"That's right, if it wasn't for Contestant Sfengel who used his abilities to stop the spread of Ophelia's poisonous smoke in time."

"I think this time the trouble is really big!"

"I think after this competition, the protective measures in our auditorium should be strengthened."

Nana's tone also showed lingering fear.

"Okay, let's give our cheers to the winner of this competition, William Sfelder!"

Miako Ryase stopped the conversation going on!

The sound from the broadcast studio also seemed to reach Ophelia's ears.

She raised her sad eyes and looked at the audience who were still a little scared in the auditorium.

Although it was still the familiar look, it was not the hell on earth she had imagined.

According to her expectation, most of the people who should have been killed or injured are still alive and well, but there are many fewer people.

"You don't think I'll take action without thinking about the consequences, do you?"

William's mocking voice sounded in her ears!

"I have seen the problem of your low control ability a long time ago, and this situation is naturally within my expectation."

"That's why I sent Ultralisks to burn up the poisonous gas."

Obviously he helped this immature guy solve the mess by himself, but he was questioned in the end. Naturally, William couldn't have a good tone.

Ophelia also fell into silence, and of course there was no expression of shame on her face.

She just stood up silently, then bowed to William, then turned and left.

It's just that when she left, ripples began to appear in her pair of red eyes.

William who stood there was also lost in thought!

Ophelia just said 〖Is this her destiny!? 〗

And that extremely poor control of the star force made him want to explore the reason for it.

But thinking about his previous questions, the girl didn't answer all of them.

He didn't ask again!

"Forget it, go back and ask Xinglu to see if she knows what's going on!"

Thinking of Fan Xinglu's indifferent attitude towards Ophelia, he always felt that Fan Xinglu should know something about Ophelia's whole story.


Ophelia left the Sirius Dome all the way, and no one dared to approach her along the way.

In fact, she already had a strong reputation, and the incident that she couldn't control her ability just now had fermented rapidly!

This caused the reporter who had dared to contact her at a distance, but now he did not dare to approach her at all.

After all, although money and promotion are good things, they are still not as important as my own life.

At this moment, Ophelia's cell phone rang suddenly!

She pressed the switch button a little clumsily, and the space window opened in front of her eyes.

Di Luke's fat face also appeared inside, and a slightly low and angry voice came from inside.

"—Why did you stop at the last moment!"

Letting Ophelia dominate the "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" is a very important part of his plan, so the way Ophelia gave up resistance at the last moment made him very angry!

Ophelia's pink and tender hands formed a fist, and her silver teeth clenched her red lips.

"That would hurt other people—!"

"Those things don't matter at all, just push it to the accident afterwards!"

Di Luke choked up all of a sudden, even if he was not taboo about meat and vegetables, he still couldn't completely eliminate this vicious incident.

Although it would be good to completely push the responsibility to the Xingwu Festival Operation Committee, but he can't do that.

Because Mathias, the current chairman of the Star Warrior Festival Operations Committee, is his accomplice!

I don't know how long it took before the sound of Di Luke's tongue clicking was transmitted from the space window.

"In that case, come back!"

After finishing speaking, the space window in front of Ophelia closed on its own.

In this regard, Ophelia took another look at the blue sky and walked in the direction of Happy Street.

The moving figure behind her also showed that her whereabouts have always been under the control of Di Luke.

Compared to Ophelia, whom everyone is afraid of, William now can be said to be a hot piece of meat and potatoes.

William, whose popularity had already risen rapidly, now defeated Ophelia again.

The title of the world's strongest magician has been vaguely placed on William's head. As for who the champion of "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" is, they don't need to pay attention now.

Even Ophelia has been defeated, no one would think that anyone can fight against William in this "Wanglong Xingwu Festival".

——Queenville Academy, inside a certain practice room

Pedora turned off the live broadcast of William being interviewed in front of her, pulled the handle, and opened the glass door of the karaoke room.

"The competition is over, and it is William Sphengel from Kailong No. [-] Academy who won!"


Silvia didn't look back, and she was writing and drawing on the white paper with a ballpoint pen in her white hands.

Pedora saw the notes on the white paper with sharp eyes.

"Are you writing a new song?"

"Well, I won't sit still, even if the hope is slim, I will give it a go!"

ps: In case some people don’t know, I’d like to explain that Ophelia really has infinite magic power in this world because her magic power is the source of the star power that connects another world and flows into this world.

Thanks to Zero Mo for the five blades

Keli, the cutest in the world, is a tip from Yu Yu Xingchen fate Xingyue

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There will be updates from time to time this month!

Chapter 160 Six You Are Looking Forward "4000 Words Request Subscription"

Huangchen Palace, between Xuanwu

This is Fan Xinglu's exclusive practice room, and she will choose this place every time she and Wu Xiaohui practice against each other.

Of course, this is also where she teaches her disciples.

Now, Kirin held Senhagiri in her hand, Chibagiri's sword pointing down towards the opponent's knee.

This is the standard lower stance in kendo!

Chiba Kirin finally passed through the strict jurisdiction of the customs, and finally reached Kirin's hands.

Similarly, the opponent she faced was Zhao Hufeng, who was known as the fastest speed in Asterisk before William came.

At this moment, his left foot moved forward slightly, and his stride sank a bit, his fists were placed in front of his chest, as if he was ready to attack at any time.

As for Fan Xinglu and William, they were sitting on the high platform, watching the duel between the two.

"call out!"

Zhao Hufeng exerted his strength suddenly, his petite figure turned into a blurry shadow, and the star power from his whole body poured towards his feet.

Then it was all transformed into physical power and shot out.


Accompanied by a powerful shout, Zhao Hufeng's figure had already appeared in the upper half of Qi Lin.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Hufeng's waist exerted force in the air, and his left foot filled with star power directly swung a violent whirlwind in the air.

With the sound of howling wind, the vague figure kicked Qi Lin's head with one kick.

Attack, speed and strength at the same time.

However, Kirin is also a speed-oriented player. If you want to practice sword and vine style, excellent eyesight and body flexibility are essential elements.

Qi Lin's quality in all aspects is a genius that is rarely seen in the sword and vine style in a hundred years!

While flipping his wrists, Qian Yuqie, who was clenched tightly with both hands, jumped up quickly!


A large number of sparks swayed on the ground, and Zhao Hufeng's left foot armor collided violently with Qi Lin's Qianyuqie.

The strength of the two people is even more equal, and neither of them took a step back because of this.

"Come again!"

At this moment, Zhao Hufeng's free right foot exerted the same force, and kicked towards Qian Yuqi's blade with a kick that was not inferior to the speed just now.

Qi Lin's eyelids also twitched at this!

The small body took a big step back, and Chiba, who was still in a stalemate, was also pulled out by her.

Zhao Hufeng's legs, which had lost their support, were also swung heavily on the ground like this.


At this moment, the floor tiles on the ground are also broken into dense cracks, and they continue to extend toward the distance.

"Qinghai wave!"

Taking a step back, Qi Lin also took advantage of this short gap and shouted loudly!

Change from the original posture to holding the knife with both hands hanging down, the handle of the knife is upward, the tip of the knife hangs obliquely below the right waist, the left hand is slightly above the left waist, and the right hand is at the position of the right waist.

The power of the stars is also all gathered towards the pair of white but callused little hands, and the extreme burst of speed blurs the silver-white blade.

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