Maybe it's because of her regular physical exercise. She is only 13 years old, but her physical strength is the best among all his women.

Now if he is asked to make a ranking, it is probably the current situation.

First, Kirin Toto

Second, Sylvia Luneheim

Third, Santiao Yechunji

Fourth, Nanakusa Mayumi

Since this is the case, William let go of his hands and feet, and it was not until midnight that he successfully passed out Qi Lin from exhaustion.

Of course, he couldn't just sleep in the bathroom, what if someone came to clean the bathroom the next morning.

So he could only simply help Qi Lin clean his body, and then carried Qi Lin to the changing room.

This lovely lace pajamas just lay quietly in the closet.

That's actually what happened last night.

Qi Lin shyly twisted the corner of her skirt that could barely cover her buttocks, and at the same time she was madly complaining about her mother.

"Ahhhhhhh! Mom is really good."

Her own pajamas are all very conservative, the kind that tightly covers her whole body.

This style of pajamas is very revealing, and no one else except her mother can have it.

So, to sum up, the prisoner has been directly identified.

Sword Fuji Kotoba!

"How can I get out!"

Qi Lin let out a mournful cry again, and now this room does not belong to her at all.

Naturally, there might be her clothes in it too, how could it be possible for her to run back to her room wearing this clothes.

Boom boom boom!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door!

"Qirin, are you still sleeping?"

"I just saw that Mr. William is in contact with your father at the dojo?"

—at the breakfast table!

The people sitting at this table are all the Todo family in kimonos.

Todo Seijiro is wearing Monfu pants, which is the standard dress for men.

My wife Shiro Shino and Toto Kotoha wore kimonos with long sleeves (this is the highest standard dress for RB married women.)

Even William was wearing a non-patterned silk kimono and trousers prepared for him by the Sword Fuji family.

Kirin was wearing a furisode style (the highest standard dress for bachelorettes), a light blue silk kimono with pink cherry blossoms on it.

All kinds of luxurious and exquisite Japanese dishes are displayed on the long table.

It can be said that this dinner is a very formal one.

At the dining table, everyone has different expressions.

Todo Seijiro has been sullen since the time he was practicing against him just now, and it is the same now.

My wife Shiro Shino had a smile on her face, as if she couldn't keep her mouth shut

Daoteng Qinye leaned on her cheek with one hand and looked at William with interest.

As for Qi Lin, since she came into this room, she has never raised her head.

However, just looking at her white neck, one can tell that Qi Lin's face should be so red that dripping water can be seen at this moment.

"Everyone, eat quickly! You are welcome, Mr. William."

"I made these dishes in the morning. Mr. William, please see if it suits your taste."

My wife Daishino said with a smile on her lips.

Now that people have said that, William stretched out his chopsticks and took a bite and put it in his mouth.

"It's delicious, your craftsmanship is really good."

After eating, William showed a moved expression on his face. Anyone who saw this facial expression was the reaction after eating delicious food.

"Where, what you said is too exaggerated!"

Sure enough, even my wife Dai Shino, who is usually full of dignity, still feels good when she hears good things.

Didn't you see that the corner of her mouth has now reached the limit where it cannot be raised?

"And in the future, just like Qi Lin, just call me Auntie."

"Yes, yes!"

"If William-kun calls me mom directly if he wants to, I will be very happy too!"

Daoteng Qinye also immediately saw the opportunity come in, and his face was full of ridicule.

"Mom, big aunt!"

Kirin exclaimed in embarrassment, Seijiro Toto's face was also as dark as the bottom of a pot that had never been played before.

"What, do you have any comments?"

My wife Shiro Shino glanced at Kirin lightly, and then said something that made Kirin fall into silence.

That is!

"If you have any objections, hurry up and eat the red bean rice in front of you."

Red bean rice is a traditional food to celebrate festivals in Japan.

But in fact, its meaning is not only to celebrate festivals, but also to use her to celebrate adult ceremonies and the like.

Eating red bean rice for Qi Lin today is to celebrate another aspect of her coming-of-age ceremony.

Kirin obviously understood what my wife Dai Shino meant, she immediately lowered her head and didn't dare to speak, and could only silently eat her red bean rice.

However, the happy atmosphere surrounding her at this moment can be said to be quite dazzling.

The dinner was just going on with talking and laughing!

Halfway through, Toto Seijiro, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Mr. William, from now on, my Qilin will be handed over to you."

William also put down his chopsticks, and stood up solemnly.

Then he bowed deeply, all the etiquette is very standard.

"Please rest assured and leave it to me! I won't let Kirin suffer any grievances from me."

After hearing the solemn statement, everyone nodded in satisfaction.

Except for Qi Lin, everyone here is an experienced player. You can tell whether William's words are sincere or not.

As for Qi Lin, her heart started beating non-stop because of William's words.

Her eye sockets also began to moisten, if not for the fact that there are too many people now.

She has already thrown herself directly into William's arms, dawdling to her heart's content, enjoying the wonderful temperature.

——The dojo of the Sword Fuji family!

Kirin and Toto Seijiro held wooden swords respectively and looked at each other in the center of the dojo.

Sitting around are all disciples of the Sword Fuji School, and William, my wife Daishino and others are sitting on the main seats.

"Qirin, use the trick that Mr. William just said!"

Yes, the current situation is all due to William's talking.

Of course, Qi Lin also readily agreed to this matter. After all, he has made a new innovation in the sword and vine style, and he definitely wants to let his relatives see it.

"I see, Father!"

"Then I'll make the first move."

Qi Lin stroked lightly, and her fluent sword skills directly turned into an upper section chop and slashed over lightly.

Toto Seijiro easily blocked Kirin's attack with the posture of the lower slash.

But then, Kirin's wrist turned the wooden sword as if she had eyes, and the trajectory of the sword skill instantly changed from vertical to horizontal.

However, Toto Seijiro seemed to have expected this situation.

In the nick of time, jump back and easily resolve it.

Among other things, judging from these moves alone, Toto Seijiro is a well-deserved master of swordsmanship.

You know, Qi Lin's growth rate in the past six months can be said to be as fast as a rocket.

From William's point of view, her two hands just now did not hold back at all.

In the same situation, even if it is placed in Liuhua, the 12 students on the first page of each school must be ranked in the top five to be able to take over so steadily without falling behind.

Therefore, based on this point alone, the prison disasters of the past few years have not wiped out Toto Seijiro's spirit at all.

At this moment, a wisp of purple electricity flashed in Qi Lin's pupils.

My wife Daishino stood up in surprise, and then looked at William in disbelief.

"Mr. William, is this?"

"It seems that my aunt knows this. It really deserves to be the sword and vine style that has been passed down for a long time."

William nodded with a smile, indirectly affirming my wife Daishino's question.

"This is really unexpected—!"

My wife Daishino said this dryly, and then sat down like this.

Looking at Seijiro Toto who has gradually fallen into a disadvantage in front of him, my wife Dai Shino said with some emotion.

"Although Qi Lin's aptitude is very good, I really didn't expect her to be able to do this."

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