Even the people who came to invite at that time were these two defiant brothers and sisters.

But in the end, it was naturally rejected by William, because he was not interested in playing house with these children at all.

The Taoist priests of the water school did not force it!

After all, there was already a precedent like Wu Xiaohui before, if William didn't join them, they would be fine.

At most it is the same as before.

But it was the person they admired who actually took care of a waste who didn't have the slightest talent for star immortality in Jielong.

This is the real reason why the two siblings are so hostile to Kirin.


"Then, the match between the unranked Kirin Totō VS Li Chenyun, the ninth player in the series "Creation of Mirage", has officially begun!"

The auditorium in the arena also immediately sent a wave of enthusiastic sound and applause.

Jielong's academy arena is naturally incomparable to Asterisk's battle arena.

But even if it can't compete with the arena that can accommodate more than 5000 people at once, Jielong's academy arena still has a capacity of [-] people.

But the arena with this capacity is now full of people because of this kind of competition.

Normally speaking, Li Chenyun can only be said to be a little famous, and Qi Lin doesn't even have a ranking, so she can't attract so many people's attention.

There is only one "Universal Sky" Fan Xinglu that can attract so many people's attention.

To be precise, it is Fan Xinglu's new disciple of "Universal Sky", Kirin Toto!

Each of Fan Xinglu's disciples can be said to be an existence with outstanding aptitude. As Fan Xinglu's new disciple, Qi Lin will naturally attract the attention of many people. This public battle is their opportunity to collect Qi Lin's information.

"Then junior sister! Let me, senior brother, show you the secrets of fairy arts!"

Faced with Li Chenyun's meaningless provocative behavior, Qi Lin was simply unmoved, but silently pulled out her own Chibagiri from the scabbard.

Kirin is such a girl!

When she doesn't hold a sword in her hand, she may be cowardly, or she may be careless in everything she does.

But when she holds a sharp knife in her hand, she will throw away all distracting thoughts in her heart!

Where the sword pointed, that was her opponent!

The only thing she can do, and the one thing she can do, is to knock down the person in front of her wholeheartedly!

Therefore, Li Chenyun's inferior provocative technique can't catch her eyes at all!


Li Chenyun no longer maintained that false smile on his face, revealed his true nature, cut a mouthful, and directly stretched out his hands, forming a series of quite complicated handprints.

"Hurry up as a decree, decree!"

The surrounding space immediately shook.The next moment, a large amount of smoke violently erupted directly from around the stage.

The thick white mist swept towards Qi Lin at an extremely fast speed!

The smoke enveloped the entire stage in a blink of an eye, Kirin's petite body was completely engulfed.

But Qi Lin didn't show any flustered expression at the moment when the smoke engulfed her, but closed her eyes naturally, and the tip of the knife even slightly dropped to her feet.

"Damn, you bastard!"

Before the smoke completely enveloped Qi Lin, Li Chenyun said something bitterly after seeing Qi Lin's movements.

In his opinion, when Qi Lin closed her eyes, she was completely contemptuous of his actions.

In this thick smoke, a few lightning flashing charms rolled up a puff of smoke, approaching Qi Lin at a fast speed.

Li Chenyun's smile on the corner of his mouth is also getting bigger and bigger, he even seems to be able to see the miserable situation of this guy who looks down on him being blown up all over his body!

However, just as he stretched out his middle finger and index finger to his mouth.


The expected explosion sound did not hit him as he expected, his "explosion" just now was like a clown!

"what happened!"

Annoyed, Li Chenyun immediately released the smoke that enveloped the venue, and even if he used this trick, he would also be blocked by the thick smoke.

In addition, maintaining this flashy smoke would also consume a lot of his star power, and he originally wanted to release the smoke after performing such a blow.

The thick white smoke dissipated in an instant!

Immediately, the audience stopped their whimpering. The state of not being able to see anything just now made them very upset.

With her eyes tightly closed, Qi Lin seemed to feel that the thick white mist had dissipated, and slowly opened her eyes.

"how did you do it!"

A questioning voice came from the opposite side of Qi Lin, Li Chenyun's face was full of puzzlement, his eyes fixed on the few pieces of talisman scattered at Qi Lin's feet.

Those were the lightning strike talismans he just threw out, and now those amulets had completely lost the effect of the star power, and were simply cut in half by the sharp blade.

He didn't understand why all his charms were knocked down by a good one when his line of sight was completely blocked.

"I don't have vision, but I still have hearing!"

After Qi Lin said a word lightly, the star power existing in her body also exploded at this one.

The power of the stars surged beside Qi Lin, Wan Yingsu, who is usually invisible, has been condensed into a visible blue flame by Qi Lin at this moment!

With a violent push of both feet, the little man rushed towards Li Chenyun like a fired shell.

"Tch, pretending to be a ghost here, who are you kidding!"

"Still hearing!"

Li Chenyun, who was extremely disdainful of physical skills for training fist and foot skills, did not believe Qi Lin's words at all.

It's just that Qi Lin is fooling him!

Facing Qi Lin who was approaching him rapidly, Li Chenyun stretched out his hands again and formed a series of complicated handprints.

I saw a distortion of space around Li Chenyun, and ghostly phantoms emerged from Li Chenyun's body.

next second!

The black shadow immediately turned into a human shape, and a face exactly like Li Chenyun's appeared on it.

The warriors of the four shadows stood beside Li Chenyun like an army, with their hands hanging by their sides, with a fearless smile on their faces, waiting for the Qilin soldiers to strike at the city.

This is the illusion that Li Chenyun is most proud of, and also the illusion he is best at - "cloning".

"William, how is my disciple's 'clone' used!"

Fan Xinglu, who was sitting on the high platform, asked William who was also sitting beside her.

"its not bad, right!"

"At least you're three-pointed!"

William stared at Li Chenyun's phantom, and then said indifferently!

The method of illusion created by Fan Xinglu - "Second Body"!

In fact, it can be said that there is an astonishing similarity to William's trick "Dress-up procession".

Needless to say on the outside, anyone with a little knowledge of illusion can easily do this.

The real power of these two moves is that they can perfectly imitate the energy flow in the opponent's body.

To know!

No matter what kind of energy it is, people who use it will have more or less of it in their bodies.

These energies are different from the energies that exist in nature.

They have their own unique way of flow and unique effect, and this flow is like the unique DNA engraved in the organism.

It is unique to each person, and it is impossible for the second kind to appear!

These two moves can briefly copy each person's unique energy flow to their own body.

ps: Thanks to Zero Mo for the reward

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Starting from today, it will officially enter the main line, where Sylvia and Kirin will cross.

There is still an update today, thank you for your support, no trouble!

Chapter 170 The Sixth Sword of Illusion "4000 words for subscription"

Of course, Li Chenhua's level of "clone" is naturally not enough.

Because he can only copy the flow of star power in his own body, he is still far from being able to perfectly copy the flow of other people's bodies like William and Fan Xinglu!

This is why William said that he is at best a three-pointer.

However, even if he is only three points high, he is definitely a strong player in this Asterisk.

The distance of tens of meters has been completely crossed by Kirin during this extremely short conversation.

Qian Yuqie had been taken back into the scabbard by Kirin at some point, her left hand held her own scabbard, and her right hand tightly held Qian Yuqie's hilt!

"Sword and vine-style drawing sword technique——"Folding Feather"! "

Kirin said in a low voice, and at the same time pulled out Chihagiri.

Li Chenyun showed a shocked expression on his face, because he didn't see clearly the movement of Qi Lin's sword, and a sharp sword light had already appeared in front of his eyes.

His real person and the four illusory shadows took a step back at the same time!

In Qi Lin's eyes, this kind of action is like opening the door!

The piercing sword light reappeared, and the silver-white blade drew a graceful arc in the air like a crane, mercilessly cutting towards Li Chenyun who was in a hurry to defend.


That's the sound that can only be made when metal collides with metal!

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