Hugged with Akatsuki Nagisa whom I hadn't seen for over a month.

"Long time no see, Agulola sauce!"

Standing next to her was Simeikong, Xiao Gucheng.

"Okay, you little devils, go to school for me!"

Na Yuechan's exclusive parasol has been opened, and she stands in front of the students like a leader.

"Then Yue-chan, they will leave it to you."

William didn't get out of the car, pulled down the window of the car door, and waved at Nangong Nayue.

Nangong didn't reply that month, but coolly left William with a back view.

"Sir, where are we going next?"

The driver sitting in the driver's seat said to William cautiously.

In fact, he is a combatant of the Itogami Island Special Security Force.

However, due to Nangong's lustful power that month, he had no choice but to act as her driver during the rare vacation.

No way, who made Nangong never get a driver's license that month in his life!

And his respectful attitude towards William was all due to the background of Nangong that month!

Who was Nangong that month? That was the devil instructor of their special zone security team!

Let's put it this way!There is no one in the entire special zone security team that has not been beaten by her.

But what did he see today.

This man angered Nangong Nayue several times, but Nangong Nayue didn't do anything at all, only dared to fight back.

That's it, without revealing his identity, William infinitely improved his image in front of the special zone guard.


"Send me to that place called "Itogami Noodle House"!Just haven't had breakfast yet. "

"When you arrive, then go home on vacation as scheduled! You won't need to follow after that."

William thought for a while, and said this.

The driver immediately responded with a grateful smile, and then stepped on the accelerator hard. Now he feels as if he still has time to go back to find his girlfriend.


"Xiangami Noodle House" is located in the west area of ​​the artificial island, on the first floor of a residential-commercial mixed building near the station.

There are nine counter seats and four individual tables.

The exterior of the store is designed in the image of a street vendor, and it is a very ordinary ramen shop.

The store was almost full, and the queue lined up outside the store.

It was such a room, William was sitting in front of the table, boredly waiting for his meal.

The people around also felt a little cautious because of the aristocratic atmosphere that William exuded all the time.

The usual rough way of eating noodles has also become a lot more elegant.

Then, William's face came.

William skillfully disassembled the disposable chopsticks, took a sip of the soup, and then slowly put the noodles into his mouth.

Very stylish and stylish!

"That's right, it uses fresh seafood that is conveniently located, plus a soup made of pork bones and vegetables."

"The sauce ingredients are soy sauce and wine... as well as chicken skin and chili peppers. The noodles are thick homemade noodles, and the ingredients can also feel the persistence."

He commented eloquently, and the boss, who was already leaning into old age, immediately beamed with joy.

"Sir, you seem to know ramen very well."

"Well, I'm pretty good at cooking! Enjoying food is also one of my few hobbies."

William took two more mouthfuls of noodles, wiped his mouth and said.

"Are you full?"

Seeing William putting down his chopsticks and wiping his mouth, the boss couldn't help asking curiously.

If it is normal, the boss may suspect that the taste he made does not meet the appetite of the guests.

But for the guest in front of him, he could only explain it with his small appetite.

Unexpectedly, William just shook his head lightly, and looked at the noodle bowl on the table with regret.

"I can't help it. A bug came to harass me. Although it is very weak, I still need to take responsibility and shoot him to death."

As soon as the words fell, William's figure suddenly disappeared.

Under the big tree outside the door, the space fluctuated like ripples, and William emerged like a mirage.

"You're right! Bugs."

It was a thin man with an upturned beard, a gloomy complexion, and a pair of thin eyes that could not see emotions clearly, reminiscent of a cunning fox.

"However, you bring this group of useless ghosts who can't even summon beasts to attack me."

"Weapon dealer, is there something wrong with your brain!"

Each of them has unusually long hands and feet, and the shoulder muscles are even more exaggerated to an exaggerated degree.

The faces not covered by the cloak wore masks made of animal skulls.

Between the lips could be seen large and unusually jagged fangs, which looked not at all human, but rather like a humanoid beast.

"Nice meeting, Your Majesty the Spirit King, and this is Baltasaru Zaharias."

"I came to meet you this time because I wanted to make a deal with you."

As he spoke, the cloak behind him shook.

Behind him, there were four petite figures standing behind him like this.

Judging from her figure, she was a girl about the same age as Agulola.

But it's a pity that they all wear masks made of bones on their faces, so that people can't see their true appearance.

"So that's the case, are you trying to show me off!"

William said with a chuckle, no wonder the Lion King agency's attitude towards this man is vaguely contemptuous.

Just holding four bodies, just like this to show off in front of him.

"Well, let's talk in another place, I don't think you will mind!"

"Since you are willing, of course I am willing to accompany you."

Zaharias said without fear, and the four girls under him also hugged his thigh directly.

"Okay, let's jump directly."

William nodded, raised his left foot slightly, and tapped his toes lightly on the ground.

On the body, the spiritual power is slowly burning like a flame.

Under the feet, with the tip of the toes as the center point, the golden magic circle slowly expanded and expanded.

Until Zaharias and his Hungarian troops are all included in it.

The space began to be disordered, and then, as if by magic, it was accompanied by the 30-year-old tree.

All disappeared in the next second.

All that was left was a depression half a meter deep!

ps; Thank you Ye Wuyue for the reward of the three blades, I beg everyone for subscriptions and tickets, and Hayase Xiayin did not forget, the scene I arranged to meet was when the protagonist went to be a teacher, in the campus Meet, so wait a little longer, plus a loli who is still in elementary school, I can't think about it

thanks for your support,

Chapter 230 Ninth Harvest Four Lolitas "4000 Words Request Subscription"

Soft white sand, wet and salty sea breeze!

The four to five meter high coconut tree swayed with the wind, and the fruits hanging from the top of the tree seemed to fall down at any time.

On the surface of the sea are white waves.

This situation, if it weren't for a bunch of big men in front of me, it would have looked much better!

William set his sights back on Baltasaru Zaharias.

And Zaharias is also the speaker of a country after all, so he doesn't feel the slightest embarrassment at being ignored like this, and still has that extremely hypocritical smile on his face.

What gave him courage were the four bodies of the "Night Lord of Flame" in his hands.

"His Majesty the Spirit King's space movement magic is really proficient, judging from this, I am afraid that the "Witch of the Void" is not as good as you in this way. "

Zaharias said with a smile.

In this regard, William only raised his eyelids slightly, and then waved his hand indifferently.

Suddenly, fluctuations in space suddenly appeared.


A powerful shock wave was directly generated, and except for Zaharias, all Hun ghosts were mercilessly blasted away.

In the process of being blown away, all the magic equipment and spines summoned by them were shattered in an emergency, and the flesh and blood were also torn apart, and a large amount of blood was scattered in the air.

"Die, fools!"

The bone marrow-eating cold air spread from William's body, and the white ice crystals quickly engulfed the ground here.

The snow-white fog rolled up into a cyclone!

The fog comes from the cold!

The ghosts flying upside down turned into ice sculptures covered in frost.

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