"Hufeng, don't sit by the side, I remember you didn't have breakfast either!"

William looked at Dao Tengqin Ye who was already embarrassed and smiled, which seemed to stop Qi Lin from continuing to expose his mother's lies.

At the same time, he turned on the TV set in the room, and the space screen was directly turned on near the wall.

It also happened to be the time when William's first two games officially started, so everyone had breakfast while discussing the game.

During the period, Dao Tengqinye's performance also surprised Zhao Hufeng.

Because Daoteng Qinye, who looked like an ordinary person at first glance, was able to analyze the Xingmai generation competition quite well.

"Kirin, do you still care about the shape of rice balls?"

William said while looking at Kirin who had been holding back his mouth for a long time and looked at Fantuan with an unclear expression.

"Well, I will try my best. Next time, Senior William, can I try the rice balls I made?"

Qi Lin looked at William with eyes full of expectation. Obviously, this failed work made her quite concerned about this matter.

"That's it!"

William smiled slightly, then asked.

"Qirin, do you like to cook?"

"Well, it's kind of interesting, but I've always been clumsy and I haven't been able to do it well."

Kirin hesitated for a moment, then recalled how she felt when she was kneading rice balls, and nodded vigorously.

"In this case, Qi Lin will come to my place for dinner in the future!"

"How about I teach you how to cook then?"

"Mr. William, can you cook?"

William's words immediately caught Dao Tengqinye's attention, and her attitude was very surprised.

In this regard, Toto Kirin's attitude is similar.

After all, in Japan, the fact that men can cook is similar to the fact that giant pandas walk all over their country.

No matter how loving the couple is, the man will never cook when he comes home.

At most, they just help their wives with housework.

"William's cooking can be said to be delicious!"

As soon as he mentioned this, Zhao Hufeng became excited!

"By the way, if you start cooking in the future, can you take me with you?"

Zhao Hufeng quietly swallowed his own saliva, recalling the dinner that day, the glutton in his stomach began to faintly move now.

ps: Thanks to Zero Mo, I am very gentle, abandoning the pit type Guying fate Xingyue for sending the reward

Thank you Titi for the ten blades

Today two more 8000 words

Chapter 160 Four Return to Netherland VS Celestial Crusaders "4000 words"

After all, what William cooks is the purest Chinese food, and the taste is just right for Zhao Hufeng, a ZG person.

"Then trouble you!"

Qi Lin immediately agreed excitedly.

It doesn't really matter whether she learns cooking or not, just being able to cook with William is enough to attract her.

Even now she has started to fantasize about the picture of her standing in the kitchen with William.

"Hey Hey hey!"

Seeing that William ignored him at all, Zhao Hufeng scolded William again.

William ignored Zhao Hufeng's small movements as if he didn't feel it.

Just kidding, why did he add an extra rice worm, and suffer so much more trouble!

At this time, the competition on the space window has just come to an end.

Zhao Hufeng didn't worry about what happened just now, and his expression became serious.

"William, come on!"

"The poison of "Lone Poison Witch" is not that simple."

Although he knew William's strength very well, Ophelia was not a weak hand, plus her poisonous gas that could corrode everything.

It was only natural for Zhao Hufeng to tell William to be careful.

"Senior, come on!"

Qi Lin didn't say anything else, she just said in a low voice with her blushing face.

"Come on, Mr. William!"

Daotengqinye made a gesture of cheering for William.

"I know!"

William replied to them with a reassuring expression.


"Hi everyone, this is the 24th "Wanglong Xingwu Festival", the last match of the quarterfinals."

"This game will still be broadcast live by my ABC announcer Liang Lai Mizi."

"The commentary will be handed over to our newcomer announcer of ABC, Nana Anderson, a graduate of Quinnville and the second in the original sequence, to bring it to everyone."

"Hello, everyone in the audience!"

"Then, for today's last round, the match will begin!"

The high-pitched live broadcast sound filled the wide stage.

Moments later, there was earth-shattering cheers in the arena, amidst countless dancing lights, William slowly walked onto the stage from the entrance.

"Everyone, the first one to show up is the second-ranked contestant from the World Dragon Seventh Academy, William Schevenel."

"Contestant Sfengel just defeated the "Ba Wu Xingjun" from the same school a few days ago, and successfully won the No.2 seat."

"Although we don't have a lot of information about the player Sfengel, his strength is absolutely beyond doubt."

"Wave your hand to summon the thunder, and master the natural changes."

"The relaxed and freehand look in battle, with a spotless victorious attitude, is worthy of the alias of "Sky-moving Vientiane"."

"Ah, by the way, the ranking of "Sky Vibrating Vientiane" has risen to fifth and fourth among "Poetry Mead" and "Six Thousand Gods"!"

"It can be said that he is one of the champion candidates of this year's "Wanglong Xingwu Festival"!"

Miko Ryase's sighing voice ended from the microphone, and another mature and charming voice immediately picked it up.

"The next one is Ophelia Randolphin, who ranks first in the Black Wolf Black Academy sequence!"

"When she was still a rookie in the last "Wanglong Xingwu Festival", she turned out to be the champion by force."

"Her powerful and invincible poison gas also won her the title of "Lone Poison Witch"."

"By the way, she is also No.1 in the lists of "Sixty Thousand Gods" and "Honey of Poetry"!"

It should be said that she is a graduate of Kui Enweier's background. Even though she didn't make her debut in her student days, she still looks unruffled when facing such a big occasion for her first job.

"Ah! Speaking of which, I didn't expect this game to come so early!"

Liang Laimizi seemed to be sighing from the microphone.

"Indeed, but it is precisely because of this that everyone can see the final battle in advance."

Nana shifted the topic of Ryase Miko from her kindness. Under Ryase Miko's confused eyes, Nana blinked vigorously.

Miko Ryase also understood the details immediately, and continued to add along Nana's topic.

Today, Nana was arranged to commentate on this debut, and she was also instructed by Pedora behind her.

Its purpose is to achieve the level of field control, so that everyone will not easily associate it with Kui Enweier.

However, none of this has anything to do with William.

Because he now finds that the girl in front of him is quite interesting after the real face-to-face.

The opponent was wearing Lewolf's uniform, other than that there were long gloves covering the elbows.

Under the short skirt, the knee-high pure white pantyhose wraps those slender thighs.

Ruby-like bright red eyes.His eyes were like a red moon inlaid with an ominous symbol.

And that snow-like long hair hanging straight down to the waist.

Seeing a girl, no matter who's first reaction should be to be attracted by the girl in front of him.

Because she is like an elf in a snow mountain.

But when you see the girl's eyes, everyone will stay away!

Even though she possesses such profound strength and astonishing beauty, there is an incomprehensible expression in her eyes.

It was an expression that appeared only after being abandoned, betrayed, and rejected by the world.

This expression is not unfamiliar to William.

But who did he get to see this expression from?

Those are the expressions that can only be shown on the faces of soldiers who have been tortured and finally abandoned by their own motherland.

William saw this expression, and that was when he was in the devil's world.

At that time, he often went to interrogate the spy's cell because of the mission of Jiudao's family, so he knew this expression.

But the question is, why does this supposedly high-spirited woman show such an expression!

Neither William nor Ophelia spoke, they just stared at each other.

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