Her pyrotechnic technology is also a point of admiration for everyone, because even if the weapons made by her are not embedded with Wanying mine, they are still comparable to Huang-style weapons!

Even individual weapons have certain special abilities just like the pure Xinghuang weaponry.

However, it is a pity that the first generation of "Wanyou Tianluo" is said to have completely sealed off the warehouse of Huang Chendian after forging thirty or forty such weapons.

If anyone wants to use these so-called immortal weapons in the future, they can only wait for the next generation of "Wan You Tian Luo" to open the door.

However, the most regrettable thing is that the next two generations of "Wanyou Tianluo" never made that special fairy tool again.

Over time, everyone also believed that the miraculous pyrotechnics were the special abilities of the first generation of "Wanyou Tianluo".

"Well! Just take it as it is!"

In fact, Fan Xinglu didn't know what William's weapon was.

Attributing this weapon to her can save a lot of trouble.

"Oh! It really is like this!"

Miko Ryase showed such an expression, and then continued to ask questions!

"Then what is the name of this weapon?"

Fan Xinglu also began to recall the name that William mentioned to her when she and William first met that day.


"'Orion'! What a good name!"

Miko Ryase nodded, then her eyes lit up suddenly, and at the same time she clenched the microphone in her hand and shouted suddenly.

"Look! Player Silvia launched the first attack!"


The sparks that shot out scattered around the place where the weapons of the two collided, and the crisp sound of clashing also appeared suddenly.

The bright green sword tip suddenly appeared in front of William, stabbing towards William with the sound of howling wind.

The silver-gray three-bladed spear was brandished in William's hand, and the gap between the blades just caught the tip of the "Fountain of Life", rubbing against each other.

"Ah! Sure enough, there is no way to get it as easily as I thought!"

While Sylvia was smiling and talking, Bai Nen's little hand suddenly pressed a bulge on the hilt a few times.

A few pure white light bullets split directly from the tip of the sword made of Wanyingsu!It shot straight at William's face.

For such an attack, William seemed to have expected it a long time ago. His head was completely crooked into a right angle, as if he had no bones in his flesh and blood, avoiding these light bullets.

"——大空を秋けて、杜天の攻の风をめぐって! (Soaring in the sky, surrounding the wings of the will of the sky!)"

"——いつかあなたを明日へ导く! (Someday, I will guide you to tomorrow!)"

The pink lips moved slightly, and the girl's singing began!

As Silvia sang, glowing wings suddenly appeared on her back.

The dark purple wings exuded a dazzling brilliance, and the bird's wings flapped lightly twice.

The wings took Silvia back rapidly, and kept pulling upwards!

"Very nice singing voice!"

William turned the spear in his hand into brilliant particles again. Amid Silvia's doubts, the brilliant particles once again gathered and formed in William's hands.

But this time it was no longer the long spears that gathered together, but two pistols that looked like Desert Eagles appeared in his hands.

Silvia, who was flying in the air, opened her small mouth into an O shape, and the expressions of the audience and people watching the space window were also in the same state.

"What is this? The celestial tool "Orion" held by Contestant Sphengel has the ability to change the shape of the weapon at will."

Ryase Miko shouted in shock, she had never heard of this kind of fairy tool.

Looking at Fan Xinglu, who was beside her with an old god, her admiration for the previous generation "Wan You Tian Luo" grew even more in her heart.

However, after a brief shock, Silvia completely transformed the "Fountain of Life" in her hand into shooting mode!

Aim the gun at William's body, and the "Fountain of Life" is like a machine gun, with bullets bursting out from the tip of the gun!

"——The Flame of Life は Countlessにある! (The Flame of Life, Hundreds of Millions Countless!)"

"——汉く前に星になって! (Instant fall, turned into a star!)"

In the midst of Silvia's singing, the pure white light bullets transformed into clusters of burning fireballs, and a rain of fire that covered the sky covered the sky.

"It seems that everyone underestimates you! Your Royal Highness Diva!"

Under William's praise, Sylvia also showed a knowing smile, but her waving gesture showed no mercy at all.

But William didn't need this kind of mercy either, the "Orion" in his hand aimed at the blazing fireball.

I saw the brilliance of the star power shining all over William's body, and all the brilliance gathered in the body of "Orion".

"Shoot it down!"

Rich energy began to gather at the muzzle of the gun, and it exploded at this moment!

Countless rays of light scatter from the muzzle of the gun, piercing through the air that has become scalding hot from the flames amidst the trembling sound of the air, and burst out.

"Bang bang bang!"

Amidst the howling wind, countless rays of light and rain of fireballs collided continuously in the air!

A strong explosion exploded in the air like fireworks, sweeping in all directions with bursts of fire waves!

William's figure began to blur at this moment, and a large amount of smoke and dust was also lifted out of thin air at this moment, sweeping the entire battlefield!

The wings of light behind Silvia spread out, and continued to climb upwards, preparing to escape from the thick smoke.

Just when she was about to re-establish the "Fountain of Life" and continue to suppress William's firepower.

A bad feeling suddenly hit her heart!

"——I々は墨を破る! (We will break the barrier!)"

"——The other side of the boundary に环境を越えて! (Crossing the boundary at the other end of the limit!)"

Sylvia sang a song to strengthen her physical strength.

The purple light wings on the back also burst into light suddenly, pushing Silvia forward violently.

At the next moment, where Silvia was originally, a blond man suddenly appeared in the empty place.

His left hand is still holding the sword!

Judging by his current appearance, he probably meant to chop the knife on Silvia's neck just now.

At this moment, William was just hovering in the air, but there was nothing under his feet.

That's because he was carrying the same wings of light as Silvia on his back!

Those are two golden wings like lights!

"You can fly!"

Sylvia said in surprise, she saw that William was able to fly in the sky with the summoned falcon that day.

That's why she chose to fly into the air as soon as she came out to maintain her advantage by occupying a high place.

"It's still thanks to you!"

William also responded with some helplessness, and his response naturally attracted Silvia's eyes.

Think William is joking with her!

But, in fact, William didn't panic at all!

He had never been able to fly before.

But after seeing Silvia flying into the air just now, he quickly analyzed the principle of Silvia's light wings.

But he didn't expect that forming the light wings would be so simple.

He just copied the flow of star power like a cat and a tiger, and he succeeded in the end.

It was also because he himself had been trapped in the fog that he never thought of such a simple way to make wings with the power of stars.

"However, how did you find me just now!"

"You know, I think my breath restraint technique should be pretty good!"

William raised the "Orion" in his hand, lightly pulled the trigger, and shot down the light bullet secretly released by Sylvia.

"This should be a girl's sixth sense!"

Silvia pressed the pulp of her index finger against her red lips, looking playful.

"——I々は墨を破る! (We will break the barrier!)"

"——The other side of the boundary に环境を越えて! (Crossing the boundary at the other end of the limit!)"

"——Injury を怪れず走りましょう! (Don't be afraid of the wound! Run! Run!)"

The girl suddenly raised the decibels, and her high-pitched singing directly resounded through the entire Sirius Dome.

The atmosphere of the audience was also driven by the high-pitched and moving songs, which caused bursts of cheers!

The star power on Silvia's body also exploded at this moment, and the "source of life" in her hand was also converted back to the form of a long sword by her.

Faced with this situation, William took the lead in flapping his wings and flew towards Silvia.

The double spears in his hand were also converted into the form of straight knives again by him!

""GALAX"! "

William raised his hands above his head with the hilt of the sword, and without any pity, he slashed at the lovely and pitiful girl in front of him.

In this regard, Sylvia just kept singing songs to strengthen her physical fitness as William kept approaching.

ps: Thanks to @进藤あまね for a fat reward

Thanks to McCoyce for the reward

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Chapter 170 I Heard You Sing Earlier "4000 Words Please Subscribe"

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