But the instigator of that incident just now can no longer capture her beautiful figure on this street.

Reaching out to wipe off the pink lip gloss that was still on his face, William couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

ps: Thanks to Bailu Cangcang for the three blades and thanks to Tian Guiyu for the two blades''

Originally, it should be updated today, but today’s birthday is too lazy to write, so I’ll forget about posting the manuscript

Ask for subscription, ball tickets

Chapter 180 4000 Why Am I Interested in Rouge Vulgar Fans "[-] words for subscription"

School festival, day two!

Today is another fine day with clear skies, the sea breeze blowing slowly from the sea also neutralizes the high temperature brought by the scorching sun, making it not so hot and unbearable.

In response to Qi Lin's thoughts in the morning, he and Qi Lin revisited their old places in the star guide hall again!

Of course, this time he never met Claudia again.

Relying on the experience he had already had yesterday, William skillfully took Qi Lin to visit various popular places in the star guide hall.

Now, here they are!

Their current state is that William is standing in front, and Qi Lin is holding the corner of his clothes behind him, blushing and hiding behind him.

As for why Kirin is in such a state!

That's all because of the menacing shop assistants around and the obscene hand-painted patterns on the walls.

From the patterns on these buildings, it can be seen that the students of this school are a group of goods.

"It's okay, Kirin!"

"As long as you don't care about it in your heart, this kind of thing is actually nothing."

William gently held Qi Lin's little hand, trying to ease the tense pressure in her heart in this way.

At the same time, William sighed softly!

I also regret in my heart that I shouldn't have brought Qi Lin here, if I knew he should have come here by myself.

This kind of dirty and chaotic place is really not suitable for a simple-minded little girl like Qi Lin to come here.

That's right, this is Black Wolf Academy with the most chaotic Asterisk school spirit!

Most of the people who can choose to go to school here are scumbags and gangsters. Rather, it is rare for you to find well-behaved students here!

As mentioned earlier, each school has its own architectural style.

Star Guide Hall is like a natural park in the city!

The Alcante Research Institute is like a giant scientific research base!

The buildings of Jielong are quite ancient buildings!

The Black Wolf Academy was built exactly like a military fortress.

Coupled with these students who are not taboo about meat and vegetables, and their behavior is quite annoying, this place is completely like a lair of gangsters.

Of course, the students here are also worthy of William's evaluation of them as bastards!

If it was just their appearance, William would not comment on them that way, after all, he is not a person who judges people by their appearance.

You can feel joy and joy in the activities held by other colleges.

But you can only feel the existence of violence here.

By the way, 90.00% of the gangsters outside the school mentioned by William last time came from this school.

It is also because of this that even if it is a lively school festival, there are very few students who choose to visit this school.

Of course, there is still a quite lively place here!

That is the casino hosted by Joy Street here!

It was a sort of amphitheatre.

The types in it can also be said that only you can't think of it, there is nothing they don't have.




21 points!

This is probably the busiest place in the entire Blackwolf Academy. The huge venue is filled with the taste of luxury.

In the venue, there are not only the shouts of gamblers in full swing!

There are also handsome male waiters in black suits, and good-looking bunny girls in scantily clad clothes who shuttle around to serve the guests!

Of course, the waiters and bunny girls here are not students of Black Wolf College.

They are all dedicated service personnel brought directly from Happy Street, and these service personnel can also be taken away to do some things they like to do after negotiating the price.

This is also the reason why the level of their appearance is above the standard.

Seeing William looking towards the direction of the casino, Qi Lin, who had been hiding behind him, bulged slightly.

He pulled William's clothes hard and whispered!

"Does the senior want to go in?"

Even if William didn't look back now, he could still imagine Qi Lin's already swollen look.

Seeing that William hadn't spoken yet, Qi Lin added with some worry.

"Senior, gambling is actually not a good thing, let's just go!"

"Don't worry! I'm not interested in gambling, either."

Kirin's worried tone made William laugh.

"Couldn't it be...!"

Qi Lin thought of a possibility that she had never thought of before, and even raised her childish voice a few degrees.

Seeing Qi Lin's fussy expression, William knew what was going on in her head at the moment.

So he also unceremoniously rewarded Qi Lin with a shudder, and tears of pain flowed directly to her.

Just when Qi Lin was mumbling her small mouth and was about to question William unconvinced.

"This is your punishment for my wild thinking, you know!"

"How did you think that I would be interested in these rouge vulgar fans!"

Under Qi Lin's puzzled eyes, William said a little bit dumbfounded.

That's right, those bunny girls who had captivated this group of men were really just low-class in William's eyes.

As I said before, these bunny girls are actually not ugly, and they can even be said to be very good-looking.

But what kind of women did William usually come into contact with!


Kirin Toto!




No matter where the girls in it are placed, they are peerless beauties who overwhelm the country and the city, and there are even gods in it.

Of course, even without these fairy-like girls in front of him!

It is also impossible for him to be interested in these bunny girls who can be fucked for money!

If he had this kind of thought, he would be able to change women every day when he was in the wrong world.

It wasn't until he left that Chun Ji was the only one who hit the base successfully.

After William's explanation, Qi Lin also believed his words, but Qi Lin's doubts deepened.

"The senior is neither interested in casinos nor those...!"

Qi Lin directly skipped the words she couldn't say.

"If you're not interested, then what is the senior doing here!"

There is actually nothing wrong with what Qi Lin said!

After all, the casino is the only attractive place in the entire Heywolf Black Academy.

Just looking at the sparse crowds in other places, it is clear that no one came to Heywolf for the school festival.

Casinos that will not be regulated are the only thing they are interested in!

He didn't answer Qi Lin's question, instead he took Qi Lin's little hand and walked quickly.

When he walked quickly, several figures also began to move along with him.

The sound of crisp footsteps resounded in the dark alley!

Just like that, William took Qi Lin's hand and strolled along the road made of bluestone slabs!

Qi Lin also seemed to feel that there seemed to be some danger hidden in this dark environment.

The shy and cowardly character has been completely forgotten by her at this moment, and the other small white hand rests on the handle of the Qianyu knife.

It wasn't until he had completely walked into the depths of the alley that William stopped his footsteps.

Let go of Qi Lin's little hand, and the hazy moonlight shines on his woolen coat.

The imprint of the pure and white moon wheel has quietly appeared in the center of his forehead.


That was the sound of the blade rubbing against the scabbard, and the silver blade looked even more chilling under the moonlight.

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