Hypocritical intellectual revolutionaries.

This is Mitsunobu Kushima's evaluation of him.

However, his exaggerated and self-indulgent behavior is indeed easy to be sought after by believers. From this point of view alone, he is indeed more suitable to be the leader of a terrorist organization.

"That's it! I took care to save your life, you are lucky."

Mitsunobu Kushima said expressionlessly, and pointed at the terrorists who were raising their guns to warn him.

"Don't be so anxious! I am very interested in your strength, and then you will become our partner!"

Mitsunobu Jiudao's appearance of going to do it without saying a word also interrupted Si Yi's desire to continue talking.

He took off his own prescription glasses and threw them into the sky with extremely exaggerated movements. Just as Mitsunobu Kushima's eyes followed his, Si Yi also brushed away the hair on his forehead

Si Yi's eyes emitted a strange light. ,

Mitsunobu Kushima's original cold expression disappeared completely, and the raised left hand couldn't move back freely,

"Hahaha, so what if you are a member of the Ten Master Clan, you have become my captive obediently now."

Si Yi laughed wildly, his face twisted.Originally, in order to deal with Jiudao Guangxuan, he also gathered all the Yangspars in this room to be on the safe side.

It was to prevent Jiu Dao Guangxuan's calculation ability from surpassing Yang Jingshi's interference ability, but he didn't expect him to succeed so easily.

And it's not a defeat, but a conscious control over it, which is simply an unexpected gain.

"You should be more useful than the waste of the second-year students I control."

Si Yi stroked his chin, frantically thinking about how to use Jiu Dao Mitsunobu as a pawn.

"So that's it, the consciousness-interfering external magic -- [Evil Eye]!"

"He's really the same guy, he only knows how to play monkey tricks!"

Mitsunobu Jiudao suddenly made a sound, interrupting Si Yi's wild laughter.

His expression gradually became flustered, his breathing became more and more rapid, his pupils became dilated, and Mitsunobu Kushima could even see bloodshot eyes in the whites of his eyes.

"How is it possible, how can you break free from my [Evil Eye]"

"Why, will you stop maintaining your exaggerated movements if the magic is broken?"

Mitsunobu Kushima said sarcastically that he really doesn't like this kind of villain.

Look at how embarrassed he is now!Just being deciphered by a spell, he was already panicked like this, and he stood behind his subordinates, obviously intending to use his subordinates as human shields.

"I just said that I will save your life for you!"

"I still haven't changed my mind, but it's still called staying alive without limbs."

Mitsunobu Kushima was not interested in explaining to him why [Evil Eye] didn't work for him, because his heart was already filled with anger.

It doesn't matter if the students in your school are stupid, but it would be too sad to be controlled by others.

They just want to change their treatment, but they are manipulated by this kind of garbage.

"Impossible, impossible."

Si Yi, still unwilling to give up, activated his [Evil Eye] again, but this time there were no exaggerated movements to attract Mitsunobu Kushima's attention.

"Are you done trying?"

Konobu Kushima's eyes became more and more contemptuous, he just stood there and let Si Yiyi look at him.

It's just something that Si Yi doesn't know, no matter how he activates the magic.

The effect of the evil eye will never be able to act on Jiudao Mitsunobu's body. This is another application of the Jiudao family's [cosmetic ranks].

Now standing in place is just the fake personal information body he copied, if he can't decipher the [cosmetic ranks], he will be useless no matter what.

"Shoot, shoot."

Si Yi finally determined that his magic had no effect on the young man in front of him, and now he had no energy left to pretend to maintain his majesty.

He also didn't have the energy to notice the suspicious eyes cast on him by his subordinates, and now his heart was filled with fear and bewilderment.

Although the subordinates were puzzled, they subconsciously pulled the trigger under the strong threat of Mitsunobu Kushima.

"what happened?"

"Why didn't you hit him?"

A sentence of questioning words came out of Si Yi's mouth, and hundreds of bullets pierced through the phantom that Mitsunobu Kushima had left in place, hitting the door panel behind him.

Under the flustered atmosphere, Si Yi was already slowly backing away, thinking that no one would notice him under such circumstances.


"Did I tell you! Keep your limbs."

"Mr. Si Yi, where do you want to go?"

Synchronized with Mitsunobu Kushima's voice, four [atomic rays] aimed at Si Yi's limbs.


It was the sound of the flesh directly hitting the concrete floor.


Si Yi was still running forward, preparing to go to the next room to regroup to meet Mitsunobu Kushima, but why did his feet suddenly hang in the air!

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Chapter 31 Intrusion [[-]]

Si Yi cried bitterly, tears and snot mixed on his distorted face, the intense pain almost made him faint.

"it hurts!"

"It hurts!"

A fountain of fresh blood stained the ground, and Si struggled several times to stand up, but it was already impossible for him who lost both hands and feet.


Mitsunobu Jiudao spit out these two words indifferently, but he still used his own brainwaves to calculate his earring-shaped CAD to stop the bleeding of Si Yi who was crying.

It wasn't that he suddenly became sympathetic, but that if he didn't stop the bleeding quickly, he wouldn't be able to survive the arrival of the ambulance.

Although he is a scumbag, he is still of great value now. After all, he is an important person who helps the students in his school get rid of crimes.


A mercenary in field uniform seemed unable to bear the pressure, pulled out the military dagger between his legs and stabbed directly at Mitsunobu Kushima.

"Really, you can be arrested with complete body parts, why do you have to ask for trouble!" Mitsunobu Kushima sighed slightly.

What was raised was a specialized pistol-shaped CAD [Night] with a black body and silver streamlined lines.

Gently pull the trigger.

"It's so hot, what is this?"

"It's 【Blazing God Realm】!" a mercenary shouted in horror.

"It seems that there are still people who know the goods! Don't worry, my control ability is not bad, I will probably only bake it half-cooked for you!"

Mitsunobu Kyushima decomposes gas into plasma, and then forcibly separates cations and electrons to create a high-energy electromagnetic field.

After a few seconds.

There was no one standing in the room except Mitsunobu Jiudao, and everyone on the ground suffered burns to varying degrees.

Although they are members of the anti-magic organization, it seems that there are still a few guys who can use magic, and the few guys who can still stay awake all use their own defensive magic to barely maintain a conscious state in the raging fire.

"Well, my control is really good."

Kushima Mitsunobu looked at Si Yi who was not affected by the fire, and nodded in satisfaction. After all, no one can die if he can die!

The tip of the knife pierced through the gate, and the 5cm-thick iron gate was divided into several pieces by the knife like tofu.

"Vibration magic—high-frequency blade!"

The silver-white blade was still entwined with orange-yellow psions, and even though Mitsunobu Kushima was nearly ten meters away, he could still hear the piercing buzzing sound from the blade.

It was Kirihara Takeaki and Jumoni Keren who entered with a knife.

"Hey, isn't what you're doing a bit too much?" Kirihara Takeaki said with a look of astonishment.

It was because he looked at the miserable scene in front of him, coupled with the familiar burning smell rushing into the tip of his nose from time to time, that he couldn't help but have the urge to spit it out.

Shimoni Keren also frowned, but he didn't show such a strong sense of discomfort like Kirihara Takeaki.

"All the enemies along the way have been dealt with, and none escaped successfully."

"Where are you?"

"As you can see, all are wiped out."

Kushima Mitsunobu put his [Ye] back into the holster, and then pointed to Si Yi who had been cut into a stick by him.

"This is [Si Yi], the leader of the Japanese branch."

"How did he offend you? Why is his treatment so special?"

Kirihara Takeaki didn't know how to describe Si Yi for a while, so he had to use the word special.

"Almost all the students in our school committed crimes after they were controlled by him with consciousness interference magic [Evil Eye]."

"What do you mean?"

Kirihara Takeaki tightened his grip on the handle of the knife.

"That is to say, he tampered with the memories of our school's students, and took advantage of the empty-hearted students to control their hearts."

"Does it mean that Mibu has become like this because he lied to him?"

Kirihara Takeaki's expression changed suddenly, completely opposite to the laughing and joking look just now, and now he is like a fierce tiger who chooses people and loves them.

The beeping of the Japanese sword in his hand was even better, and the A-level melee magic [High Frequency Blade] was wrapped around the blade again.


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