Maybe they also wanted to attack themselves!

But after seeing his current strength, he should also realize that this is impossible.

From this point of view, it is only natural that his license plate number was exposed.

But he really didn't expect that these people would reveal this to the media.

If you let him know which bastard did it, he will definitely show him some color.

——Hey Wolf Black Academy, Student Council President's Office

"Very well, you go down first!"

Di Luke, who was sitting on a large chair, rubbed the space between his brows, and waved away the silver-eyed cat who was reporting work.

The Black Cat Agency is an intelligence agency affiliated with the Black Wolf Academy.

Originally, this organization was normally controlled by "Yangxue" behind Black Wolf Black Academy, but since Di Luke became the chairman of the student union, the right to use this organization has been divided by Di Luke.

The members of the Black Cat Organization are code-named "Cat".

Those whose activity range is outside the academy are called "golden eyes", and their combat effectiveness is relatively strong, but their intelligence collection is weak.

Those whose activities are within the academy are called "Silver Eyes", and their combat power is relatively weak, but their intelligence gathering capabilities are strong.

"I hope it can cause some disturbance to this guy!"

Di Luke's eyes narrowed, and the space window in front of him listed all kinds of information about William.

It's not that he didn't think about sending the golden-eyed cat directly to weaken William's combat power and pave the way for Ophelia's second consecutive championship in "Wanglong Xingwu Festival".

But he is not a fool without eyesight!

Although he is an ordinary person, he can still understand the energy level displayed by William.

That is definitely the same level of power as Ophelia in his hands. With such a reference, he still knows what kind of fighting power he has for that level.

The fighting strength of the golden-eyed cats is definitely not weak, and it can even be said that each of them has the ability to compete with the top ten in each academy.

But such people have no resistance at all in front of them, no matter how many people increase, the result is the same.

Then he would naturally not do the stupid thing of cutting off his own arm.

"Kuinville, that damned woman!"

The veins on Di Luke's forehead suddenly bulged, and his fat hands also clenched their fists and hammered them on the table.

But when he was furious, a sudden chill hit the top of his head from his tailbone.

"Koronai come in quickly, I want to divination!"


——Queenville College, the director's office.

"Have you adjusted the players' battle tables again?"

The crisp voice like a lark echoed in the empty room, and the cherry red eyes were fixed on the adult woman on the sofa.

The pink cheeks were also swollen high, like a puffer fish that had exploded.

This cute look, if anyone takes a picture of her now, it is estimated that it will be auctioned for a high price in the world.

"No way, Sylvia, you have to be clear!"

"We cannot accept that you are ranked below the runner-up."

"If you don't choose to retire anyway, we can only pay a higher price to mobilize the match list."

Pedora put down the work she was busy with, and turned to look at the girl who was questioning her.

In fact, just looking at her appearance, this is definitely a beauty with high scores in all points.

But that seemingly devoid of humanity face is enough to make people lose interest.

"However, this is very unfair to others."

Silvia's beautiful eyebrows were tightly frowned. She also wanted to get good grades, but she hoped that this was achieved through her own efforts, not through petty tricks.

"Don't be self-willed, Sylvia!"

"You should be very clear! You have no chance of winning against the two of them!"

"So if you want to get good grades, you can only do this!"

"At this point, I will not allow you to play petty temper again."

Pedora's voice suddenly increased a little, and they, Kui Enweier, have invested a lot of resources for this competition.

Especially after the top 32, the price they paid for changing William's battle group was quite high.

Even if they were baby Silvia, they would not allow her to have any other thoughts at this moment.


Sylvia bit her red lips unwillingly.

A sense of loss welled up in her heart, because she knew very well that what Pedora said was right.

She is very confident in herself, and specially prepared three new songs for this competition to deal with Ophelia.

But even so, her winning rate is less than 3%, and this comparison is still of Ophelia's strength three years ago.

In the past three years, even a fool can know that it is impossible for Ophelia to not have any growth.

This is the same for William, who is similar in strength to Ophelia.

And even if she was lucky enough to win William with her hole cards, she would have nothing to do with Ophelia when the hole cards were exposed.

Seeing the girl's disappointed expression, Pedora's attitude softened a little.

"From another angle, if we hadn't changed your grouping at the beginning, maybe Jielong's "Sky-moving Vientiane" should have been against "Lonely Witch" in the first place!"

——Sirius Dome, Players Lounge

At this moment, William has changed into the brand new school uniform brought by Zhao Hufeng, and he has thrown the previous one aside.

There are still two hours before his game.

Through Fan Xinglu's relationship, they released Qi Lin and Daoteng Qinye, allowing them two non-academic personnel to enter the players' lounge.

As for why such a troublesome thing was done, it was entirely because of the box placed in front of William.

"I~ think about it, give~ give!"

Qi Lin's face was flushed, and her already somewhat shy temper had been brought to the extreme by her at this moment.

"This is the bento that Kirin and I made for you!"

"Yesterday, Qi Lin asked me how to cheer for Mr. William, so I recommended this method."

Seeing that the girl was shy and unable to say a complete sentence for a long time, Dao Tengqinye took the words directly.

Her confident look at the moment was also in stark contrast to Qi Lin who kept her head down and nodded.

In this regard, William is also a little dumbfounded!

At first he thought there was something important in this box!Let Dao Tengqin Ye Shen be mysterious and keep Qi Lin from telling him the truth.

If you insist on asking him to find a private space to open together, the result is just a bento.

However, it was the girl's kindness after all, and William put his hand on Kirin's head as usual and rubbed it.

"Thank you, Kirin!"

"Then I'll start now! I just haven't eaten breakfast yet!"

William opened the lid on the bento box, and the corners of William's eyes, who were expecting this, twitched indiscernibly.

The bento box is actually quite big, about 30cm wide on all four sides.

Normally, such a large bento box should be filled with cold dishes, and the second layer should be staple food such as rice.

It's a pity that the two-tier bento boxes are filled with rice balls, and the shape is distorted.

From the appearance point of view, it must not be called good-looking against one's will, but because of this, William can still feel the creator's intentions.

"No, sorry... I'm a bit clumsy!"

When she showed her dishes to William, her face turned redder all of a sudden, and her lowered head kept secretly looking at William, for fear that he would show dissatisfaction.

"No! Isn't this very good!"

Dao Teng Qin Ye was different from the shy Qi Lin, she didn't think there was anything wrong with this rice ball.

In fact, according to the normal theory, this woman who claims to have been practicing bridal practice has been married for more than ten years, and she can't even make a simple rice ball well, so she should feel ashamed.

"It's okay, the appearance of the food is not very important, the taste is more important."

William smiled gently, and then gently patted Qi Lin's head.

Then, as if to prove his words, he reached out and grabbed the rice ball in the bento box, put it to his mouth and took a bite.

Qi Lin's expression immediately became tense, and Daoteng Qinye, who had shown a confident attitude just now, also moved slightly.

"not bad!"

After taking a sip of the tea that Kirin had thoughtfully prepared in a thermos, William expressed his feelings sincerely.

Listening to William's praise, both Qi Lin and Daoteng Qinye smiled.

In fact, don't look at the appearance of rice balls, but in fact, the taste inside is not bad at all.

"Hmm! It seems that my bridal practice has indeed paid off."

Dao Tengqinye, who was relieved, also started to talk nonsense again. It took more than ten years of practice to reach this level. William didn't know where her self-confidence came from.

Qi Lin is also quite critical of Daoteng Qinye's attitude.

"But mom, I obviously want to cook more proper meals."

Dao Tengqinye coughed a few times because of her daughter's dismantling, and her fair face also flushed a little.

"Rice balls are the food that can most inspire fighters on the field."

"When your father is on the court, he will eat the rice balls I made and win."

"Okay, let's eat together!"

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