Originally, the young girl was wearing a blouse of just the right size, but her actions caused her clothes to be stretched up, revealing her slender white willow waist.

What's more, her body that usually seems to be just a proper part of the body, but also because of the sudden restraint of her clothes, she looks even more tall and straight!

This rare beauty also caused William to lose his mind for a moment.

"However, although she looks cute from the video."

"After seeing it in real life, she is much cuter than in the video."

Recalling Qi Lin's appearance on the sofa just now, Sylvia said with emotion.

"Kirin is really cute!"

For Silvia's evaluation, William also nodded in agreement.

Because Qi Lin is really cute, she is so cute that it is easy for many strangers to have a good impression of her when they see her for the first time.

"However, it turned out that you suddenly told me that day that you couldn't accompany me the next day, so you were accompanying this little sister!"

Silvia suddenly changed her tone, and smiled at William with a half-smile.

At the same time, she took back the hands she was leaning on backwards, and instead supported her side face with one hand.

"I can't help it. The little sister who has been taking care of me suddenly asks me so much. Of course I can't refuse."

"Also, I remember that you seem to have a temporary performance to attend the next day!"

"So I directly agreed to Kirin's request!"

For Silvia's seemingly responsible words, William answered calmly.

If Qi Lin was replaced by another girl, Silvia might still have some scruples when she asked.

But this is Qi Lin, he really has nothing to feel guilty about.

After all, he has always regarded Qi Lin as his younger sister.

No way, when he first met Qi Lin, Qi Lin was only 12 years old.

If anyone can have any inappropriate thoughts about a 12-year-old girl, why not just go to the prison and squat for a while!

"William, don't you see what Qi Lin is thinking?"

Seeing William's attitude, Sylvia also had a strange face, and asked cautiously.

"What kind of thoughts do you have! It should be that you have feelings of admiration for those who have been helping you all the time!"

William waved his hand and said quite confidently.


Seeing William's confident expression, Silvia finally couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing directly.

"What's wrong?"

William looked at Silvia, who still had a smile on her lips, in a daze.

"no no--!"

"I'm just surprised, I didn't expect you to have such a dull side."

Silvia tried her best to stop her smile, but as soon as she saw William's face, she would think of what happened just now, and couldn't stop her smile at all.

no way!

Clearly, William used his tricks to make Sylvia's face blush and her heart skip a beat.

As a result, now even a little girl can't see clearly how she feels about her.

It's obvious that it's admiration for him, but he abruptly regards it as admiration and admiration.

Thinking of this, she felt pitiful towards Qi Lin!

When she first saw Kirin's emotions towards William, she was still slightly hostile towards Kirin.

As a result, until now, she has only sympathy for Kirin.

If this kind of thing happened to her, she could cry, okay?

"Okay! Then let's skip this matter and let's not talk about it!"

Seeing that Silvia didn't want to say anything, William gave up.


Silvia kept nodding her head, obviously skipping this matter was more in line with her wishes.

Although she is more sympathetic to Qi Lin's state, she can't remind William to let him understand Qi Lin's true heart.

After all, she now understands her own intentions a little bit, and she will not do such a stupid thing to establish a strong rival in love for herself out of thin air.

"Tomorrow, I will take Qilin to take a stroll in Hey Wolf Black Academy!"

"At the same time, I will also try to sense the exact location of your teacher!"

"Just focus on tomorrow's performance!"

William said that he had already prepared his thoughts.

The scope of exploration here today is also in a state of excessive scope.

If he only probed the size of a Heywolf Black Academy, he should be able to search for almost the same location even in the deepest layers below.

It is not as wide as it is now.

"Sorry to bother you so much!"

Sylvia looked at William, who was so dedicated to her affairs, and said apologetically.

After all, this matter is obviously her own business, and so far, her efforts are completely incomparable with William's.

And, so far!

She also didn't find anything worthy of William's reward, which made her very distressed all the time.

"It's okay, this kind of thing is just a little effort, and I didn't put too much effort into it."

Seeing that Silvia wanted to say something more, William stretched out his palm directly to stop her from continuing to speak.

"Okay, it's not too late!"

"I'll take you out first!"

Taking a look at the night that has gradually begun to return from the hustle and bustle to calm, it means that today's open day is coming to an end, and students from other schools will soon be prevented from entering the school.

After all, even if it is an open school day like the school festival, students outside the school will not be allowed to stay overnight in the school. If there is an accident, it will be quite troublesome to deal with it at that time.


"I see!"

Silvia put on her knitted beret again, and then lightly patted the earphones above her ears.


In the slight tremor, the wisteria-colored long hair fluttered directly, as if floating slightly with a breeze.

From a beautiful and dazzling wisteria color to a plain and simple chestnut color.

After the hair color changed, the atmosphere on Silvia also changed accordingly.

Originally, after Sylvia showed her true appearance, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to be enveloped by spotlights.

This is the aura of the world's number one singer!

There is no need for any props to assist her, as long as she stands there, she will naturally attract everyone's attention.

But after the change in hair color, the dazzling aura also dissipated.

Of course, this does not mean that Silvia is not beautiful now.

Sylvia's camouflage is not as good as William's at all, and what can be changed is only her own atmosphere.

There is still no way to change things like the bones on the face, so Sylvia's face remains unchanged.

If she was the kind of unattainable and rare singer before, now she makes people feel like a cute little girl next door.

"Then let's go!"

Seeing that Silvia was ready, William directly opened the door of the room and led her out of the intricate building of Jielong.

"There's no need to continue sending it down, I'll just go back on my own for the rest of the way!"

After reaching the gate of Jielong, Silvia stopped her progress, then turned her head and said to William beside her.

"Is it okay, it's getting late now!"

William looked at the bright moon that was already high in the night sky and the streets that had become somewhat silent.

Although this is a high-tech city, the law and order here is definitely not good!

Usually, those local rascals like to hunt their targets at night, and many girls have been hurt because of this.

"I said, have you forgotten my strength!"

Silvia also looked at William with a worried face and said with some amusement.

This sentence also directly awakened William, and he also forgot that the girl in front of him had fought with him.

He should know her strength best.

As far as those punks whose bodies have been completely eroded by alcohol and sex, how could they be the opponents of Silvia, who has the strength of Asterisk's top 20!

"Then see you the day after tomorrow!"

"Well, remember to come directly to Kui Enweier in the morning the day after tomorrow!"

"Let me show you around, the holy place in the hearts of male students!"

Silvia walked directly in front of William, speaking in a playful tone.

"Well, I will trouble you then!"

William nodded, just as he was about to go back with his hands in his pockets.

Let's go!

The crisp sound, coupled with the warm touch imprinted on his left cheek just now, he couldn't help but stop and look back.

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