"Okay, all the audience gathered at the venue!"

"The triennial "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" has gone through two weeks of competition, and now it's finally ushered in the final moment!"

The ace announcer of the Hexagram Broadcasting Company, Miko Ryase, is still in charge of the commentary!

Today, she still attracts the audience's attention with her passionate voice and revealing outfits.

"Today, the person in charge of explaining with my partner is actually the student council president of Jielong Seventh Academy, Ms. Fan Xinglu of "Wan You Tian Luo"!"

"Now, let's give our applause to Miss Fan Xinglu!"

"Well, hello everyone!"

Fan Xinglu's lazy voice spread from the loudspeaker to every corner of the venue.

The voices of Miko Liangse and Fan Xinglu immediately resounded in the Sirius Dome, and at the same time there was a storm of cheers.

The director's office also clearly understands what everyone wants to see most at the moment!

The big screen on the stage immediately echoed the scene in the studio.

It's a pity that everyone's eyes are not on the revealingly dressed Miako Ryase.

Instead, they all focused their attention on the virgin sitting beside her!

This is not to say that everyone's hobbies have become so perverted now!

I feel that the legally capable lordosis is not as attractive as the flat loli that started in ten years.

Everyone is so curious, purely because the third generation of "Wanyou Tianluo" is too mysterious!

According to the public interview screen, this girl will basically not participate in the Xingwu Festival that all student council presidents will participate in. Because she is underage, she still did not participate.

As a result, Fan Xinglu's social exposure can be said to be extremely low!

Of course it got everyone's attention!

"So, now let's introduce the contestants!"

A white light suddenly lit up on the gloomy competition stage, and the spotlight directly hit a young girl.

The exciting light also made the girl blink her eyes helplessly, and then waved her white and tender hands towards the audience.

Before Miko Liangse introduced the situation of the contestants, the Sirius Dome immediately rang out cheers far exceeding that of Fan Xinglu just now, it was deafening!

No, it's not so much cheering, it's actually closer to screaming!

"Wow... this is really amazing!"

Fan Xinglu's faint voice was drowned out by the roaring cheers!

"Ah ha ha!"

Liang Se Mizi scratched her head, not knowing how to answer Fan Xinglu's words!

In fact, ever since Fan Xinglu sat here, she was about to freeze up with tension!

God knows why such a big shot is suddenly interested in game commentary.

Wouldn't it be nice to wait for the good news of your academy's victory while enjoying it in your VVVIP luxury private room?

She even felt like she was about to cry now.

However, the cheers that gradually died down were like a life-saving straw at this moment, and she quickly grabbed the microphone.

"Then, this is the rare singer from Kui Enweier Girls Academy, the strongest top idol in the world."

"Kui Enwei's Girls' Academy ranks first, and the singing voice is enough to make everything fall for her "Warrior Witch"!"

"Sylvia Luneheim!"

The explosive cheers sounded again, and Silvia also bowed slightly to the audience to thank them for their enthusiasm.

"Then, here is a super rookie from the Seventh Academy of Realm Dragon, and now he is vaguely called the strongest magician in the world!"

"The No. [-] Academy of Jielong ranks second, and every move can cause the world to change, "Sky-moving Vientiane"!"

"William Sfengel!"

This time the spotlight seemed to be split, and the twin light sources quickly moved towards the opposite side.

The handsome man in the uniform of Jielong Academy raised his hand lightly as a gesture.

The scream that could pierce the eardrum resounded instantly, this kind of sound was not at all inferior to the cheers that Silvia caused just now.

But with so many high-decibel voices, it can be heard how popular William is now with women.

Silvia was almost frightened by these screams and jumped up on the spot!

You must know that she watched the live broadcast of the game before, and never came to the scene to watch William's game directly.

And when the game is broadcast live, no matter how loud the audience is, it will not be recorded in it.

So she didn't even know that William could have so many fans!

like violet glass jadeite

The same eyes observed the man in front of her with probing brilliance.

Correspondingly, William was also looking at this rare singer in front of him!

A head of purple waist-length hair dancing in the wind!

Most of the color of the whole body is white battle uniform, which outlines the girl's natural and beautiful figure.

The almost suffocatingly beautiful face even made his throat a little dry!

"I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes to be so attractive!"

William really didn't expect that with his current concentration, he would lose his mind for such a moment.

Sylvia's beauty is beyond doubt!

But it's not that William has never seen a woman with the same beauty as her!

It wasn't just Sylvia's appearance that really caused William to lose his mind for a moment!

It was the vague and detached feeling on her body!

This kind of atmosphere and her appearance complement each other so well.

As for Silvia's mental activity at the moment, it is also in a state similar to that of William!

She put that slender little hand on her chest, feeling the pounding heartbeat, she knew that her rapid heartbeat was not an illusion.

That was her real mood at the moment, she actually felt her heart beat faster because of a man she met for the first time.

This strange emotion made her feel incredible!

The face that has begun to feel a little hot!

Slightly splashed eyes!

Constantly beating heart!

Looking at the face that caused him to be in such a state, and even made him a little intoxicated now, the rosiness on the girl's face can be said to only increase but not decrease!

"Your Highness Diva, hello!"

In the end, it was William who woke up first, seeing the girl's blushing face!

He was also taken aback, he almost thought that he had unintentionally released his ability!


The girl exclaimed!

"Hello, Mr. Sfengel!"

But she is also worthy of being a world-class idol, even if she is not a similar idol who is good at acting!

But the skill of acting is also perfect in her hands.

In just an instant, she adjusted her expression just now, and showed a perfect smile to William like a normal person.

Seeing such a sweet smile, William's mood improved a little unconsciously!

Although it's obvious that this is a formulaic smile, it doesn't look fake at all, and it won't make people feel bad at all.

At the same time, Silvia, who had reacted, was secretly glad.

Fortunately, the rebroadcast just now didn't include a close-up of the facial expressions of the two of them, otherwise everyone would have noticed the clues, and then a riot would have occurred!

Silvia has a deep understanding of her popularity!

As for William's popularity, she just now has some understanding!

So her conjecture is definitely not groundless, but if it is exposed, it will definitely happen.

"Speaking of which, I watched your performance in the players' lounge before, and your singing voice was very nice!"

"It should be said to be the best singing voice I've ever heard!"

Obviously it is a very common compliment!

This kind of praise for Silvia can be said to be heard every day!

People who have heard her songs will praise her so much!

However, why is this feeling of heart beating violently again? Sylvia feels that her mood is about to take off now.

"Thank you for your compliment, then at the next concert, do you want to come to the scene?"

"I can give you a few front row seats!"

Silvia blurted out immediately, and the moment she finished speaking, she also realized what she just said.

That fair and ruddy face also turned a little reddish, and the eyes that were looking directly at William began to avoid unconsciously.

William was also taken aback for a moment, then chuckled!

"In this case, after the game is over, do you want to add the communication number!"

He usually would not refuse the request of a beautiful girl, let alone this kind of girl who touched his heartstrings just now.

No matter what kind of development is going on in the future, being able to get acquainted is also a pleasing thing!

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