"You should be able to see the changes in Xiaohui's body now!"

"Ah, that's true."

"He seems to be a little jealous of me now!"

There was also an unconscious smile on the corner of William's mouth. It was really interesting to be able to look at the man who looked like a puppet, and the emotional change of jealousy appeared.

"That's right, he should be jealous of your strength now."

"But now he doesn't understand what his psychology means, and he doesn't understand why this emotion arises!"

"When he can understand this, it means that he can break free from the shackles that he himself bound him."

A look of anticipation appeared on Fan Xinglu's face.

William shook his head with a smirk, and then spoke in a half-joking tone.

"Xinglu, although you always speak harshly on Wu Xiaohui, in fact, the apprentice you care about the most is Wu Xiaohui!"

Fan Xinglu nodded irrefutably.

"There is really no way to deny this. After all, he is also someone my mother has been taking care of since the previous generation."

"And he is indeed a rare good seedling. If he just lives in my shadow all his life, it would be too wasteful."

Fan Xinglu said in a tone that seemed to be reminiscent, and when she said this, her little hand patted her head directly.

"By the way, have you joined that organization?"

Fan Xinglu's expressive tone made William not think about it at all, and immediately understood who Fan Xinglu was referring to.

"Joining is not considered joining, it's just what everyone needs!"

William shook his head lightly, then looked at Fan Xinglu suspiciously.

Fan Xinglu immediately understood what William meant, and then opened her folding fan to cover her little face.

"This organization has invited my mother many times before, but my mother has never been interested in this."

"Yesterday, when my mother was going out, she met the woman with the necklace on her neck again. It was also when she invited me again that I realized that you had something to do with them."


Now he felt that the corners of his mouth twitched and he couldn't describe his mood anymore.

He and Sylvia had been searching for the news for so long, and it was easy to get it by his side.

He even felt that if he told Silvia about this matter, Silvia would even regret it.

After all, she had known Fan Xinglu longer, if she had asked Fan Xinglu earlier.

She may have found her own teacher, so she doesn't have to waste so long.

"However, Xinglu, according to your thinking, you should be very happy to see their plan come to fruition!"

"Why didn't you choose to help them!"

William asked the doubts in his heart.

That's right, in his opinion, if Fan Xinglu had known about this organization, he would have gotten involved no matter what.

Because Fan Xinglu said it before, she is very grateful for this era when the power of the stars exploded and the generation of star veins exploded.

The blowout of Xingmai generation after generation means that there are many seedlings covered in dust, which can bloom their own brilliance in this era.

There are naturally more and more opponents who can practice against her.

Therefore, she should be happy to support this kind of plan that can trigger the golden age of the star pulse generation.

"Well! What you said is indeed correct. My mother is indeed very interested in the era they describe."

"But I didn't participate, it's just that my mother is not very optimistic about their plan."

Qi Lin, who has been serving at the side, can be said to be in a fog, and has no idea what these two people are discussing.

After Fan Xinglu said this, she just kept silent!

It was obvious that he didn't want to continue talking, so William had no choice but to stop his desire to continue asking.

"Then I'll go first, I still have some important things to do today!"

Regarding William's departure, Fan Xinglu waved her little hand weakly.

William and Qi Lin walked in the corridor made of mahogany, and their destinations can be said to be relatively similar.

Because Qilin's exclusive training ground is relatively close to Jielong's parking lot.

Along the way, Qi Lin hung the towel on her arm, and her small head hung on her chest.

Just when William was about to break this relatively dull atmosphere!


"Well, what's the matter?"

William immediately asked about Kirin.


Qi Lin first elongated her tone, and then said in a tone that was difficult to speak.

"Senior, are you going to find Miss Silvia!"

There was apprehension in that tone, anxiety, and a rather subtle sense of fragility.

Coupled with her trembling shoulders, it seemed that she was afraid that William would be angry because of her words.

"Well! It is true,"

With this affirmative answer, Qi Lin's little face immediately turned pale, and soon tears began to glisten in her eyes.

Seeing Qi Lin like this, William immediately added.

"We have serious business to do, it's not what you think, don't think too much."


Putting the small palms in front of the eyes and covering them gently, the drooping head was also lifted up quietly, looking at William with hopeful eyes.


"So don't think too much about it."

He is now decisively explaining this matter to Qi Lin because of the night Qi Lin and Zhao Hufeng gathered at his door three days ago.

When he saw Qi Lin's scandal because of Silvia and him, his face was pale, as if he had lost hope in life.

No matter how much he doesn't want to think about it, he can't purely attribute Qi Lin's feelings for him to reverence.

But of course he will not directly point out this matter now, but will choose to continue to observe quietly.

When he was really sure of Qi Lin's thoughts, he would choose to talk to Qi Lin, and then let her make a decision whether to follow him or not.

William put his big hand on Kirin's head and rubbed it lightly.

Now this action has even become an established action between the two of them. As long as William uses this move, no matter what state Qi Lin is in, she will immediately smile.

Of course, this time will be no exception!

The girl's face is like the weather in June, it can change as soon as it changes.

Even though Kirin is only 13 years old, this proverb still applies to her.

"I know, senior!"

"By the way, I should be busy until late tonight, or I won't come back directly."

"If you are in a hurry, just dial my mobile terminal."

According to his estimate, his work today should take a long time, and the time they are scheduled to gather is this afternoon.

So the chances of him not coming back at night are really quite high.

Thinking about the previous few times, Qi Lin had always waited for him silently at the door when he had something to ask him, he thought it would be better for him to inform him in advance.

"I know, senior!"

Kirin also nodded briskly.

Just now when she heard that William and Silvia went out together, she would have tears in her eyes, but now even if she heard that the two of them stayed away all night, she would directly believe William.

In a sense, if William really wanted this kind of girl to agree to become his harem.

It should be a very simple matter, just a few sweet words should be no problem.

"Then I'll go first, Qi Lin, you have to work hard!"

"I know, senior!"

After separating at the fork, William also went straight to the parking lot and got into the car.

I opened my space window, tuned to the list I was particularly focused on, and then chose a person to call directly.

Silvia's face immediately appeared in the space window.

But the current face is not her original face.

Instead, she often chooses a knitted hat with long chestnut hair, and a camouflage outfit with a beige smock and light blue jeans.

At this moment, her face was full of anxiety, and she spoke as soon as she saw William.

"Shall we start now, and then assemble there!"

Seeing Silvia's anxious look, William also shook his head with a smile.

"Okay, Sylvie, don't be so anxious! Relax!"

"I'll give you the exact location of the treatment home right now, just take a ride there, and then we'll meet downstairs in the treatment home!"

Sylvia also seemed to realize her gaffe, and took two big breaths, slightly calming down her excited state of mind.

"I see, I'm going downstairs now!"

"Well, see you later!"

ps: Thanks to Shushu Wu for sending the blade

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