"If this continues, I will lose control of myself!"

A gleam of pain flashed in Ophelia's eyes, and ghostly miasma spewed out from her snow-white skin exposed in the air.

"Thank you for your suggestion, but sorry, I don't have this idea yet!"

Jin Lei exploded!

From the dark clouds that covered the sky, thunder fell continually,

Every Thunderbolt spawns a Thunderbeast!

The number keeps increasing!

Soon, there were not only thunder beasts like tigers and lions standing on the field, but also hundreds of flying thunder beasts like eagles and falcons in the sky.

The roar kept ringing!

The Ultralisks recklessly launched a death impact at that hellish ghost hand, they did not shy away from their own sacrifices at all.

Because the dark clouds hanging in the sky will continue to drop golden mines to replenish their numbers.

The ever-spreading poisonous smoke was contained under such a self-destructive attack!

Even the area where the poisonous smoke diffuses is constantly shrinking.

——Jielong Seventh Academy, between audiences with Huang Chendian

"Master, William should be winning soon!"

Cecily, who was still wearing the alluring school uniform, was watching the battle with Fan Xinglu.

"It's not that simple!"

Fan Xinglu, whose eyes were shining brightly, shook her head gently!

"Ah, but William has suppressed the "Lone Poison Witch" now, hasn't he?"

Cecily looked at Fan Xinglu with some doubts!

"The star power of "Lonely Poisonous Witch" did not appear to be unstable!"

Wu Xiaohui, who silently poured tea for Fan Xinglu, immediately explained to Cecily after receiving Fan Xinglu's eyes.

——Queenville Academy, Director's Office

"Did you see clearly?"

Pedora said to Silvia who was silent beside her with a blank face.

But it was these emotionless words that were extremely harsh to Silvia's ears, but at this moment she couldn't respond to Pedora at all.

Because now she can no longer confidently say that sentence, she has the ability to take victory from their hands.

Looking at it now, the strength she estimated was simply that those two people didn't use their full strength at all.

"I see!"

Silvia stopped talking, and her beautiful eyes stared at the picture unfolding through the space window.


An ominous premonition suddenly rushed into William's heart!

William, who believed in his own premonition, immediately chose to follow his own thoughts.

Using both feet brazenly, the whole person leaped into the air and stood on the Thunder Beast soaring in the sky!


Almost at the same time, the place where William was standing suddenly shattered!

Big hands formed by the condensed miasma sprang up out of thin air, eroding the specially strengthened floor.

There was more to it than that, and there was no miasma hand that won the bid to stir the wind and clouds in the air.

Suddenly, they seemed to have found their target, and those giant hands were like tarsal maggots, grabbing towards William with a disgusting breath.

"I didn't expect that she would still play burrowing!"

While avoiding the attack of Miasma Hand from high in the sky, William set his eyes on Ophelia's feet, and a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

There was no trace of the original battle field around her, the miasma melted the yellow ground and formed a bottomless pit with a diameter of about two meters.

The golden falcon fluttered nimbly in the air, and the golden thunder kept preventing Miasma's arm from approaching.

However, the changes at this moment have already begun to take place!

Jin Lei, who originally had a strong restraint against the miasma, now began to show signs of being corroded by the miasma released by Ophelia.

"It seems that we can't continue to drag on!"

At this moment, his star power has been consumed by less than half, and it is not beneficial for him to continue to spend with this girl who seems to have infinite star power.

Moreover, after Ophelia continuously releases high-quality miasma, the corrosiveness of the miasma has also been greatly improved.

Even Jin Lei, who is extremely restrained by miasma, has already begun to be corroded. If he is caught directly now, he may not be turned into a pile of bones in an instant.

"It's no wonder that Xinglu said that she is no match for Ophelia given the limited space."

Having made up his mind, William manipulated the golden eagle to fly directly above Ophelia, and then jumped down from the air.

In fact, even now, he still doesn't have the slightest doubt in his heart that he can win.

Because Ophelia's ability to use the power of the stars is too rough!

Her level of roughness is far inferior to the level she had just come into this world.

It looked like a young child holding a nuclear bomb in his hand.

It is easy to have unparalleled destructive power, but she has never carefully controlled its skills.

Miasma's arm looked at William, who was constantly falling in the air, and immediately split countless small hands from that thick arm.

But that's how small the arms are compared to their original size!

Even with their current size, it is more than enough to kill William with a single palm.

However, just when they were about to grab William and slap him on the ground!

"[Roar! (Thunderstorm)!]"

The black streamer burst out from William's body, and the moment the black lightning collided with the miasma.

The omnipotent miasma and smog can't even be easily touched.

Even the miasma contaminated by William Heilei began to disappear and shatter.

Faint particles of golden light converged into shape in William's hands, it was a silver bow.

This bow is very different from ordinary bows. It only has a bow body and no strings. Its whole body is silver, and it is engraved with incantations that radiate faintly!

William holds the bow in his left hand, with his right hand resting on what should have been the bowstring.


The black thunder light gathered in William's hand, forming a black arrow.

call out!

After the black arrow broke away from the bow, it turned into a jet-black beam of light.

Amidst the tearing sound of silk, the miasma that swept from all directions like a raging sea was directly pierced by this sky-reaching beam of light.

It's like a sanction from heaven, it's extremely spectacular!


Amidst the sound of the explosion, beams of light descended from the sky bombarded the ground, and the powerful storm blew up the scattered gravel on the ground.

The sea of ​​miasma formed by the poisonous smoke was also blown away by the terrifying storm. The miasma, which was originally maintained in a solid state with the power of the stars, also began to drift around without the supply of the power of the stars!

Ophelia, who was freed from the protection of the miasma, also showed her full body shape!

At this moment, panic appeared in her pair of red eyes.

The legs seemed to have lost their strength, and the knees softened and sat on the ground directly.


That's the sound of cracking!


It was a crisp sound!

A school badge bearing the coat of arms of Blackwolf College was split in half and fell to the ground.

"Ophelia, the school badge is broken!"

"The game is over! The winner—William Sfengel!"

The sound of machinery announced the victory of the game in time.


"Why do you want to sacrifice other people's lives for the sake of victory!"

Ophelia's eyes were full of grief, and she couldn't close her eyes now.

Because as soon as she closed her eyes, she would think of the heavy casualties caused by the spread of her abilities today!

Her poisonous gas is not something that can be easily dissipated.

Even if she has interrupted the output of her star power in time, the poisonous gas will still be kept in the air for a period of time.


Ophelia let out a mournful sound.

"Is this my lingering fate!"

William was a little confused by the sudden questioning!The dark clouds covering the sky were also quietly dispersed by him.

Fortunately, the voice of the broadcast finally came from the loudspeaker of the delayed future.

"Wow, this victory is really dangerous! I thought the worst thing was going to happen just now!"

Even from the horn, it seemed that Ryase Miako's frightened voice could be heard.

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