tip from Chixin Baiyun

There will be an update tomorrow

Chapter 160 4000 Let me teach you how to cook "[-] words please subscribe"


In the underground parking lot of the Sirius Dome, William sneaked out from the entrance with difficulty.

Zhao Hufeng was leaning against the wall in the corner, and the silver-haired loli Qilin Jiang and her mother Daoteng Qinye were also standing beside him.

"How should I put it! What a hard work!"

Zhao Hufeng looked at William, whose clothes were disheveled, with messy hair and a lipstick mark on his neck, and said with a smile.

"Senior William gives it to you!"

Qi Lin immediately handed over a delicate handkerchief thoughtfully. The faint scent of jasmine on it could tell that it was definitely Qi Lin's close-fitting handkerchief.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have driven here by myself. After all, how did my license plate number leak to the media."

William cast an angry glance at Zhao Hufeng who was gloating at his misfortune, then took the handkerchief from Qi Lin and wiped it on his neck.

"This is also unavoidable, so don't worry about it!"

The smile on the corner of Zhao Hufeng's mouth remained undiminished, and he waved his hand.

William also knew that this was the fact. For now, he only needed to use his true colors to appear on occasions other than Jielong.

In less than 10 minutes, there will be many strands of breath locked on him!

I have also taken the initiative to go to remote intersections many times, and actively seduce them to attack me.

But those people never seized the opportunity to attack him, so William judged that they were indeed purely collecting information about themselves.

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