"Are you really worthy of being an electronic witch? To find out where [Blanche] is distributed in Japan so quickly."

Fujibayashi Xiangzi raised her eyebrows when she heard Jiudao Mitsunobu's address, "Guangxuan is so rude to my sister, I will teach you a lesson when I meet next time!"

As one of the few Kyoko Fujibayashi who knew the real situation of Mitsunobu Kyushima, she also had complicated feelings towards this half-brother at first.

But after all, they are relatives with similar blood, even if they are in complicated moods, they can't control their desire to get close to each other.

"Stop talking nonsense, the last time I saw you was a year ago!"

Mitsunobu Kushima also snorted coldly.

Even though he didn't like to talk to this woman when he was young, this woman still took care of him tirelessly, so he still recognized this woman, at least Fujibayashi Kyoko belonged to the group of relatives he wanted to protect in his heart.

"Ah! Is Guangxuan acting like a baby to my sister? Complaining that my sister hasn't come to see Guangxuan for a long time."

"I'm so sorry! My sister is busy with work, so I can't see you. Next time, my sister will ask for leave and spend time with Guangxuan."

Fujibayashi Kyoko said in an exaggerated tone, she just doesn't have the mature and intellectual beauty of before.

"This is obviously impossible!"

Mitsunobu Kushima still didn't have any emotional fluctuations, because he was already used to the way Kyoko Fujibayashi spoke to him.

If she strongly objected or confronted her verbally, she would only be happier that her words were wasted.

"But having said that, Guangxuan, do you want me to investigate this to solve the [blanche] in Japan?"

Fujibayashi Kyoko's expression also became serious, no longer the unscrupulous look just now.

It was already midnight when she received the news from Mitsunobu Jiudao yesterday. After a busy day, she was taking a comfortable bath at her own home when she received the news from Mitsunobu Jiudao.

After receiving the news from Jiu Dao Guangxuan, she made a phone call, but the other party had already shut down. Although with her ability, even if Jiu Dao Guangxuan turned off the phone, she could forcibly open the communication system of Jiu Dao Guangxuan's family.

But after thinking about it, it was probably just useless work. Even if Mitsunobu Kushima was connected, she would not explain it to her immediately. In desperation, she had no choice but to investigate Mitsunobu Kushima from the comfort of the bathtub.

Now that the information is in hand, Mitsunobu Kushima has no hidden meaning.

He raised his neck, "That's right, teach these little mice a little lesson."

Fujibayashi Kyoko didn't say anything dangerous, after all [Blanche] is not a powerful organization, and the Japanese branch is a bunch of rotten fish and rotten shrimp.

With Jiudao Guangxuan's [blanche] ability, he is not even qualified to injure him.

"Then how about my sister helping you to raid the formation? After all, there are a lot of people on the other side. Guangxuan, if you only have one person, it will be difficult to catch them all!"

"It just so happens that my sister is on vacation now, and my sister can call a few more thugs for you."

Fujibayashi Xiangzi thought for a while and said, at the same time, she was also planning in her heart to pull all the guys who were resting in the brigade to help her younger brother.

"There's no need for that. Sister Xiangzi, if you have time, you can come here by yourself, and I'm not the only one here."

Mitsunobu Kushima shook his head and rejected Kyoko Fujibayashi's proposal.

"There is someone else, who is it?"

"The next head of the Shiwen family, Shiwen overcomes people."

"Ah, it's him! That's really no problem."

Fujibayashi Kyoko's mind suddenly appeared the appearance of Jumonjikren in her impression, and she also knew the strength of Jumonjikren very well. She is a man who is worthy of the next head of the Shishi Clan.

"What about Mayumi? Since you and Jumonmon Koren have both gone, then Mayumi should also go!"

"No, Mei-senpai was not really involved in this operation. As the student council president, she also needs to deal with some follow-up matters."

"Don't you feel sorry for Mayumi and don't want her to be in danger? Sister, I know everything! About the matter between you and Mayumi."

The expression on Fujibayashi Kyoko's face became erratic again as she spoke.

Mitsunobu Kushima was expressionless and was about to turn off the screen directly, and Kyoko Fujibayashi also saw Mitsunobu Kushima's movements with sharp eyes.

"Don't close it! And you haven't said when you want to gather somewhere!"

"Gather at the [Blanche] Japan branch entrance in three hours."

Then Mitsunobu Kushima ignored Fujibayashi Kyoko's voice of refusal, and turned off the screen directly.

His own running speed also accelerated again, which is why he directly turned off Fujibayashi Kyoko's voice communication, and the constant video calls affected his speeding up.

After about a minute, after hanging up the communication, Mitsunobu Kushima moved from the student auditorium to the library of Yi Gao at a very high speed.

"It seems that it has been invaded? The target should be the information of modern magic! It is really an easy-to-understand purpose."

Even if there are not many people in the usual library, there are still a few scattered people studying in the library. However, the issue of improving the treatment system for second-year students broke out yesterday, causing today's students to gather in the school regardless of their grades. auditorium.

This is also the reason why the library was invaded so easily, because if there are other students and guards, even if they lose to terrorists, they can still delay the time, and it is impossible to be successfully invaded so quickly.

@元初阳光@宅战神Thank you for the reward from the boss

Thank you for your votes and support

Still asking for votes and attention, thank you everyone

Second more at eight o'clock in the evening

Chapter 28 The Real Flash Time

Even outside, Mitsunobu Jiudao could see through his own eyes that two terrorists in full-body protective gear were standing guard behind the two load-bearing columns in the central hall.

"You can't scare the snake! If you are discovered, it will be impossible to wipe them out."

Mitsunobu Kushima made up his mind, and began to carry out multiple calculations in his mind.

Kushima Mitsunobu was enveloped by a deep blue light, and the next moment his whole body disappeared under the sunlight.

"who is it!"

Accompanied by a strong sense of dizziness, the last terrorist in the hall fell to the ground without the ability to make any resistance.

Mitsunobu Kushima also reappeared, bent down and began to record the personal information of the man who fell on the ground.

Just now he used [Optical Camouflage], one of the five major camouflage magics of the Nine Islands family, to manipulate light and mentally interfere with the enemy to achieve a state similar to invisibility.

Now he reads the enemy's personal information just to use the most famous magic of the Jiudao family on the surface, another one of the five major disguise magics of the Jiudao family [dress-up procession].

When Mitsunobu Jiudao stood up straight again, his appearance had completely changed, and not only his appearance had changed, even the atmosphere of Xiangzi was exactly the same as that of the person lying on the ground.

This is the Jiudao family's [Cosmetic Formation], which can completely copy the opposite personal information body.

In theory, the phantom formed by visible light and the phantom temperature operated by infrared rays are used at the same time to use spiritual interference magic to make the other party hallucinate, and then use unsystematic magic to read the other party's intelligence body and cover themselves.

Combining small segments of various system magics creates this ultimate camouflage magic.

"Then let's go up!"

Mitsunobu Kushima walked up the stairs quietly, although he had already carried out an almost perfect disguise, he still couldn't just rush in so grandly.

In this way, he walked up to the fourth floor. Among them, he was only a second-year student who was sentry, and there was no one else, but he had his own reason for rushing directly to the fourth floor.

In fact, there is nothing particularly worth invading in the library, but there is still a place in the library that even if students want to enter, they need to ask the teacher for approval at various levels, and the management is quite strict.

That was the reference room, Mitsunobu Kushima looked at the closed door in front of him.

The library reference room records all kinds of precious magic formula composition materials and experimental materials, although it is not as good as the records of the Magic Association Headquarters and the storage quantity of the Magic University.

But even so, it is absolutely precious to a weak organization like [Blanche].

Although he didn't want to destroy the gate just like that, but he just didn't carry his student card, so he lifted up his [Ye] helplessly.

Pulling the trigger, a black hole the size of a bowl appeared directly at the lock of the gate. At the same time as the black hole appeared, he seemed to hear the scream of a man inside.

Kicking open the gate, Mitsunobu Kushima saw a terrorist holding his broken thigh and screaming.

His right thigh was completely melted from the knee down by Mitsunobu Kushima's atomic beam.

There was also a lot of blood splattered from the wound.

His companions were administering urgent wounds to him with delay magic.

Mitsunobu Kushima heaved a sigh of relief after seeing that the main control computer in the reference room was intact. He had also visited the reference room before to inquire about the location of the main control computer.

When emitting atomic rays, he also paid attention to the direction and did not affect the main control computer. As for whether it would hurt people, it was out of his consideration.

Leaving aside the terrorists, even the students in their school have no need to show mercy. After all, people always have to pay for their mistakes.

Of course, if conditions permit, he still hopes to arrest the students of his school alive.

"Nine... island school... brother, why are you still... here."

It was Sayaka Mibu who spoke.

The splashed blood stained her white school uniform red, and sporadic drops of blood were printed on her hands and face.

Although she stuttered, she was able to speak now, which proved her inner tenacity.

If other inexperienced students were allowed to come here, they would probably faint from the scene of blood and flesh flying all over the place.

"You guy."

The guy who had been sitting on the chair copying the data also stood up, opened the safety button of the automatic pistol, and wanted to shoot Mitsunobu Kushima.

Another bright green ray shot out from [Ye]'s muzzle, but this time the ray hit the terrorist's heart directly and accurately.

Throwing away the gun in his hand, he clutched the hole in his chest, as if he wanted to say something.

However, the lifeless eyes, the blood left at the corner of his mouth, and his slowly falling body all proved that his vitality was exhausted, and there was no room for him to speak.

After all, Mitsunobu Jiudao didn't plan to keep all the survivors when he came in. That would be too troublesome, and one is enough, which is why he took his life so decisively.

With a step, [Flash Time] was activated again.

It's just that this time the distance traveled was farther than when he was fighting with Shiba Tatsuya. After all, [Flash Time] was originally a technique similar to space travel.

The last time he fought Shiba Tatsuya, he used only the current castrated version. At that time, it was just a pure physical technique.

The real [flash time] needs to use divergent magic to open a vacuum channel between points, and then use a unique force technique to pass through the channel in an instant, so that it can create the illusion of instant movement.

Standing in front of the center console, Mitsunobu Kushima bent down and stretched out his hand to crush the memory still plugged into the center console.

Sayaka Mibu just looked at what was happening in front of her in a foolish way, and the other two terrorists were also infected by the atmosphere of Kushima Mitsunobu's killing, and they didn't even dare to make a sound.

"Mibu-senpai, isn't what you're after improving the treatment system for second-year students? Then can you explain to me why you're here?"

Mitsunobu Kushima said coldly, he will now judge how to deal with her based on Sayaka Mibu's answer.

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