Fan Xinglu looked at the sword shadow that was already flying on the battlefield, and his eyes shone with excitement!

"That's right! Kirin is much more flexible in using swordsmanship now!"

There was also a glint of relief in William's eyes!

In the previous Qi Lin, "Lian He" was used superbly by her, but she was still too rigid after all.

Now she is obviously much more flexible, knowing how to lure the enemy into her own rhythm.

"Then which of the two of them are you more optimistic about now?"

"Is it Kirin?"

Fan Xinglu touched her chin, then looked at William and asked curiously.

William was also lost in thought!

Normally speaking, for those who fall into the sword and vine style master "Lianhe" like Kirin, defeat is already doomed.

The loser can only reveal his flaws in this boundless sword skill.

However, Qi Lin's "Lian Crane" is not an incomprehensible move.

William has already proved this point!

"can not say it clearly!"

Looking at Qi Lin who was still struggling to swing the sword, William could only say so.

"Oh! I thought you would support that little girl Qi Lin!"

Fan Xinglu laughed out loud!

In this regard, William shook his head and said something softly.

"Qirin's physical strength is about to reach its limit, and "Lianhe" can no longer sustain it."

Qi Lin, who had concentrated her mind, was completely unable to receive any external messages.

Now all she could see was Zhao Hufeng's movements of constantly resisting his sword skills.

Following Zhao Hufeng's counterattack, she swept out the next sword skill with her sword.

Sweat trickled down Qi Lin's fair and smooth forehead, but she didn't notice it.

Zhao Hufeng also looked embarrassed, although he didn't suffer any injuries!

But the school badge on his chest was already covered with knife marks, and a good shirt had been cut by Qi Lin's Chiba.

But the most different thing between him and Qi Lin is that although his breathing is a bit short, it is still stable.


Just when Qi Lin was about to swing Qian Yuqiri, who was swinging to her left, to Zhao Hufeng's bottom plate again.

A sense of dizziness suddenly emerged, and the hands that swung the sword unconsciously faltered.

Zhao Hufeng, who was struggling with defense, suddenly had a bright spot!

In the next moment, the swift upper kick kicked Kirin's school badge beautifully.

"Kirin Toto, the school badge is damaged!"

"The winner, Zhao Hufeng!"

A mechanical sound announces the winner of the contest.


The crisp applause came from far to near, and Qi Lin's consciousness had already begun to be a little trance. Qi Lin could only see a big hand placed in front of her eyes.

Put that delicate little hand in the palm of the big hand.

Qi Lin only felt her body lighten, and her whole body was immediately pulled up.

"Sorry, senior, I still lost!"

ps: Thanks to Keli, the world's cutest zero-mo blooming Xixing Yao Lingmo for the reward

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Chapter 160 Qi Lin's Active Attack "3700 words for subscription"

William directly gave Qi Lin a head burst.


Qi Lin immediately looked up at William with tears in her eyes!

"How old are you, it's already very good to be able to do this!"

"And if you really win against Hu Feng, Hu Feng will lose all face!"

William's words immediately made Qi Lin smile happily, but Zhao Hufeng looked at William with a weird expression.

"That's right, Hufeng, you have to work hard!"

"Otherwise, I think you will be overtaken by Kirin soon!"

Fan Xinglu's unhurried voice also rang in Zhao Hufeng's ears.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Hufeng nodded, and had no objection to Fan Xinglu's words.

Because the situation just now was indeed the case, if it weren't for Qi Lin's physical strength, she could no longer support her consumption.

Then the one who lost just now must be him!

"Qirin, I remember you said that Aunt Qinye went shopping by herself today!"

William who sent Kirin's little hand recalled what Kirin said just now.


Kirin nodded!

Today's duel was Fan Xinglu's whim!

When she learned that Qi Lin's exclusive weapon had arrived here, she immediately called Qi Lin here impatiently and arranged for this duel.

Therefore, Daoteng Qinye decided to take a good look at shopping malls and other places, so that he could bring some souvenirs when he went back.

"Then why don't you tell Auntie to stay and eat at my place tonight!"

"It just so happens that I show you a hand too!"

William suggested so, seeing such a hardworking girl, he always wanted to reward her.

"Hey! This won't trouble seniors!"

Qi Lin's eyes suddenly lit up, and she said to William with sparkling eyes.

She will not be easily shy now, remembering what her mother said to her that night.

Xiao Qilin is full of motivation now!

"No, no!"

"The game the day after tomorrow is very easy for me!"

William stroked Qi Lin's head, and Qi Lin immediately showed a relaxed expression.

"Oh! We can't pretend that we haven't heard this sentence! Let us have a taste too!"

Immediately, Fan Xinglu became interested and closed the fan that was opened.

"I also need to go!"

Zhao Hufeng also got excited immediately, since he heard about this kind of meal-making activity, he would definitely not miss it!

William looked helplessly at the two enthusiastic guys.

If I knew it earlier, he would have said it in private, otherwise there wouldn't be two more people who are free.


The shadow of the knife flashed, and William easily picked out the fishbone one by one, and then skillfully peeled off the fish skin.

A complete fish fillet is placed on the chopping board in this way, and the whole movement is like flowing water, which is very pleasing to the eye.

Qi Lin who was standing aside studying, the stars in her eyes were about to pop out.

"I think you don't need to learn this, Kirin!"

"You are so good at swordsmanship, you shouldn't have any problems with your sword skills."

While marinating the fish steaks, William opened the lid of the crock pot on the other side.

The elegant chicken soup immediately released an intoxicating aroma, which spread from the crock pot and gradually permeated the whole room.

Qi Lin's face also immediately turned a blush, and her exquisite Qiong nose greedily sucked in the aroma of the chicken soup.

"Alright, Kirin, bring this up for me!"

William took out a spoon, took a sip of the soup and nodded in satisfaction.

After receiving the order, Qi Lin obediently wrapped her hands with star power.

After taking measures to insulate the heat, she took the crock away.

William shook his head with a smile, and continued to work hard.

An hour after the chicken soup was served, William finished all the dishes.

Qi Lin also thoughtfully helped him untie the apron tied to his body.

The shy and virtuous look on that small face is like a newlywed wife who has just passed through the door.

He and Qi Lin each carried a plate, and when it was placed on the dining table, all the members who were going to have dinner today were also gathered together.

Fan Xinglu had to put a book on the chair to get to the table!

And some drowsy Cecilie!

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