"——想いだけじゃ追いつけないから! (Because thoughts alone can't catch up!)"

"——望いだけじゃ追いつけないから! (Because you can't catch up with just wishing!)"

Just when William's sword was about to hit Silvia's head!

Sylvia suddenly flashed, and then rushed behind William as if her speed was blurred.

"——Apex を越えるために力力を励くす! (You have to do your best to surpass the peak!)"

Silvia stabbed William's back fiercely with a long sword in her hand!

Just when she was still amazed how she got it so easily!

A big hand was placed behind her back long ago, and its position was exactly where she was attacking!

At the same time, William had already chopped off the left hand of the long sword, and there was nothing in his hand that was being held by him at this moment.

Golden light particles gathered on William's right hand at an astonishing speed, and condensed into a solid shape.


The sound of metal clashing spread continuously from the center!

Silvia's lips were just about to open, and she continued to sing a song that increased her strength!

William's waist has completed exertion, and a powerful roundabout kick has struck.


The tip of his toes brushed off a strand of hair in front of Sylvia's forehead, and the "Orion" in William's hand was like a stack of blocks.

Continuously, light particles gathered at the tip of the knife, and the shape and length of the weapon also changed at an astonishing speed.

Silvia's pupils shrank suddenly, and the "source of life" was blocked by her in front of her chest.

The tip of the spear that was shining with cold light directly touched the blade of the "Fountain of Life".

All the star power stored in William's body is flowing towards his arm!


"Yeah yah!"

Sylvia, who was instantly blown away by this sudden force, desperately poured the power of the stars into her light wings!

The bright green brilliance sprinkled from the sky like little fireflies!

Finally, when she was about to fall to the ground, she adjusted her posture and landed on the ground smoothly.

Or fall from such a high height!

The body strengthened by her singing will definitely not suffer any serious injuries!

But passing out from the shock is unavoidable.

It was almost the same time!

William also landed on the already uneven ground, and the wings formed by the star power behind him scattered.

"Why didn't you just take advantage of the situation and scratch my badge!"

The adjusted Silvia did not immediately choose to attack, but asked William with some dissatisfaction!

She had been guarding against William's continuous attacks during the descent just now.

As a result, until she had adjusted her state, the attack that was supposed to come still didn't come!

"If you lose this game with the attitude just now, I think you will not be reconciled!"

William stretched out his hand to fan the still thick smoke that hadn't completely dissipated!

"What is this!"

"You think I'm some unyielding child!"

Silvia frowned, but she just complained a little!

Although this kind of behavior seems to be belittling her!

But after the previous chat, she could know that William didn't mean that!

"Okay, let's go on!"

Silvia felt the little star power she had left!

The enhanced rain of flames just now!

I have strengthened my body function several times!

And the star power poured into the light wings!

Her star power is among the top among her peers, but at this moment she only has about one-third of her stock left.

"In this case!"

Silvia muttered in a low voice!

The singing sounded again!

"—Yeming けの云海を飞び越える! (Fly over the sea of ​​clouds at dawn!)"

Her long purple hair fluttered in the wind, and at the same time as the girl was singing, her petite figure also flew out!

"——Evening の风に仱绱痛痛。 ɑ苹瑜物Lに仱绱痛痛。?/p>

"——晚阳の果てに迷いを指さす! (Guide the maze at the end of the night!)"

All the star power is poured into this last song by the girl!

This song has no other function, it only strengthens one aspect!

That is speed!

At this moment, Silvia's speed has definitely surpassed Zhao Hufeng, who is known as the fastest in Asterisk.

And it's not even a single star!

This is "universal"!

As long as Sylvia weaves an appropriate tune.

Then she can use any ability!

No matter which ability she can do at the top!


The girl's coquettish voice rang in William's ears, and the Myriad Crystal Mine of "Fountain of Life" in her hand also shone brightly!

A dazzling sword light flashed from in front of William, stabbing at the school badge on William's chest with lightning speed!

"Meteor fighting skills!"

William waved "Orion" at a slightly lower angle!


The hands holding the "Fountain of Life" were numb, Silvia felt that her hands were about to lose consciousness!

She was shocked!

Obviously she has strengthened her physical fitness three times!

But in terms of strength, she couldn't even be slightly inferior to William.

You must know that three times of body strengthening is the limit of her body strengthening!

But whenever she strengthens to this point, her physical fitness is one of the top few people in this Asterisk!


Sylvia, who was provoked together with her body, showed an intoxicating smile at the corner of her mouth!


Star power is boiling!

The star power active in the girl's cells has been fully awakened by Silvia at this moment!

The power of the stars is flowing from her limbs along her slender arms to her white and tender hands.

A steady stream of star power was poured into this final blow by her!

She still has self-knowledge about the consumption of star energy.

So her choice is to burst out all her strength in a short time!

"'San Hua'!"

The long sword exuding dazzling light exerts force from the height to the bottom!

Draw a sword trajectory like a butterfly in the air!

A powerful slash turned the tip of the "Fountain of Life" into a trancelike sword light.

Cut to the school badge on William's chest!

"The last blow! Then it would be too impolite for me to attack with a phantom!"

Just like a TV with an unstable signal, William's body seemed to have a double image in Sylvia's eyes!

"Sixth Form, Moon Wheel!"

The straight knife about [-] centimeters long swept upwards at a weird angle!

The bright knife light was like a rising moon, drawing a perfect arc.


At this moment, the entire Sirius Dome fell into deathly silence!

It was as if the heated atmosphere before was all fake!

With the lens of the camera, the eyes of all the audience are aimed at the two people on the stage.

They didn't even dare to take a breath!

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