After all, Fan Xinglu did not use the Wanying Jingjing to create a fairy tool that can withstand the attack of the "Black Furnace Demon Sword", which should make the chaebol of the integrated enterprise greedy!

You know, although William used "Orion" to fight against pure star-flame weapons in public before, it was different from now. Now he was fighting against the "Black Furnace Demon Sword", which is known as the inexhaustibility of all things.

Omni-response crystals are a very scarce resource, and it is not easy to make all-response crystals into pure star-like weapons.

It is estimated that in their eyes, the fairy tools made by Fan Xinglu are much more useful.

It doesn't need to spend too much money, and the immortal equipment is not as harsh as the pure Xinghuang weapon in terms of identifying the master.

"Electromagnetic gun!"

A plain voice sounded, and William didn't explain to Ayato Amagiri, the straight knife in his hand dissipated instantly, transforming into the form of a tactical gun.

His whole body was shining with the brilliance of star power, and the extremely rich energy began to gather at the muzzle of the tactical gun, continuously condensing.


The light cannon was condensed in this short moment, cut through the space amidst the trembling sound of the air, and shot straight towards Tianwu Lingdou.

Amidst the whistling sound of the strong wind, the azure beam of light continuously magnified in front of Ayato Amagiri.


Ayato Amegiri let out a long sigh of relief, the star power on his body began to scatter and surge, and the corners of his eyes also seemed to have an upward trend.

If it was Amagiri Ayato who looked like a bad guy before, now his expression looks quite aggressive

"Tian Wuchen Mingliu Swordsmanship Austrian Legend - "Sura Moon"! "

Ayato Amagiri held the "Black Furnace Demon Sword" and took half a step forward. At the same time, he swung his hands vigorously, and the sword directly drew a half-moon-shaped sword flash in the air.

When the electromagnetic cannon exuding scorching heat came into contact with the sword move, it was easily split in half.

"I think this is what I should say, "Black Furnace Demon Sword" is indeed a bit tricky. "

Even he could not help but twitch his eyelids for splitting his electromagnetic cannon into two easily.

Now he feels more and more that this weapon is really suitable for Qi Lin, which is a pity!

"Then I'll keep going."

With a dignified voice, Ayato Amagiri stepped on the ground instantly with both feet, and twisted her body in a quick sprint.

The "Black Furnace Demon Sword" in his hand is now like a block of piled wood, and the blade is constantly extending.

The power of the slash was also strengthened by Ayato Amagiri's continuous rotation.

"Tianwuchen Mingliu spreads——"Qianzuili"! "

——At this moment!

Julis' flower crown sword also depicted the magic circle in the air, and the moment the magic circle was successfully drawn, the giant dragon formed by the flames came out with its teeth and claws.

"Let's bloom gorgeously—"Dragon Swallowing Fire Flower"! "

The flaming dragon stretched out its huge wings in the air, dexterously flew in the air, and attacked Qi Lin from the air.

Facing the roaring flaming dragon, Qi Lin just calmed down, holding the "Senbagiri" in her hand and maintaining a straight-eyed posture, and her whole body directly turned into a ghostly figure, flying away from the spot.

Julis' pupils shrank suddenly, and the flame dragon she was controlling naturally hit the ground directly without causing any damage.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Qi Lin's beautiful figure is constantly flickering, and she is almost approaching her position.


At this critical juncture, not only did Julis's face not show any panic, but the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

"Bloom - Ronglie Flame Claw Flower!"

As Qi Lin moved forward at high speed, a pattern of a magic circle floated up at her feet, and the giant claws of flames blocked Qi Lin's face like a blocking wall.

A total of five giant claws, front and back, tightly wrapped Qi Lin, and now Qi Lin looked like a girl caught by a demon king.

"Ha, fortunately, I have accumulated a lot of combat experience with Sister Cecilie before."

Kirin said with some gratitude, and at the same time, she quickly inserted "Senha Kiri" back into her scabbard, and quickly pulled "Akaran Sakura" out of the belt.

In fact, before Kirin came to Asterisk, she had very little experience fighting witches and magicians.

Therefore, William also intentionally cultivated Qi Lin, and rarely used close combat to practice with Qi Lin.

When he was not around, he also ordered Qi Lin to practice with Cecily.

You know, when William wasn't here, besides Fan Xinglu and Wu Xiaohui, Cecily was the best person in Jielong who practiced physical and star immortality.

"Hopefully it does considerable damage!"

Julis stared at the wall of flames and muttered to herself. In fact, her heart was very urgent.

Don't look at Ayato Amagari who seems to have a relationship with William, in fact, she knows very well that this is entirely the result of William not being fully serious.

So she wanted to deal with Qi Lin quickly, and then the two of them dealt with William together, to fight for the possible chance of victory.

As soon as the claws of the flame column pointed towards Qi Lin, they attacked like clenched fists.

At this moment, Qi Lin was also adjusting her breathing within the enclosure.

""Spin Step Kill Luo Juan"! "

She held the hilt of the sword horizontally with her right hand, twisted her body forcefully, and the blade of the sword came out like this.

At the same time as she slashed to the bottom, her left hand took over the hilt of the sword again, her body turned in the opposite direction again, and the blade slashed out at the same time.

During Qi Lin's rapid rotation, the blade is also constantly releasing light blades, and innumerable blades are cut out at the same time.

The five flame pillars surrounding Qi Lin were also extinguished in an instant.


A trace of anxiety flashed in Julis' eyes, and her body was constantly retreating, because Qi Lin's thrust was getting closer and closer to her.

"Extreme Step Kill Silence"! "

Qi Lin suddenly shouted loudly, and the strong star power burst out from her body again.

Accompanied by the vortex-like airflow, Qi Lin unexpectedly rushed behind Julis at this moment.

He raised the "Akaran Sakura" in his hand high and swung it down suddenly.


The star power condensed on the blade suddenly exploded at this moment, and a thick sword energy that seemed to tear apart the world directly extended out.

The shining sword energy slashed straight at Julis' body.

At this moment, Julis seemed as if she hadn't seen Qi Lin's slash, she held the flower-twisted rapier tightly in her hand, and then thrust it hard into the ground.


Ayato Amagari watched helplessly as Julis was thrown into the air in the smoke of the explosion.

His painstakingly made arm was also trembling constantly, and there was an uncontrollable cry from his mouth.

"Focus on yourself!"

Julis, who was flying upside down in the air, gritted her silver teeth fiercely, and the wings of flame lights spread behind her.

"Let's bloom gorgeously—the big wheel explodes and shines, and the second wheel opens!"

A huge multi-layered magic circle suddenly formed around Qi Lin, and the range of the magic circle even directly covered half of the stage.

Qi Lin also realized that she had been completely caught in the trap when the magic circle was unfolded, just when she was about to burst out of the star power and rush out of the coverage of the magic circle.


Successive explosions sounded immediately, and the magic circle covering the sky and the ground spit out huge pillars of flame at the same time.

Qi Lin's petite body was instantly engulfed by the flames.

At this moment, Julis's tendency to fly backwards was also strongly restrained, the wings of the flames were flapping in the air, and her normally pink face also instantly turned pale.

It is quite difficult for her to release this kind of powerful magic.

"Big Wheel Explosion Yaohua · Two Wheels Open"!

This is the most powerful fire magic she has mastered at this stage, and even with her current ability, she can't release it directly.

It takes a little bit of characterization of the magic circle to set it as a setting magic.

She doesn't usually use this magic, it's also because this magic is really powerful, if it wasn't for the impact caused by Qi Lin's slash to her back.

Even she herself couldn't escape the area covered by the magic circle after casting the magic, and be affected by her own magic.

From this point of view, it can be said that Julis has been scheming against Kirin since entering the arena.

Qi Lin would rush to her and attack her from the very beginning, this is inevitable.

Because through her observation, even if Kirin has obtained the pure star-like weapon "Akaran Sakura" that can release sword energy, she will still unconsciously tend to close the distance and engage in melee combat with the enemy.

Only when Qi Lin is completely blocked in the distance, will she use the attack method of sword energy.

Moreover, it is well known that she herself is not good at close combat. It can be said that it is an inevitable result for a close combat master like Qi Lin to choose to engage in close combat with her.

But she has to guard against another point, that is, Kirin chose to use "Senbagiri" instead of "Akaran Sakura".

That's why there was a foreshadowing for the attack of "Honorie Flame Claw Flower" on the way, forcing Kirin to replace "Chiba Kirin" in his hand and use "Akaran Sakura".

After that, it was a big gamble to see if he could block Qi Lin's slash.

It can be said that Julis has ruthlessly dealt with herself this time, and she has a kind of make-or-break attitude.

"There should be no problem this time!"

Looking at the still burning flames, Julis gradually let go of her hanging heart. In her opinion, except for those few monsters, no one should be able to block her outburst of this move.

The rainbow-like star power scattered in the air, just as Julis was about to flap her wings to support Ayato Amagiri who was fighting hard.

The howling wind lifted the corners of her skirt, revealing her thighs wrapped in black lace stockings!

She turned her head suddenly, the frightened expression on her face could not be concealed no matter what, because the sword energy that seemed to be able to tear apart the heavens and the earth was close at hand.

Julis closed her eyes resignedly to her fate, leaving only the afterglow of Qi Lin's scars when she closed her eyes in the corners of her eyes.



Qi Lin half-supported her knees, resisting the severe pain in her body and stood up.

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