William's voice seemed to mock Toto Koichiro's ignorance!

Koichiro Koichiro Toto remembered this matter only after William reminded him.

This time, a trembling look finally appeared in his eyes, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

Because he knew very well what kind of things the Xingwu Festival's wish could accomplish.

He is one of the alternate cadres of "Galaxy". Sometimes the realization of wishes requires the coordination of all parties. He has seen the wishes made by the champions of these star martial arts festivals many times.

Even he would be shocked and tongue-tied at the level of filth of the people inside, but the chaebol of the unified enterprise still meticulously implemented the wishes of the winners.

If the man in front of him really used his wish to avoid the crime of killing him, then it would not be too easy.

"No, it's been so long, your wish should have been fulfilled long ago."

In an instant, Toto Koichiro seemed to have grasped the straw of fate, and this time his tone of voice was quite harsh.

"Yo! That really disappoints you, because my wish is too troublesome, so it has not been realized until now."

"If you want to change your wish now, I think there should be no problem!"

William looked at Toto Koichiro with a half-smile, his eyes gradually becoming absent-minded.

Toufu Koichiro didn't say anything about it that you can't waste your wish on this.

Because he knew very well that the champion of the Xingwu Festival was within easy reach of this man.

Moreover, the murderous intent he released towards himself was definitely not fake. Although he had given up practicing martial arts for many years, he could still tell the truth of the murderous intent from the fake.

This man definitely wanted to do something to him.

"Give you a chance!"

"Give up all thoughts about Kirin from today, apologize to Kirin, and then honestly go back and be your alternate cadre!"

"I'll let you go!"

Hearing that he wanted to apologize to Kirin himself, Toufu Koichiro's face turned pale in an instant, but the point of the spear on his Adam's apple made him unable to resist at all.

In the end, he could only lower his head decadently.

In order to save his own life, after William released the shackles of the word spirit, he honestly apologized to Kirin.

In the end, he picked up his coat in embarrassment, opened the door and ran out in disgrace.

After everything was over, William walked to Kirin's side again, and put his big hand on Kirin's head.

"Will Kirin be angry with me if I treat your uncle like this?"


Qi Lin narrowed her eyes, and just shook her head lightly under William's palm.

The small arms also directly encircled William's waist!

"How could I blame Senior!"


ps: Thank you Nuo Hou Wu Regret I will always love Kuang San for the tip.

Ask for a ticket!Brothers!

Throw it to me if you have a ticket, for the sake of my hard work this month

Chapter 170 The fifth sequence ranking battle, start "4000 words for subscription"

Time just flies by!

Although the winter in Asterisk does not feel the coldness of the northern half of the earth, the arrival of spring still adds a sense of warmth to the city.

At this moment in spring, Kirin also officially joined Kailong No. [-] Academy!

Now, in the Academy Arena of the Dragon Seventh Academy.

The official ranking battle to decide the first 12 people in the academy is about to begin!

Normally, there are two options for deciding where to rank for the formula battle.

The first is to choose two people to compete in private, as William did before. As long as there are video files left at any time, it can have the benefit of judgment.

This can well hide the fighting habits and moves that the two sides are good at.

Generally, most of the Xingmai generations who aspire to the Xingwu Festival will choose this method.

After all, if you expose your fighting style and unique skills, it is easy for your opponents to spend time finding out their weaknesses and targeting them.

The second is to choose to compete in the academy's arena as it is now.

The advantage of this is that if both sides are well-known players, they will attract many spectators.

Of course, this kind of watching the battle is naturally not free.

The school operator will charge the students tickets to watch the game, and part of the proceeds from the tickets will also be given to the players on both sides.

This way of fighting is also the way that many students from poor families or who want to make a name for themselves like it.

"Master, if you insist on me having a ranking battle with this junior sister, I have no objection!"

"But if you insist on me engaging in open warfare, I cannot accept it."

"That's right! Master, this way of exposing brother's ability will have a great impact on the "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" we are going to participate in this year."

The person who said this to Fan Xinglu was a duo of a man and a woman!

They can be said to be two people who are completely similar in height, appearance or temperament.

Apart from the different styles of school uniforms, the only characteristic that can distinguish them is probably the slight curvature of the younger sister's chest!

The man's name is Li Chenyun!

The girl's name is Li Chenhua!

As described before, from their looks to their names, it is easy to tell that these two people are identical twins.

Even these two people have a very high similarity in Jielong's sequence ranking.

Li Chenhua, the ninth place among the 12 people on the first page!

Li Chenyun, the tenth among the 12 people on the first page!

These two brothers and sisters are typical warlocks of the Jielong Water School, and the Water School refers to the two major factions under the "Wanyou Tianluo" sect.

In the water school, all the disciples in it are students who are good at star fairy art.The leader is the tool girl, Cecilie Wang!

The wooden sign, the disciples inside are all training their own fists and feet. For the students who are good at gymnastics, the leader is Zhao Hufeng!

These two brothers and sisters are the existences in the Water School whose status is only lower than Cecilie's, and what they are good at is the illusion in the Star Immortal Art.

Generally speaking, people who are good at using illusions are somewhat dark and cunning in their hearts.

What these two people usually do is also a perfect interpretation of this point.

They can be said to be the two most hated among the disciples of the Mu Sect!

"You two, are you questioning the master's decision?"

Zhao Hufeng, who had been serving by Fan Xinglu's side all this time, was immediately annoyed!

"There, how dare we question the master!"

"But you, brother, are still as angry as ever!"

Li Chenhua immediately covered her mouth and snickered, her eyes showed no respect for Zhao Hufeng at all, and then she looked at Qi Lin who was standing beside William.

"I just think it's superfluous for the master to let my brother compete with this ugly junior sister!"

She looked into Qi Lin's eyes, full of contempt.

"Okay, don't talk too much, let's start!"

"The old man can't wait!"

Fan Xinglu, who had been sitting on a chair with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes and said, the two siblings who were still complaining immediately shut up.

Brother Li Chenyun also immediately packed up his spells and went to the stage!

"Qirin, come on!"

When Kirin took out Senbagiri from her sword bag, William put his hand on Kirin's head and rubbed it as usual, cheering her up!

Qi Lin also briefly enjoyed the warmth of this moment.

"Senior I know! I will definitely win!"

Qi Lin's little head was under William's palm, and after a little push, she walked off the stage without hesitation.

"Hmph! How dare you speak so boldly here!"

Li Chenhua glanced at Qi Lin's back with disdain, but when she withdrew her gaze and inadvertently glanced at William's eyes, her body trembled, and then she retracted her gaze resentfully.

"Oh hoo!"

Fan Xinglu smiled at William when he saw this scene, and William also smiled back helplessly.

In fact, there are two reasons why the two brothers and sisters are so hostile to Kirin! ,

One is that Qi Lin doesn't have any aptitude for star fairy art, and she can only dance swords by nature. This is a natural disciple of the Wood School.

It is a common phenomenon that the students of the Water School look down on the students of the Wood School.

The second reason is on William!

In the beginning, William, who suddenly appeared in Jielong Seventh Academy, did not attract their attention.

After all, William did not join Fan Xinglu's sect, and they just treated William as a non-existent person.

But wait until the battle between William and Ophelia is over!

The person William also caught the eyes of the Taoist priests of the Water School, the power of thunder all over the sky and the unpredictable illusion ability.

In the eyes of the disciples of the Shui School who advocated the supremacy of the Star Immortal Art, William would naturally be admired by them.

Naturally, they also came to invite William to join the water faction!

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