Zhao Hufeng, who was gearing up for a long time!

And Qi Lin who was busy with him in the kitchen just now!

It can be said that all his current acquaintances in Jielong have been present.

However, he was not in the mood to be happy.

Because there was no need for him to cook such a large table full of dishes.

If it's just him and Qi Lin, four dishes are enough to eat.

The problem is that these three extra guys made him have to cook so many dishes.

Because people who practice physical arts like them exercise a lot every day.

Natural appetite is not small.

Don't look at William cooking such a large table, in fact, it may not be enough for these few people.

"I didn't expect you to have such a skill!"

Fan Xinglu looked at William with admiration, she really didn't expect William to have such advanced cooking skills.

Although she hasn't tasted it herself, just judging from the appearance of the dish, it has already greatly increased the appetite.

Coupled with the constant aroma of the mixture, no one would think that William's dishes are just superficial.

You know, her lifespan is already thousands of years old.

No matter which era she was in, with her ability, she was an existence with a high social status at that time.

Naturally, she has tasted all kinds of delicacies from heaven and sea.

It would be an exaggeration to say that the dish in front of her is the best she has ever eaten if she judged it with her eyes.

But to say that these dishes are at the top level, she still feels that it is not an exaggeration.

"Okay, let's have dinner, everyone!"

After William opened a seat for Qi Lin, he also sat in his usual seat.

As soon as he finished speaking, three afterimages flashed before his eyes.

Placed in the center of the dining table is a whole duck with scallion grilled with a ruddy luster.

But now, the original intact duck has completely turned into a disabled duck.

With healthy limbs, it now only has one duck wing left, and the remaining two legs and one wing have been put into the mouth by the three people on the opposite side.

William looked helplessly at the three guys opposite, then removed the only remaining duck wing and put it in Qi Lin's bowl.

"No need, senior!"

"You should eat first!"

Qi Lin immediately declined, wanting to put the duck wings back into William's bowl.

William looked at Qi Lin with a softer gaze.

Look at those three guys, eating like a storm, completely forgetting his hard-earned project.

Look at Qi Lin, who is so considerate and soft, how cute!

"Okay! You can eat it first. After you taste it, you will remember the taste yourself."

"This is very helpful for you to learn this dish!"

Qi Lin, who couldn't refuse, had no choice but to carefully pick up a piece of tender duck meat, and carefully put it into her mouth.

A strong smell is continuously emanating from the inside of the duck meat, and the cheeks move slightly!

The moment the two rows of white teeth touched, the rich gravy burst out in the mouth instantly.

The strong smell constantly filled every part of the body, as if there was a steady stream of power emerging from the body.

With just this small sip, Qi Lin actually had a feeling that the fatigue of the whole day had completely dissipated.

The girl's pink cheeks were already covered with redness at this moment, if she hadn't clenched her teeth just now, she might have made some embarrassing noises.

"Can I really learn?"

Qi Lin didn't make a sound, but her questioning gaze had already revealed her meaning clearly in William's eyes.

"It's good to be able to eat something like vegetables, so you don't have to worry about so many things!"

William responded with a smile, and nodded Qi Lin's little head.


Kirin, whose blush has not subsided, nodded her little head!

Her thoughts also began to diverge, and she secretly made up her mind.

You must practice your culinary skills well, not to mention reaching the level of William, but you must also have a three-pointed appearance.

after all……

After being together in the future, she will be responsible for the identity of the wife and cook for her husband!

When thinking of this, Qi Lin also raised her little head, and looked at the side face of William who was picking up vegetables.

The already ruddy face was now more like boiling water, and it began to emit steam continuously.

William was a little baffled by Qi Lin's glances!

Put your fingers in front of Qi Lin's forehead, flick it lightly!


Although the pain was not very strong, Kirin who had fallen into fantasy still woke up!

There was even a sound like a young animal being injured, and combined with her current expression changes, she looked like a little rabbit who had always been fine.

"Okay, let's eat quickly!"

"Otherwise there will be nothing left!"

William pointed out to Qi Lin the three people who were still in trouble!

In just a few minutes, three quarters of the dishes on the table have been consumed.

Qi Lin was also taken aback when she saw the terrifying eating speed of the others, and immediately joined the team grabbing food.

For things like eating, if you chat while eating, time will pass very slowly!

But if everyone doesn't chat and concentrates on filling their stomachs, then time will pass quickly!

In a short while, ten dishes and one soup were wiped out by these five people.

The dishes on the table were so clean that it didn't even feel like they needed to be cleaned.

The other three also left after finishing their dinner!

As for William, he still has to take on the task of sending Kirin back to the hotel!

The snow-white sports car speeds along the asphalt road with the roar of the engine, and the scenery outside the window seems to be speeding up and rewinding, sweeping backwards at high speed!

This car was a new car that he asked Fan Xinglu to find for him just now. After all, the previous one was completely unusable.

With the license plate number already exposed, as long as he drives that car out, he will definitely be surrounded by reporters from various newspapers within 10 minutes.

"Then, Senior William, I'll go back to my room first!"

Qi Lin opened the car door, and said to William with some reluctance before leaving.

The short period of time just now, when only the two of them got together, made her very nostalgic!


William nodded, and then pointed to his back seat!

"Qirin, take the insulated lunch box at the back, and apologize to my aunt for me, and say that next time I have a chance, I will cook and invite her to dinner again!"

"I see!"

Qi Lin nodded, kept the passenger door open, opened the rear door and picked up the lunch box on it.

Immediately afterwards, she returned to the passenger's door position!

"Well, the day after tomorrow I will try my best to cheer for ~senior~!"

"I see! Thank you for your support!"

William nodded with a smile. As for why Kirin started slurring his speech again, he just assumed that the girl's shyness had suddenly flared up again.

The girlish fragrance from the girl's body flooded into William's nose in an instant, and immediately after that, a touch of wet Q-bomb was printed on his side face.


A crisp sound rang in William's ears, and when William realized it, he was about to find the girl's direction.

The petite back of the girl carrying the insulated lunch box has already arrived in front of the hotel's gate.

The girl continued to run forward without looking back!

It's a pity that William's eyesight can be said to be very good, and the hotel is also brightly lit at night, with sufficient light sources.

Therefore, Qi Lin's shy reaction at this moment was completely seen by William!

He opened his mouth, but William didn't make a sound!

Although the doubts in his heart had begun to take root, but at this moment he just smiled and shook his head!

After all, there is no need to say such things. If Qi Lin just treats him as an older brother, then he will be a good older brother!

If Kirin had a different idea, then he would gladly accept Kirin.

It all depends on Qi Lin's thoughts!

Smiling and restarting the car's engine, acrid exhaust came out from the exhaust pipe!

Under the shadow of the moonlight, William walked away directly!

ps: Starting from the next chapter, Silvia officially started to enter the main storyline

Chapter 160 Eight Legitimacy Can Pa "4000 Words Seeking Subscription"

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