Although the sword and rattan style is called a new genre, the sword technique is also compared to the ancient murder sword technique, which pays more attention to the ornamental sword technique.

However, that also means that the sword vine style inheritance time is short.

The sword and vine style has been passed down for more than 500 years, and it used to be a pure ancient killing style swordsmanship.

It was only in modern times that it gradually changed to a swordsmanship that is both ornamental and practical.

With such a long inheritance time, there will naturally be swordsmen who recorded Qi Lin's state at this moment.

It's just that my wife Shiroshi is very clear about how difficult it is to reach this level.

That's why she looked like she couldn't believe it.

At this moment, Daoteng Qinye's head was already covered with question marks. She couldn't understand a single word of the charades played by these two people.

After Toto Seijiro blocked the frontal blow, the second blow aimed at his waist followed immediately.

After finally taking it again, Qi Lin's sword stabbed at his throat like a prophet.

Waist, throat, head, left arm!

"This is a duel between "Lianhe" and "Lianhe"! "

Perhaps this violated the rules, but one apprentice couldn't restrain his excitement and exclaimed.

As mentioned earlier, "Lianhe" is composed of 49 different sword skills.

But now in the entire knife and vine style, there are absolutely no more than five fingers who can do this.

What's more, the two standing on the stage are the best two to connect "Lian He".

So the apprentice's exclaimed voice is completely understandable.

"No, this is not "Lianhe" versus "Lianhe"! "

"This is the duel between "New·Lianhe" and "Lianhe"! "

My wife Daishino said in a tone of fear.

"This is the final evolution method of "Lianhe", you have to be careful. "

Hearing what my wife Daishino said, William also nodded secretly.

That's right, the "Clairvoyance" derived from "Life Pulse" can be said to be the most suitable move for Kirin and him.

The tricks of both of them are weird and changeable, disrupting the enemy's position through constant changes.

Then through subtle guidance such as breathing, distance, and line of sight, block the opponent's counterattack and create a situation that suppresses the opponent.

But after the blessing of "Life Pulse", they can even count the opponent's actions into the sequence of continuous attacks.

In other words, no matter how the opponent tries to counterattack or dodge, Kirin can immediately respond and become a part of "Lianhe".

"It's over, Father!"

Kirin sneaked into the front of Toto Seijiro, and raised the wooden knife in Toto Seijiro's gratified eyes.

"Very good, Qi Lin, you have really grown up!"

With this exclamation, today's competition also came to an end.

ps: Yesterday, Kirin's push was completed, and tomorrow the moon landing chapter will officially start!

After the moon landing is completed, you will directly enter the blood-devouring attack chapter

You can also think about the heroine of the blood-devouring attack now, and type it in the interim post.

As for heroines from other worlds, they will also appear in Blood Devouring this time, so stay tuned

Chapter 210 Eighth Moon Landing Begins "4000 Characters Seeking Subscription"

"Mr. William, everything is ready!"

"I see."

The conversation in the bedroom woke up Sylvia who was sleeping soundly. The madness of last night made her extremely exhausted both physically and mentally.

Waking up unsteadily from the comfortable bed, Sylvia lay in bed for dozens of seconds in a daze, and then sat up directly.

The quilt covering her body also slid down, revealing Sylvia's delicate body that was so perfect that even God would be jealous.

At the same time, there were also some red marks on Silvia's body, which were enough to show how serious the battle was last night.

After her brain restarted from the shutdown state, Silvia finally came out of the bed, picked up the underwear thrown on the ground last night, and put it on.

"Why, are you leaving soon?"

Sylvia was leaning on the door, her body was quite simple, except for a black underwear, she was only wearing a bathrobe.

"Well, Mathias and the others are already sitting and preparing, waiting for me at the launch base."

Seeing Silvia who came out, William smiled knowingly, and then put down the things he was packing up.

He walked directly in front of Silvia, slowly lowered his body, and gently kissed Silvia's forehead.

"Do you really not need me to help?"

Sylvia stretched out her tender little hands and helped William tidy up his clothes.

This appearance is like a wife who is about to send her husband to work. If such a virtuous Silvia is shown to her fans, there is a high probability that she will go crazy.

"Forget it, it's not a troublesome thing!"

William quickly waved his hands. Although Mathias and the others were calmed down by him, they were not good after all. He still didn't want Sylvia and Kirin to get in touch with them.

"All right!"

It wasn't the first time Silvia asked for help, but she didn't insist on being rejected all the time.

"But before you leave, why don't you go talk to sister Qi Lin?"

Speaking of this, Silvia looked at William narrowly.

"Okay, Qi Lin doesn't even know my real identity, how should I tell her."

Seeing Silvia's expression, he still doesn't know what this girl is thinking!

He put his finger on Silvia's head and tapped it lightly, and Silvia's head was immediately shaken back after being tapped.

However, Silvia was not angry at all.

On the contrary, the smile on her face became more and more intense, because she felt that she was a big step ahead of William's other women!

Although some of them formed bonds with William before themselves, but their own was the one who held the most secrets about William after all.

Even though she has accepted this fact reluctantly, it doesn't mean that she can let go of this matter so quickly.

In this state of being far ahead of William and her girlfriends, it can be said that she is in a very happy mood now.

"Okay, it's almost time, I should go too!"

William rubbed Sylvia's head with his own strokes of Kirin.

"Got it, you have to be careful! Don't forget to pick me up later."

Sylvia stood on tiptoe and pecked lightly on William's lips.

"I know, I won't forget, but I guess you can prepare now."

"Because the time will most likely not be very long."

——The former artificially abandoned island of Xuezhan City!

The black coupe pulled out a long exhaust, and then it stopped firmly at the gate under the stunned look of the security guards.

At this time, a burly man in a black suit and sunglasses walked directly to the side of the car, then stretched out his hand and opened the door, waiting respectfully aside.

"Mr. Sfengel, Mr. Mathias has been waiting for a follow-up for a long time."

"I know, go and help me park the car!"

William got down from the car, handed the keys in his hand to the strong man, and then walked towards the launch base.

The satellite launch base in the B2 area is the only launch base in this world.

This was originally the land built by Asterisk when it was preparing to expand the school district, but it was abandoned because it suddenly decided to add land from another time during the construction.

However, when it was abandoned, it was abandoned. When it was abandoned, the basic floating sea facilities had already been built.

After selecting various conditions such as latitude, climate, and terrain, this place was finally selected as the launch base.

However, doing it here is exactly what William and Mathias wanted.

After all, Mathias and their forces are all concentrated in this floating city. If they go to other countries, it will be difficult for them to interfere with it, and it is easy to have some unwanted problems.

"Mr. William, I thought you were going to skip my class!"

Seeing William walking in from the door, Mathias' eyes lit up immediately, and he hurried up to meet him.

"Well, I don't think you should be happier if I don't come?"

For Mathias' ridicule, William satirized lightly.

If he really doesn't come, the rocket can only be launched according to the stipulated time, and then Varda can go to the moon by herself and leave him completely.

They can do whatever they want without worrying about making trouble for themselves.

In the end, he pretended to be very worried about being late, and he wanted to vomit if it was true or not.

"Haha, Mr. William really knows how to joke, how can I be happy!"

"Okay, Mr. William, hurry up and change into your flight suit! The launch time is only half an hour away."

After Mathias finished speaking, the person in charge of the rocket launch who was waiting beside the two of them also took a step forward.

"Mr. William, please come with me!"

"Varda, I don't want to say anything else right now. After you get on the rocket, you must keep your spirits up and pay attention to the movements of Lord William."

After the two of them had walked away, he said in a deep voice to Varda beside him.

"You don't need to tell me, I know it too."

Varda also said in a deep voice, although her face still maintained her usual indifferent appearance, but now her spirit is indeed tense to the highest limit

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