
Chapter 190 Believe Me

When William arrived at the treatment home, Mathias and Silvia were already waiting at the gate.

However, looking at the silence of the two people one after another, you should be able to tell that there should be no conversation between the two people.

"Mr. William, you are here! Let's go up now!"

Mathias immediately greeted him, and then smiled at William!Straight to the point.

Silvia also fell behind him, walking beside William, and the two walked side by side.

She took William's arm directly, with a lingering worry on her face.

There was no way, although William had told her convincingly that he could cure Usla's sleepiness.

But when she was about to face it head-on, her anxiety still couldn't be restrained.

"Okay, you have to trust me!"

"If I can't do it, then the reward for the champion of the next Xingwu Festival, I will use it to give you the healer teacher!"

William also knew that just words of comfort could not completely eliminate Silvia's anxiety, but now he could only say so.

Silvia also knew that she was in a bad state, so she took a long breath.

He also pretended to restore his own smile on his face, and nodded slightly.

"I see!"

After that, the two of them just kept walking behind Mathias.

The treatment center is actually divided into a high-rise main hospital for diagnosis and examination, and an inpatient building connected by corridors.

The two followed in the footsteps of Mathias to a room located in the basement of the hospital!

Just when the room was about to be opened, Mathias suddenly spoke.

"Although Varda hasn't caused any damage to Miss Usla's body in the past few years."

"However, due to safety considerations, we still chose to perform the removal work in the treatment facility."

"This can also prevent accidents from happening. Fortunately, it is still very successful."

"The current Miss Usla, apart from the expected mental damage, has no other problems."

Mathias explained so calmly, and at the same time he pushed the door open.

In fact, normally speaking, the stripping work can be done no matter where it is carried out. Before Usla, Varda had taken possession of other people's bodies by herself several times.

However, unlike before, Varda never cared about what would happen to her host when she was stripped.

The method of action is quite tough and rough.

After all, the situation is different. Mathias is not going to offend William, but is also ready to cooperate with William.

It is not possible to directly destroy the stripped body like before, but to be careful not to damage Usla's body.

In order to prevent William from breaking down the negotiations with them.

There is no essential difference between the ward here and the normal ward.

It is a normal independent standard room, but there are many high-end therapeutic equipment in the room.

Right in the center of the ward, on the single bed, a very familiar woman was lying on it, but this time, she was not wearing the black necklace.

At this moment, she was still wearing a mask-style ventilator on her face, and she was sleeping soundly with rhythmic panting.


Just when Sylvia was about to step forward and hold Usla's hand, William first grabbed Sylvia's shoulder.

"Wait for a while!"

After saying this, William gently closed his eyes.

The invisible and colorless star power escaped directly from his body, and the star power wrapped Usla like a tide.

Feel the star power flow on Usla's body that is completely different from before.

If the star power on Varda's body felt like ice-cold sea water before.

Now the star power on Wusla's body is like the warm sun born in the morning, with a hint of warmth.

"Okay, let's go!"

William let go of the palm that clamped Silvia's shoulder, and Silvia rushed to Usla immediately, knelt down on her knees and held Usla's hand.

What he did just now was definitely not an unnecessary action.

He checked first, just to see if Mathias and the others had brushed their own minds and left their dark hands in Usla's body.

In order to threaten them at a critical moment in the future, let them throw a mouse at him.

However, from his inspection, at least he didn't see any problems.

Nor did he feel that Mathias had any means of deceiving him.

Of course, he wasn't too confident in himself, and after he was awakened by Wusla, he would take Wusla to Fan Xinglu's place for a check.

The methods of that current demon fairy can be described as endless.

If you want to check out the hidden hands of a junior, it's easy and easy.

"Then, Mr. William, how about we leave it to these two first!"

Mathias walked to William's side and lowered his voice, speaking in a low voice.

William glanced at Silvia, then nodded in agreement.


On the bench outside the ward, two people sat a seat apart, with a huge glass window in front of them.

It happened to be able to see Usla lying on the hospital bed and Silvia sitting on the hospital bed.

"Our stripping work was successful this time, and Miss Usla's spirit has not suffered much damage."

"And we also invited a high-ranking healing witch to conduct an examination. Even if she doesn't use any healing methods, she will be able to wake up on her own within three years."

It can be seen from this sentence that Mathias is definitely showing favor to William.

Not to mention that the people who can stay in this treatment home are either rich or expensive, and it is not so easy to recruit the highest ranking healing witch.

You know, a witch or magician with the ability to heal is a treasure that will be held in the hands of the chaebol of the integrated enterprise.

As long as they take care of people's recuperation and health care, it is not difficult for an ordinary person to live to be 30 years old.

It can be said that witches and magicians with the ability to heal are the first step in breaking the embarrassing position of the Star Pulse generation.

Because there is no intelligent creature who does not want to live longer, especially for people with high positions.

"I know!"

William waved his hands, then crossed his arms and asked with great interest.

"What about the pure Xinghuang weapon that occupied Usla's body before? Has she found a suitable body?"

Mathias was taken aback by William's question, and he didn't expect William to ask about it.

However, this incident was not something worth hiding from him.

Mathias took out from his bosom the same style as the necklace Varda was wearing on her chest.

It's just that at this moment, the necklace does not shine with the same brilliance as before, but it looks like an ordinary necklace worn in Mathias' palm.

After that, Mathias put the necklace back into his chest.

"You see, this is what it looks like now!"

"Until I find her a new body, she's going to have to stay in this state."

"So it is."

After learning about it, William stopped paying attention to this issue, after all, it didn't have much to do with him.

"Since I have returned Miss Usla's body to you, it means that our direct agreement has been completed!"

Mathias stared at William with a faint smile on his lips.

"That's right, as long as your plans don't affect people around me, there won't be any conflicts between us."

William nodded affirmatively. As for who they will be involved in later, and which fresh hapless egg Varda will choose as the host, that has nothing to do with him.

He didn't bother to mind that business either.

In fact, if Silvia became friends with him, even his DNA would follow Silvia.

He doesn't even care about Usla's affairs!

"Very good! Let's discuss cooperation now, do you think it's okay?"

After getting an affirmative answer, his gaze became meaningful.

"Huh? Your actions are still quite fast, and you have decided so quickly?"

William was also a little surprised, but he could understand why these people moved so fast.

According to his estimation, he should have become their headache during this time.

If they can be biased towards a peaceful solution, it is normal for them to be so hasty.

The time went back to the night three days ago!

- LeWolf Black Academy School District!In an underground laboratory.


Di Luke Abelfan was lying on the sofa relaxing, the sudden opening of the door made him frown suddenly, and turned his head away following the sound.

"What the hell is it? You are so anxious to gather!"

"I'm busy, don't you know, Mathias!"

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