The blockage of the screening room before could still be treated lightly as if it never happened, but the situation is completely different now.

Stealing precious magic materials from the Magic High School is already a complete crime, and it will be court-martialed.

But out of familiarity, he is still a student of this school, and Sayaka Mibu did not give him a bad impression yesterday.

He will consider whether to use his power to keep Sayaka Mibu.

The second one is delivered

I decided to find some pictures to upload while I was on vacation

I am embarrassed to reward me, please come and comment on the free tickets, please

In fact, I want to write about swimsuits, but unfortunately it will be after the Nine Schools Battle

Chapter 29 Intrusion [[-]]

Sayaka Mibu seemed to finally be unable to hold on to the bloody scene in front of her, and knelt down to cover her face and wept bitterly.

"I don't know! Why do you want to investigate magic information when you just ask for a change in the system?"

"It seems that I am not stupid enough!"

"Then give her a chance!"

Mitsunobu Kushima completely incapacitated Mibu Sayaka and the other two terrorists who were crying bitterly.

The strength of his attack can definitely be regarded as ruthless, after all, he didn't call other helpers, so probably their dizzy state will last for a whole day!

"Guangxuan, where are you now? Riots have started happening everywhere in the school."

Shiwen Keren's voice communication also happened to come over.

"It's just right, senior Shiwenzi should send a few people to the school library! There are 4 terrorists and 2 students from our school who need to be detained."

"One of the terrorists who brought another stretcher was seriously injured, and the rest of them have been rendered powerless by me."

This is a pillow after dozing off. Originally, Mitsunobu Kushima wanted to notify the discipline committee to deal with it.

After all, when he came here, he didn't expect that there would be students from his school participating in it. He planned to leave only one alive to give a confession, and wipe out the rest.

"Didn't you expect there to be students from our school involved?"

"Well, these two students, senior ten characters, should cover up a little bit! They seem to have been deceived to come here, and they didn't fully know about it."

"I'll take care of the rest."

"I see!"

After hanging up the communication, Mitsunobu Jiudao was going to go downstairs and bring the other two terrorists up to watch together, although he had completely stunned them.

But those two people were still lying on the hall with their backs stretched out after all, it would be bad if someone rescued them suddenly at this moment.

Just as Mitsunobu Kushima reached the stairs, he saw Siba brothers and sisters and Chiba Erica in the hall below checking the two terrorists lying on the ground.

"You guys came here pretty fast! It should be that you rushed straight here when the riot broke out."

Mitsunobu Kushima leaned on the handrail at the stairway and said to the people in the hall below.

Shiba Tatsuya had also discovered Mitsunobu Kushima when Mitsunobu Kushima reached the stairs, so it can't be said that!

From the moment he entered the library, he had already used [Elf Eyes] to find out the distribution of the members in the library, and the sight of one person standing in the library and the others lying down had already confirmed the fact that the enemies in the library had been subdued .

It's just that he doesn't know who subdued it.

"You have already discovered that terrorists will attack here, Guangxuan."

"It's not too difficult to guess! After all, there are two or three places that are important in the school. I just judged that this place is the most threatened."

Mitsunobu Kushima shrugged his shoulders, and then jumped directly from the railing on the fourth floor. However, he used magic feet to step on the wall to decelerate twice. Otherwise, even he would have fallen into the ground at such a high distance. seriously injured.

"Since you are here, it's just right, do me a favor!"

"What's the matter, it's better to say that we are here to help."

Chiba Erika smiled enthusiastically, and the extended baton in her hand was also erected on her chest, looking ready to go.

"I can see what you're thinking by looking at you."

"But it's a pity that I didn't ask you to help me because of a fight, but I just want you to keep an eye on the suspicious people in the lobby and reference room."

"Cut, boring!"

Chiba Erika put the stretched baton-shaped CAD on her shoulders, and said with a pouted mouth.

"Tatsuya, anyway, I will trouble you. I will come back to take over the people sent by Senior Shimonji later."

Mitsunobu Kushima twitched the corners of his mouth, and decided it would be better to talk to Shiba Tatsuya.

"I see."

Shi Boda also nodded in response, and besides, it was his duty as a disciplinary committee member, so he had no way to refuse.

"There's Mibu-senpai upstairs too, take good care of me!"

"Then I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

Mitsunobu Kushima just went out without looking back, but when Mitsunobu Kushima left completely, Shibo Tatsu also received another summons from Mitsunobu Kushima.

Shiba Tatsu also thought that Mitsunobu Kushima had something to explain, so he opened it openly and looked at it.

"Mibu-senpai was knocked out by me, if you only want your younger sister and Chiba-san to go up by themselves."

"Then you won't be known about what you do!"

"Brother, you shouldn't ask yourself to go up!"

Siba Shenxue's gloomy voice came from Sibo Tatsuya's ear.

"Wait, Miyuki. I didn't say I wanted to go up by myself!"

"This man is real!" It was rare for Si Boda to have such big emotional fluctuations on his face.

Running on the road to the school, the school is completely different from what it was just now, and the whole school has been completely reduced to a battlefield.

Broken trees, deep pits everywhere on the ground.

The students spontaneously formed the guards and the school's law enforcement forces and discipline committee members are fighting against the terrorists.

On the way to the school gate, Mitsunobu Kushima also helped a few students who were struggling.

But the good news is that Kushima Mitsunobu did not see other second-year students among the terrorists.

Originally, the journey only took a few minutes, and Jiu Dao Guangxuan took nearly half an hour to reach the gate of the school. When he arrived, there was already an armed off-road vehicle parked there.

"Hurry up and get in the car!"

The window of the driver's car was rolled down, and Shiwen Keren's face poked out from inside the car to greet Mitsunobu Kushima.

After Mitsunobu Jiudao got into the car, he found that there was another student on the co-pilot.

"Yo! Nine Islands, I'm here too."

Kirihara Takeaki's big face also appeared in Kushima Konobu's eyes, and he greeted him.

"It turned out to be senior Kirihara, and senior Jumonji agreed to let you participate."

Mitsunobu Kushima nodded politely. He also had an impression of this senior. After all, he was the hero of the Mibu Sayaka incident. He also saw it when he was recording the data file.

"Kirihara happened to be next to me at the time, and his reasons for participating in the operation were enough to convince me."

Shiwenke said without looking back.

"That's it, please."

Kirihara Takeaki also knew that the initiator of this operation was Kushima Konobu, and his attitude towards Kushima Konobu was also very polite.

"It doesn't matter, have all the things in Senior Shiwenzi's school been arranged?"

"Well, when I picked up the car, the crackdown in the school was basically over."

Shiwen Keren said in a deep voice, but this is just his character.

@Jack#13 @原初太阳 Thanks to the two big brothers for their long-term support to the younger brother

Ask for votes for attention

Chapter 30 Intrusion [[-]]

Shiwenkeren's personality is that kind of meticulous type, and it is impossible for him to come out to deal with things outside the school unless everything in school has been arranged properly.

"Jumonji-senpai and Kirihara-senpai cut off the back from behind, and I will attack from the front. Sister Xiangzi will help us warn whether there is any support outside, and at the same time be responsible for the fish that slip through the net!"

【Blance】Outside the Japanese branch, a group of four people are outside the wall, Jiudao Guangxuan assigns them their respective tasks.

Everyone's words to Mitsunobu Kushima had no meaning, and they all brought the communication earphones prepared by Kyoko Fujibayashi for them so that they could contact at any time.

"Break in!"

At the order of Fujibayashi Kyoko, the duo of Kudao Mitsunobu and Jumonmon Squad moved at the same time.

The time of encountering the enemy was unexpectedly early in Jiudao Mitsunobu's view.

Along the way, Jiu Dao Guangxuan didn't intend to investigate carefully at all. When he came across the door, he just forcibly broke through it. After walking through two empty rooms, he finally encountered the enemy.

"Nice to meet you, Mitsunobu Kushima."

The man who made the sound was about 30 years old, which is still young.

It's just that the pretentious and exaggerated gestures are really disgusting.

"[Blance] The leader of the Japanese branch, let's make a pair!"

Although Mitsunobu Kushima was not interested in talking to this kind of pretentious guy, even if he had read the information given to him by Fujibayashi Kyoko, he still had to make a routine confirmation.

"Oh, that's really rude."

"As you said, I am the leader of the [blance] branch in Japan, Si Yi."

The connotation of the psion is very low, and the physical body seems to be below the average level of a magician.This is the information that Mitsunobu Jiudao observed with his [Eye of Delusion] the first time he saw him again.

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