"I've been following me all day, so it's time to come out and meet!"

Seeing that Qi Lin was already preparing for battle, William spoke to the empty shadow.

But after a while, there was still no response!

It was as if William was singing a one-man show just now!


William shook his head, then pointed a finger at a dumpster on the left side of the alley.

"If you don't come out, then die!"

"Bai Lei!"

White lasers burst out from William's fingertips with a crackling sound.

The propagation speed of lightning was already extremely fast, coupled with the extremely short distance, Bai Lei forced himself into the trash can without even blinking an eye.


The blade made a trembling sound when it was shaken, and a dagger infused with the power of the stars appeared in the trash can that was empty just now.

First is the dagger!

Then there is the black glove that holds the handle of the knife!

The last is the black night clothes that look like an assassin.

"Which school's secret service are you!"

Being able to use this kind of attire in Asterisk, even if William doesn't care about this kind of thing usually, he can guess it roughly.

The man in black with the knife didn't speak. Instead, men in black who were dressed like him were constantly appearing from the shadows!

"Why, why don't you expose your family!"

The people in black are still keeping silent, which is also a necessary quality for members of the school's secret service agency.

Of course there is no need to say more about the tyrannical combat power!

Strictly execute the order and do not do unnecessary things during the task!

The most important thing is not to reveal your true identity.


"Is there a problem with giving you one?"

"Yes, senior!"

Qi Lin nodded silently, even when she was talking to William, she was already staring at the enemy opposite.

This is Kirin!

When she holds the sword, she will throw away all distracting thoughts in her heart, and face the enemy in front of her wholeheartedly.

"Qirin, I have nothing to tell you!"

"But you have to remember one thing. They are desperate killers. If you are not firm in your heart, you will have a great chance of losing."

As soon as the voice fell, the surrounding space began to distort.

Golden particles of light appeared all over William's body, and William's hand seemed to be holding a magnet, and the gold particles were constantly gathering in his hand.


The straight knife in his hand slashed straight ahead, and a bright red blood mist burst out in front of William's eyes.

The light blue protective cover also lit up directly in front of William's body, and all the swaying red blood drops were blocked outside, and none of them could be sprinkled on William's body.

The remaining four shadows rushing towards William also stopped in unison.

They all had astonishment in their eyes!

Lost mind!

Some people even showed fear in their eyes.

Clang clang!

Qi Lin's side has also successfully fought against each other.

Ling Lie's saber light turned into blurred afterimages and slashed towards the man in black.

The man in black, who was killed by William, seemed to be showing his due time at this moment.

While the dagger was flickering, Qi Lin's short burst of sword dance was completely blocked by the man in black in front of him one by one.

"Why don't you keep going!"

William flicked the hand holding the handle of the knife lightly, and he directly wiped off the dark red blood that remained on it.

"We have no intention of going to war with you!"

The speaker's voice was hoarse and extremely cold.

This man was also the only one who didn't feel emotional about beheading their companions.

"It looks like you should be the leader of this group of people?"

William looked at the man wearing a cat face mask. Among the group of killers, this was the only one who could be regarded as a killer.

Killers just need to get their job done.

Emotions like showing fear are completely useless to embarrass the killer.

"Yes, if you allow it, we will retreat immediately!"

"Huh? I just killed your companion directly!"

Seeing the cat-faced boss who was negotiating with him, William also temporarily restrained his killing intent.

"It's okay, if you are willing to let us go, he will be regarded as a compensation gift for you."

The companion who was fighting together just now was mercilessly abandoned by this killer.

His tone was as flat as the surface of calm water, without any emotion in his voice.

In fact, the member who shot just now, even if William didn't kill him directly.

When the mission is over, the boss will kill him himself.

Because this colleague has voluntarily violated their requirements when they received the task!

That is, don't take the initiative to attack the mission target, and don't easily anger the mission target.

The rookie just now caused the crisis of the entire team because of his recklessness.

But that idiot just now was not completely useless, at least that idiot made them really understand.

Why at the beginning of the mission, it has been said that the mission target is invincible, so we must be cautious.

"Well, but the one who is fighting Kirin now is the whetstone I carefully selected!"

While speaking, William stroked his chin, acting as if he was really thinking!

As soon as the cat-faced boss heard William's words, a gleam of light appeared in his cloudy eyes!

Then say it quickly!

"If you agree to my terms, he will be handed over to this young lady."

Under the surprised eyes of his companion, the cat-faced leader said these words without emotion.

"Clap clap clap!"

The crisp applause echoed in the alley, and even he was shocked by the decision of the cat-faced boss!

The cat-faced boss is so good, he is a little embarrassed to insist on his decision to kill them all.

After all, the dagger that the man in black stabbed at him just now was aimed directly at his back.

ps: Today is two more deliveries, please ask for tickets, please customize

Chapter 180 4000 You May Die Early Due to Cerebral Thrombosis

He has never been soft on anything that threatens his life.

Even with the strength of the man in black, it would be impossible to kill him.

But he finally made up his mind!

However, now he is really ready to have a good talk with the boss in front of him.

Being able to completely regard himself and his companions as a tool to complete the task, this is what a killer should look like in William's mind.

"Then call out the person who controls you from behind!"

"Of course, video calls are also available!"

Perhaps it was temporarily letting go of the murderous intention, and William's brain also started to work again.

Regarding the group of professional killers in front of him, he also vaguely guessed which school he belonged to.

After all, this kind of thing is easy to guess after you settle down.

There is no secret service at Alcante College.

Kui Enwei Children's College, the composition of "Yao Guang Xing" is the same as their school, all of them are women.

The "Holy Episcopal Conference" of St. Gialevos College and the "Movie Star" of the Star Guidance Hall are not in this style of dressing.

Of course, the possibility of changing clothes is not ruled out.

But let's take a look at where he and Qi Lin are now.

The result is already predictable.

It's just that he doesn't know whether it is the chaebol of the integrated enterprise who is eyeing him, or the legendary "King of Evil Spicy" who is eyeing him.

After all, the transfer rights of the "Black Cat Organization" are divided equally between the student council president and the integrated corporate chaebol.

Of course, he had nothing to do to listen to Silvia's talk about these things yesterday.

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