Silvia also quickly adjusted her emotions, and changed into that graceful appearance on the stage again!

Gently nodded!

that's it!

In the decisive battle of "Wanglong Xingwu Festival", the two sides in the finals were not said to be at war, but such a harmonious and joyful atmosphere should not be able to appear now.

"Then, before the finals begin."

"I have one thing I want to ask Your Excellency "Wanyou Tianluo"!"

The shivering Miko Liangse finally mustered up the courage to start a conversation with Fan Xinglu, preparing to liven up the atmosphere.

no way!

If this silent atmosphere was maintained before the start of the game, it would affect the ratings!

The higher-ups above don't care how much pressure she is feeling in her heart, and they won't blame the matter on "Wan You Tian Luo".

The responsibility at that time will definitely be entirely on her shoulders!

At that time, all the hard work she had worked for for so many years was all in vain.

"Oh? But it doesn't matter!"

Fan Xinglu crossed his arms and tilted his head to look at Liang Se Mizi, waiting for her to ask a question.

Just before Ryase Miko spoke, she was still thinking about it!

When is this trembling little girl going to speak!

"May I ask if Contestant Sfengel has prepared any nirvana for today's final?"

"When I went back to my alma mater to ask the chairman of Pedora, she said that Miss Silvia had prepared several new songs for today!"

Hearing this question, Fan Xinglu twitched her eyebrows, and then she also showed a smirk.


"This guy has been eating, drinking and having fun for three days, and he didn't even enter the training room for these three days!"

When Fan Xinglu's voice spoke, she also used the power of the stars to diffuse the sound waves.

This also led to the audience, no one did not hear what Fan Xinglu just said!

Miko Ryase was dumbfounded, cold sweat also slid down her back and wet her back!

There was an uproar in the audience, and many gay men almost stood up from the audience.

If it weren't for the female friends who also stood up and confronted them, blocking them.

They had already jumped up from the audience and jumped onto the stage to talk to William about gang fights.

Although they all know that there may be no suspense in this game!

But when their singer is working so hard, you boy dare to belittle her so much.

William on the stage, after listening to Fan Xinglu's words, looked at the incomprehensible expression on Silvia's face who had a good conversation with him just now.

Regarding this, he could only smile awkwardly, he didn't even know where to put his hands.

At the same time, he also turned his head and stared fiercely at the commentary room.

He didn't care if Fan Xinglu saw it or not, but he had already made up his mind.

When his strength completely surpassed Fan Xinglu's, he would definitely slap her ass hard to let her know that some things cannot be said just because they are interesting.


Silvia finally didn't hold back her expression, and burst out laughing.

"Okay, I was teasing you just now!"

"I also know Xinglu, she definitely said that because she thought it was fun."

Sylvia's laughter also swept away the awkward atmosphere just now, and William's expression immediately returned to a natural state.

"Yes, how could I do that!"

"In the past few days, I have practiced hard every day."

〖Although it is just those routine training tasks! 〗

William silently added another sentence in his heart that he couldn't say now.

But it can't be said that he didn't do anything, at least he accompanied Qi Lin to practice swordsmanship every day.

After all, at his level, apart from the immediate success of his communication with Dayuan on the moon, there is no other way for him to increase his strength quickly.

"Well! That's good!"

Silvia also smiled happily!

Although she also knows that her chances of winning this competition are definitely slim!

But she still doesn't want her opponent to take an attitude of belittling her and fight with her with all her strength!

It doesn't matter if she doesn't last long.

What's more, William brought her a different feeling just now.

If William really made a move to belittle her just now, then her slight favorability will definitely be negative immediately.

Unless William shamelessly undoes his restraint and uses his ability to forcibly charm Silvia.

"Then, I declare!"

"Quinville Girls' Academy, Sylvia Lunaheim VS Kailong No. [-] Academy, William Sphengel!"

"The game officially begins!"

The sound of Miko Ryase's rescue came again, and the noisy voices in the auditorium also fell silent.

ps: Thanks to Ling Mo Yin Xingyao for the reward

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Chapter 160 Chapter 4000 Diva's Battle "[-] words for subscription"

At this moment, this battle that has attracted worldwide attention is finally about to begin!

Not only is the Sirius Dome with a capacity of 10 people already full, audiences from all over the world who were unable to come to the venue in person also put down their busy work.

By coincidence, they opened the space window and clicked on the final live channel of "Wanglong Xingwu Festival".

Silvia took a deep look at William, then reached her waist, and took out an emerald green motor.


Dazzling light instantly bloomed in Sylvia's hands, and all elements in the air continuously gathered towards the mobilizing body, forming a brilliant armed with spear and sword.

The bright green brilliance flowed on the sword body, a look full of vitality!

It feels like what Silvia is holding is not a sharp weapon, but a bud of life.

"It seems that player Silvia is really going to do her best at the beginning! This is the first time she has used the brilliant weapon in this competition!"

Miko Ryase said excitedly, after all, she is a student from Kui Enwei Children's College.

Even though she has graduated for many years, she subconsciously still hopes that her school can win.

"This is my brilliant weapon, the 'Fountain of Life'!"

Silvia held the gun with one hand, and performed a sword-holding salute gracefully!

At this moment, the atmosphere on her body is also completely new.

If she was like an elf hiding in the forest before!

Now she is like a heroic Valkyrie on the battlefield, exuding a lingering aura all over her body.

William returned his own smile in the same way, and then raised his hand forward and opened his palm.

Tens of thousands of golden light particles appeared out of nowhere in the air, just like fireflies beside the river at night in summer.

The open palms were clenched suddenly, and the floating particles of golden light gathered in William's hands like moths flying to a flame.

The most basic structural form of "Orion", the posture of a three-bladed spear, is held in his hands.

"Oh! He also took out the weapon used by Contestant Sphengel when he was fighting against Contestant Landorufen!"

"Sure enough, this means that player Sfengel attaches great importance to the battle with player Sylvia!"

Miko Ryase said excitedly, and the audience on the field was also full of noise.

Even the male audience who had a lot of opinions on William just now looked at William a little more pleasingly.

But Fan Xinglu, who was sitting next to her, looked at Miko Liang Se in surprise.

She really didn't expect that the little girl who was sitting next to her trembling just now would start talking nonsense openly.

"Your Excellency "All Heavens", after that match, we also went to learn about William's weapons after the match!"

"But based on what we know, it shouldn't be a Huang-style weapon!"

Liang Semizi asked Fan Xinglu, the "Orion" that suddenly appeared that day naturally attracted the attention of all parties.

Naturally, they don't consider pure star-brilliant armaments, because magicians and witches are basically impossible to be recognized by pure star-brilliant armaments.

Moreover, the blade of William's weapon is not composed of all elements.

It should be known that whether it is a pure star-style weapon or a brilliant-style weapon, it is based on the light blades and bullets formed by the all-round element stored in the all-in-one mine embedded in the engine body.

The difference between the pure star-style armament is that its Wanying Mine is a brilliant-style weapon built with a special Wanying Jingjing as the core.

Such weapons not only have energy that cannot be compared with ordinary huang-style weapons, but they also have special abilities similar to "witch" and "magician".

For weapons like William, they can only think of one thing.

Only this kind of thing can be compared with the mainstream weapons in today's society, the brilliant weapons.

"Sure enough, it should be one of the fairy tools sealed by the first generation of "Universal Heavenly Luo"!"

It is said that when the first generation of "Universal Heavenly Luo" came to Asterisk, she brought "Star Immortal Art", a technology that universalizes the sensing ability of all elements, at the same time.

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