Opening his eyes, he saw that La Folia was sleeping soundly next to him, with a long white leg wrapped around his waist, and her snow-white lotus arms resting on his chest.

"Well, you woke up so early!"

Sensing the movements of the people around her, La Folia rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Some said stiffly.

"Well, you can sleep again! I'll send it back to you directly, and remember to tell your father-in-law and mother-in-law when you wake up."

William stroked the beautiful long silver hair, and said lovingly.

"Hey! Is this someone throwing away after using it!"

"Okay, stop making trouble."

William patted La Folia's T-neck helplessly, and with the crisp sound, the alluring figure on the bed disappeared immediately.

"William, William!"

A slightly immature voice sounded, followed by the sound of the doorknob turning.

"Oops, the door is unlocked."

He glanced at the messy clothes on the ground, the broken stockings, the bra with a broken shoulder strap, and the underwear that was only the size of a tie.

William's complexion suddenly changed, and he waved his big hand hurriedly.

The clothes that were scattered on the ground just now disappeared.

The door also happened to open at this time.

The one who poked her head in was a delicate loli with blond hair and blue eyes.

"William, haven't you gotten up yet? If you continue like this, you will be late."

Agulola pouted his nose, and his small face suddenly wrinkled into a ball.

"What kind of smell is this? It smells so bad."


Especially when a girl who is still ignorant of the world asks this sentence.

It was rare for William to feel that his sense of shame was about to explode.

Take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down!

Immediately afterwards, he showed that specially trained professional smirk.

"Agullola, I see, can you go out and find that moon sauce first!"

"I'll change clothes and go out to find you right away."


"All right!"

Agulola's little face swelled, and then she silently withdrew her head.

William could only breathe a sigh of relief, and the airflow began to change accordingly.

"By the way, William, you haven't told me what the smell is!"

Because of his newborn relationship, Agulola can now be said to have a high degree of curiosity about everything and everything.

So she went back and forth again while William was distracted.


The sound is very calm, like the surface of water without waves.

"what's wrong!"

Agulola raised his face in confusion.

"Next time, if you don't knock on the door and go straight into the house, then you can wait for confinement."

The confinement referred to here is to directly pull Agulola back into his body.

Just forbid her to go out and play.

This trick also had a very significant effect on Agulola, his little face lost its color, and then he exited the room awkwardly, and politely closed the door for him.

"Hey, you little idiot."

After complaining a bit, William also lifted the quilt on himself, walked to the wardrobe and began to put on his clothes.

Caihai Academy.

It was an academy located in the southern district of Itogami City.

The southern area of ​​the artificial island is a cultural and educational area where residences and educational institutions are clustered. Caihai Academy is built on the gentle slope of the southern area.

The number of students in the school amounts to about 1000 to [-] people, considering the nature of the city.

In Itogami City with a large young population, schools of this size are relatively common.

It is also quite rare for the educational institutions of the Mozu Special Zone to not have special facilities for the study of Mozu.

Therefore, there are only a few demons studying in Caihai Academy, which belongs to an ordinary high school.

However, it also has its own peculiarities.

That is, more than half of the teaching staff in this school are the country's incumbent demon attack officers.

This is also a unique regulation established by the school to protect the students.

However, our famous demon killer, "The Witch of the Void" - Nangong Nayue.

She is the English teacher in the high school of this school.

In a luxury limousine running on the road, William looked at this luxury car everywhere.

Of course, this luxury is not that superficially conspicuous.

It means that this car has also reached a very high level of defense in terms of materials.

Let's be straightforward!

This car can easily block the strafing spell bullets.

"That Yuejiang, how much money have you embezzled!"

The corner of William's mouth twitched, he now felt more and more that Nangong was a completely corrupt person in that month.

In other words, the house he lives in is a very high-end community on Xianjin Island.

Nangong Nayue's house happened to be opposite to his house.

Now add this limousine, which is enough to replace two houses, and its defense is comparable to a military armored vehicle.

This is not the salary that a national demon attack officer should have at all.

"Put away the dirty thoughts in your mind! These are just offerings from those people."

The lace folding fan suddenly unfolded, and fanned slightly in front of that delicate face.

The slender calves wrapped in black stockings are dangling up and down in the air, looking extraordinarily attractive.

"Let's get down to business!"

"This morning, I received a record of sightings on Aldiaru Kodon Island."

"The Feast of Flames should begin soon. "

"Ah! It seems that Yuechan has now fully accepted her identity."

The anger was rising, and the # symbol representing anger also climbed to Nangong's bright and clean forehead.

"I'm talking about business with you, can you stop this casual attitude."

"Isn't it already arranged, you don't have to worry about it."

William waved his hand and said indifferently.

"By the way, do you want to go together the day after tomorrow?"

"Nonsense, if I don't go, let you face so many people at the same time?"

Nangong Nayue seemed to say mockingly.

But it also indirectly showed her attitude.

Although Nangong's attitude was so bad that month, she was actually very grateful to William in her heart.

After all, the danger level of this "Flame Banquet" can be said to be rising rapidly.

Because the True Ancestor ended up directly this time!

It was hard for her to imagine a vampire closest to the true ancestor, a vampire prince, 12 bodies of the fourth true ancestor, and a true ancestor.

If these people all went to war on Xiangami Island, how much damage would it cause.

Well, there's a 95% chance that the island will sink!

Therefore, she is very grateful to William for transferring the battlefield to the newly added artificial island.

"William, I'll help too."

Aguro tugged at the hem of William's clothes, his blue eyes fixed on William.

"I know!"

He gently rubbed Agulola's head.

The luxurious limousine slowly stopped at the gate of Caihai College!

The female students were wearing white sailor uniforms and dark blue pleated skirts.

The round and slender thighs are just exposed, and the calf socks that wrap the calves are worn underneath, full of youthful atmosphere.

As for the male students, well, let’s not mention it!

Open the car door, and there are two students in school uniforms waiting outside the car door for a long time.


The moment the car door opened, Agulola rushed out.

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