"Akaran Sakura" is now completely used by her as a crutch, and the corners of her school uniform skirt have even become curly and dark, and her hair, which usually exudes silver luster, has now lost its former luster.

"It seems that you have realized something very important!"

William didn't know when he had withdrawn from the battle with Ayato Amagari and came in front of her.

Seeing that the purple lightning in Qi Lin's eyes was still flowing, William said with some relief.

Although both he and Fan Xinglu felt that Qi Lin had the aptitude to comprehend this aspect, they did not expect that Qi Lin could comprehend it so quickly.

"Senior, I don't know why, but my eyes hurt so much now!"

Qi Lin couldn't help but staggered again, so scared that William quickly supported her.

"Nothing, this is the pinnacle of martial arts, "Life Pulse"! "

"Just now, did you see through the burst of flames in an instant, see the heart of "Huayan Witch", and know the weak point of this attack. "

"Then cut off your own sword following the feeling?"

"This is the evidence that you have mastered the flow of life."

"The function of this ability is to transform the human heart into a physical form through one's own will, and see through the flow of the will of action."


Qi Lin raised her hand subconsciously, showing William her powerless appearance, as if she was asking why she felt powerless all over her body.

"It's nothing, powerful skills must be accompanied by side effects, just wait until you can use them proficiently."

ps: Thank you Zero Ink @糖糕★艾托斯@人民友友马雷达@白露藏宗 for sending us a tip of the blade.

I beg for your subscriptions and tickets, the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival is over, and the next step is to push Qi Lin

Then went to the moon

Chapter 210 The End of the Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival and the Aftermath "4000 Words for Subscription"

The sound of explosions rang continuously!The dazzling white light that bloomed instantly obscured everyone's vision.

"Julyss, are you alright?"

In these calls, Julis opened her eyes with difficulty, and her whole body was in severe pain like tearing.

"It's Ayato!"

"It seems that you are also miserable!"

Seeing Tianwu Lingdou's miserable appearance covered in scars squatting beside her, Julis couldn't help but smiled wryly.


Tianwu Lingdou helped Julis up, and smiled in relief.

He is different from Julis, even though he looks miserable now, but William didn't slash at his vitals just now.

The current appearance is only a minor injury at best, and it is still far from completely losing the ability to fight!

"Ayato, this dress?"

After standing up, Julis realized that she was covered with a star guide hall uniform coat.

"This is mine, after all your back—!"

After hearing Julis's question, Tianwu Lingdou showed a bit of embarrassment on his face, and unconsciously put his hands on the back of his head.

Julis was startled for a moment, and then stretched out her little hand to touch her back.

The smooth and familiar touch made Julis instantly understand what was going on, and two beautiful blushes appeared on her face.

"That's right, thank you, Ayato!"

Although her words of thanks made her falter, but her response was quite quick.

At this time, she seemed to have completely forgotten the pain on her body, and quickly turned the coat over and put it on her body.

Cover the big cut on the lining of his school uniform.

At this moment, the thick fog will gradually dissipate, and the approaching figure in the fog also makes the two of them cheer up again.

"Two, let's continue!"

The thick and magnetic voice gradually came, and the figures in the fog became clearer and clearer.

"This is a trick!"

Looking at that standing straight, there was no pain on her face, except when the person with messy clothes stood in front of her.

Even though Julis's self-cultivation has always been very good, she couldn't help but swear.

The reason for Julis to swear was that standing in front of her was Kirin who was almost unscathed.

"I simply treated Qi Lin!"

William saw what Julis was talking about at a glance, shrugged and smiled relaxedly.

Tianwu Lingdou and Julis looked at each other, both of them had helpless expressions written on their faces.

What else can this say?

It's too playful!

It was already unbeatable, but now the enemy still has the ability to heal.

Let them take the lead!

"Ayato, do you want to continue!"

Julis has lost her fighting spirit now, and she has almost lost her fighting power now.

Ayato also suffered a lot of injuries, but the other party was still intact.

There is absolutely no chance.

Tianwu Lingdou also shook his head lightly, and also prepared to give up the game.

"Aren't you going to continue?"

William tilted his head and asked curiously.

Both Tianwu Lingdou and Julis nodded.

"Okay then, originally Qi Lin wanted to compete with Tianwu-kun!"

Qi Lin also cooperated with William, showing a regretful expression.

Originally, what they discussed today was also for her to deal with Tianwu Lingdou. After watching the match between Tianwu Lingdou and Zhao Hufeng, she was already interested in Tianwu Lingdou's ancient martial arts swordsmanship.

It's just that Tianwu Lingdou's sudden thought disrupted the two people's initial plans.

"That's it! After that, Ms. Toto will come and find me!"

"I'm also a little worried about Julis's current situation, so let's call it a day!"

Tianwu Lingdou smiled gently, and then raised his hand.

Julis raised her hand in the same way, and the two looked at each other at the same time.

"We abstain!"

After the words fell, the school badges on the chests of the two of them burst into faint brilliance at the same time.

The sound of the machine also followed!

"Tianwu Lingdou & Julis Elexia von Rifet, abstain from the competition!"

At this moment, impassioned shouts came from the game commentary room that had been silent for a long time just now.

"competition is over--!"

"The winners are Kirin Totō and William Svenger."

"After two weeks of fierce fighting, let us now give warm applause to this pair of Jielong."

There was thunderous applause and shouts of cheers one after another.

The screams of the imposing girls probably reached the level that could break through the roof.

"Ah! By the way, this way, player Sphenger has already won the championships of "Wanglong Xingwu Festival" and "Phoenix Xingwu Festival". "

"It is only one "Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival" away from the second-generation "Universal Heavenly Luo" achieving the grand slam again. "

Amidst the cheers that shook the audience, Fan Shizhen said with emotion.

As a graduate of Jielong, she also felt honored to see Jielong reappearing the grand occasion of the year.


Liang Lai Mizi also nodded in agreement, and then she changed the subject directly.

"However, we must not forget the Lancelot team of St. Gary Dowath College."

"Their dominance over the "Griffon Star Martial Arts Festival" can be said to be absolute in these two sessions. "

"The next "Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival" is also an important match for them to achieve the third consecutive championship, presumably they will try their best. "

"Besides, the "Griffon Star Martial Arts Festival" doesn't place much emphasis on personal strength, so I remember that the next "Phoenix Star Martial Arts Festival" should be a very suspenseful competition! "

Liang Laimizi analyzed plausibly, and even the audience in the audience nodded one after another, agreeing with Liang Laimizi's theory very much.

It's just that she will be criticized after the competition, because that's what she said.

Doesn't this match mean there is no suspense!

It's a pity that Fan Shizhen is also a new commentator, so she didn't notice the loophole in what Liang Lai Mizi said just now, and then retorted.

"The Lancelot team is very powerful, but don't forget that Jielong still has the Huanglong team."

What the two of them didn't know was that no matter how good their analysis was, William had no intention of participating in the "Griffin Star Warrior Festival".

Neither the debate on stage nor the cheers in the audience had anything to do with William.

After he gave Julis some simple treatment, Tianwu Lingdou took Julis off the stage.

The two of them just stayed on the edge of the somewhat broken stage.

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