The audience on the stage also stopped talking, and the whole venue was shrouded in silence.

"Game start!"

A mechanical sound echoed throughout the venue.

A sound like an explosion resounded on Ophelia's body, followed by violent star power gushing out from Ophelia's body.

The air vibrates, exuding a sense of ferocious threat like crushing everything and oppression.

"You are very interesting!"

"Obviously you have already made a posture of preparing to attack, but the sadness in your eyes is even more full."

"The word contradiction is very suitable for you at this moment."

William's words were like the torch that lit the keg of dynamite.

The raging and violent star power was unscrupulously released in Ophelia's body this time, and the space seemed to vibrate at this moment.

William could clearly feel that the flow of all elements in the atmosphere was becoming disordered.

Countless arms rose from under her feet like smoke, twisting with the wind like the hands of hell's death.

The purple-black body lingering under Ophelia's feet continued to erode the floor under her feet, making gurgling sounds.

"So that's what Xinglu said, she can create any form of poison through her star power."

"And this star power..."

William nodded, and then narrowed his eyes. At this moment, his body was also adjusted to the state of battle.

In fact, if it's just the ability to create poisonous gas, it won't make William vigilant.

No matter how toxic the poison gas is, he still has many ways to deal with it.

But what really set him off was the girl's star power.

Because the power of the stars when she shot with all her strength had completely exceeded his expectations.

To be honest, his star power is already beyond ordinary people, but the girl in front of him has surpassed him now.

If he wants to fight the star power with the girl in front of him, he can only do it at night.

You must know that star power can be transformed into various directions.

That is to say, during the day, this girl transforms her star power into defense, so she is the star pulse generation with the strongest defense power.

If she transforms her star power into attack power, then she will be the star pulse generation with the strongest attack power.

The same is true for other aspects!

This is the reason why she was faintly hailed as the world's number one witch by everyone in Asterisk when she first debuted.

"However, since the girl in front of me is so strong, why doesn't Xinglu have any interest in her?"

"never mind!"

Looking at the arm made of miasma, William also showed a trace of fighting spirit after a long absence.

"In this case, let's come again after a long time!"

He raised one hand above his head, just when everyone was wondering why he did this!

The word spirit containing the power of the stars was quickly read out of William's mouth!

"Let's dance! Let's dance! Soldiers of Thunder!"

"Bring Thunder, Thousand Thunders, Ten Thousand Thunders!"

"There is no eternal life in the world, only a momentary pleasure!"

Under the urging of William's words, the pitch-black cloud continued to expand and expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Abandon everything at this moment!"

"Those who are alive, you can't die yet, tonight will be a sacrifice once in a thousand years!"

"It's over! It's over! It's over!"

"Let all life wither and end, let the soul liberate and ascend!"

The faintly visible golden electric snake shuttled among the deep clouds, and the heavy oppressive feeling was like a huge boulder pressing down on the hearts of everyone present.

It was the first time that Ophelia's indifferent expression was moved, and the others felt breathless just by bearing the aftermath of this move.

But she was directly at the center of all the coercion. If she hadn't mobilized her star power in time to defend, then her miasma would have been crushed by this pressure just now.

"Taking off all the burdens and soaring between heaven and earth!"

"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!"

"Share this lightness, this dynamism, this freedom, this happiness with everyone!"

"Oh, death is so beautiful!"

The golden light in the sky was shining brightly, and there was a roar like a galloping horse.

"It's over, it's over, it's over, it's over!"

"Kill it, kill it, kill it, kill it!"

"Tonight is the once-in-a-thousand-year killing feast!"

"'Heavenly Crusaders'!"

The sky and the earth are filled with William's star power, no, this should not be William's star power,

It should be that William has now gained control of the world here, bringing all the elements floating in the atmosphere, air, and land under his control.

"what is this!"

An abrupt voice in the studio broke the dignified atmosphere, but that's it, the audience in the auditorium still looked like they didn't dare to show their atmosphere.

Because that dark cloud didn't just cover the playing field!

The auditorium is also covered by it!

"Then before we officially start the fight, let me ask one more question!"

"Why didn't you choose to attack directly when I was chanting the spirit of speech!"

William looked at Ophelia with interest, it was a very strange thing.

Even though his high-speed chanting has surpassed everyone in Olalie, it doesn't mean that he is over in an instant.

There was at least four or five seconds. Normally, everyone would choose to attack at this time and interrupt his chant.

He couldn't believe that Ophelia didn't see the power of his move!

"no need!"

Ophelia slowly raised her slender arms, and the poisonous smoke that was only moving around her began to expand rapidly.

Countless miasma arms swelled and grew stronger!

Each arm has become extremely fat and swollen, each arm is like a hundred-year-old tree breaking through the sky, soaring upwards!

"bring it on!"

At this moment, William felt that the fighting spirit in his whole body had been mobilized to the highest level!

A miasma arm that seems to be eating away!

The golden thunder carrying the might of nature!

The deafening roar and violent impact swept out like a storm at this moment, rushing in all directions!



The golden lightning poured down like a torrential rain.

Miasma's arm is constantly replenishing star power in Ophelia, condensing, and growing!

"Isn't that the only way!"

A slight smile flashed across the corner of William's mouth, and his raised palm suddenly clenched into a fist!

Tianlei no longer slashed at the arm that looked like a ghost from hell.

Some exploded out of thin air in mid-air!

There was shattering before William's eyes!

It was as if the smell of the atmosphere being burnt was lingering at the tip of William's nose!


The blue-haired young man quietly swallowed a mouthful of his own saliva.

Because he saw that there seemed to be something squatting there where the ground was scorched by lightning.

That body shape is like a lion, like a tiger, like a leopard.

The entire body is composed of golden thunder!

"—Return to Netherland!"

Ophelia whispered softly!

The black and purple arms were like snakes crawling on the ground, galloping quickly over the already dilapidated field.


The golden thunder beast let out a terrifying roar as if it had real life!

The giant golden claws that were still entwined with electric heat suddenly slapped forward, and the miasma's arm instantly disappeared as if it had encountered a natural enemy!

ps: Thank you for your support, if you have a ticket or something, just drop it to me!

Chapter 160 Five, The World's No. 4000 Magician "[-] words for subscription"

"Admit defeat! Don't continue!"

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