The two kept their backs to backs like this, and the brief moment of confrontation was an instant brilliance!

"Really, I really convinced you!"

"I really can't find the slightest gap!"

Sylvia scattered the mobilization body of the brilliant weapon in her hand, and said with a wry smile.

But I can still hear the emotion of admiration in her words!

In this battle, she didn't know how many times she felt that opportunities had come.

But after all, that was just the illusion William showed her!

William also turned around, and similarly scattered the "Orion" in his hand.

Looking at the charming girl, William also chuckled!


On Silvia's body, there was the sound of objects being cut.


The sound of the school emblem of the nameless goddess falling to the ground resounded slightly.

On the school badge, a crack neatly cut it open, breaking the school badge into two halves.

The next thing to come is.

The sound of the mechanical sentence!

"Sylvia Luneheim, the school badge is damaged!"

"Winner, William Sfengel!"

After the mechanical sound announcing the victory ended, the spotlights above the stage also shone on the victor, William.

Cheers girls!

The sound of hundreds of salutes firing at the same time!

Like the tide of the ocean waves, endless applause!

At this moment, all the praises and blessings are given to the victors on the stage, and the firework shells of colored paper continue to fall from the sky like goose feathers and snow, and sprinkle to the bottom!

This is something that no one has thought of, because it is obviously a battle without any suspense in the eyes of others.

Many people even think that this may be the fastest battle at the end of "Wanglong Xingwu Festival"!

However, Silvia showed such a wonderful fight.

After all, most of the people who watched the game were ignorant people, and it was too difficult for them to see the specific ways.

From their point of view, this game was back and forth, and there were even many times when Sylvia had a chance to win.

So naturally, this game is wonderful in their eyes.

"The winner——he finally appeared. The No. 20 winner of the [-]th "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" is William Schevenel from the Seventh Academy of World Dragon!"

Miko Ryase's voice was mixed with the roar of the salute and the applause of the audience!

"Then let us also give the same applause to Sylvia who has been fighting so hard!"

The applause is even more enthusiastic!

The voice of cheering is also stronger!

Although William's popularity has increased, it is still slightly inferior to Silvia, who already has a large fan base.

After all, after fighting hard, the beautiful girl who lost the game deserves everyone's sympathy!

——Sirius Dome, the VIP Lounge of Kui Enwei Children's Academy!

The mature woman sitting on the expensive sofa also heaved a sigh of relief.

She picked up the black tea on the coffee table, took a sip, and closed the space window floating in front of her eyes!

"This time, I really owe a lot of favors!"

Pedora leaned on the back of the sofa, closed her eyes, and recalled the battle just now.

She successfully sent Silvia to the semi-finals through various operations, which of course can be regarded as fulfilling the basic requirements of their parent company "W&W".

No matter what it is, as long as Silvia successfully wins the runner-up seat, they will have a lot of room for hype!

But if you want to do this, there is a prerequisite that you have to complete!

That is, Silvia absolutely cannot have a disastrous defeat in the finals.

If this situation occurs, many people will suspect that Silvia's runner-up status will be watered down.

Therefore, her minimum requirement for Silvia is to be able to persist under William's hands for a period of time.

As for Silvia's victory, after she understood William's strength, she had long since given up this unrealistic idea.

Well, unless they bribed William to fight fake matches!

However, the result of this game has exceeded her expectations!

Silvia not only persisted for a long time, but even showed a feeling of being evenly matched.

She knew that this was not a sudden increase in Silvia's strength.

But William of Jielong has never used his full strength. What he showed in this game is only his own fighting skills.

As for the match against the "Lonely Poisonous Witch", the powerful star power displayed in this match never exploded at all.

He has always used the same star power as Silvia to fight.

That's why she felt that she owed William a favor!

In this way, the No.20 [-]th "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" competition has come to an end!

After the finals, the awards ceremony and closing ceremony will follow!

The person in charge of presenting awards to William and Silvia, the champion and runner-up, was the chairman of the conference operation committee, Mathias, who gave a speech at the opening ceremony!

After putting the medal representing victory on William's head, Mathias stretched out his right hand with a smile!

"Ah! Mr. Sfengel is really powerful, much stronger than me back then. I haven't seen such a powerful person for many years!"

William also stretched out his hand and held it with Mathias!

"Well! The president is really absurd. My eyesight is still good. In my eyes, the president is not as miserable as you demean yourself!"

"Really, hahaha!"

Mathias chuckled twice, then let go of his hand and walked off the stage!

William looked at Mathias' back and narrowed his eyes slightly!

After seeing this guy with his own eyes, he could clearly feel the ambition hidden in this guy.

"You, what's the matter?"

Sylvia, who was standing below him and was waving to the audience, accidentally saw William's expression when she turned her head, and asked with some doubts!


"It's nothing! I just want to end this boring ceremony quickly!"

William shook his head lightly, then as if he suddenly remembered something, the corner of his mouth curled up!

"The sooner this boring ceremony ends, the sooner I can hear you singing at the closing ceremony!"

ps: I added another 4000 words today, let’s throw all the tickets and so on

Chapter 170 I have something to ask you "4000 words please subscribe"

The performance at the closing ceremony can be said to have won the praise of most people.

Many well-known performers were invited by the conference to perform on stage, and most of them were idols from Kui Enwei Children's Academy!

Of course, what made the atmosphere most lively was the song Silvia sang at the closing ceremony!

Whoa whoa whoa!

Water droplets continuously slapped on the floor tiles of the bathroom, and the rising heat permeated the bathroom!

In the faint mist, the water droplets sprayed from the round shower head slid down the sturdy body!

The normally upright blond hair also became limp due to the splash of water.

The young man hummed the song that Silvia sang at the closing ceremony just now!

To be honest, he has always been the type who is relatively indifferent to music before!

I have never had any favorite songs or singers!

But now, he really feels like he has been planted by Silvia!

Although he still can't reach Zhao Hufeng's fanatical and obsessive state, he is still very happy to let him listen to Silvia's songs in his spare time.

A voice humming the same tune as him sounded at this moment!

William, who just finished taking a shower, directly turned off the shower head that was still spraying water!

Randomly tore off a bath towel from the shelf and wiped his body!

After opening the sliding door, I put on the bathrobe that had been hanging there for a long time!

Then he picked up the mobile phone placed on the counter, and he connected the phone without even carefully observing who was calling.

But what made him a little stunned was that the phone was not connected directly.

Instead, in front of his eyes, the space window just unfolded.

Of course, this alone is not enough to make him have a dazed expression!

The question is who is calling him!

It was a large round bed, and the girl who called him was sitting on it.

The light purple long hair like a flying waterfall just scattered on the white bed sheet.

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