This is the cold air that can freeze the body, the mind, and even the soul, but the mere Hun ghost has no ability to resist at all.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"As expected of His Majesty Lingwang, your strength really impresses me."

Zaharias looked at his dead men as if his eyes were wide open, without the slightest anger or frustration on his face.

With that kind of look, it seems that these ghosts in front of him are not his subordinates, but mere tools.

And the reason why he was able to maintain his life activities in such a severe cold place was——!

A gemstone-like barrier enveloped him, exuding dazzling light, isolating the cold air that permeated the world.

"Interesting, it turns out that you are no longer a human being, and this is the source of your confidence!"

The golden pupils had been filled with azure color at some point, and William just scanned Zaharias' body, and he knew the status of the arms dealer.

Hearing this, Zaharias frowned, but then he asked with great interest.

"Sure enough, you are not in vain. My secret was discovered by you so quickly."

Because the four bodies have brought him strong self-confidence, so he doesn't mind wasting time gracefully and showing his demeanor.

"Idiot, how can there be magic power in the human body, and your part of the ability to manifest beasts."

"You have exposed so much in front of me, where do you have the confidence, I won't be able to see it."

As William said so, his eyes moved down from Zaharias' neck until he stopped at the first rib on the right side of his chest, and he grinned.

The magic power of Zaharias revolved around that rib.

And this rib is the secret of his ability to manipulate the No. [-] Beast of the Fourth Primogenitor, "King Kong of the Sheep".

That is, he began to change himself from a human to a vampire through this rib that did not belong to him.

This method is the usual method used by vampires, who create fake vampires by giving part of their body to others.

And the man in front of him is the servant of blood—the servant of blood of the fourth true ancestor.

His sternum bone was removed from the body of the No. [-] beast.

By the way, the ribs on the body are the most important body tissue of the body.

Because the material used to make the body was the twelve ribs of the original fourth true ancestor.

"Okay! I'm really convinced!"

Zaharias raised his hands over his shoulders, made a gesture of surrender, shrugged his shoulders, and walked towards William fearlessly.

"Anyway, let me introduce myself again!"

"I'm Baltasaru Zaharias, the chairman of the Nilepusi Hun Dominion's council. At the same time, I'm also a weapon dealer."

"As a businessman, I think it is very rude to use force when meeting someone."

"It just so happens that I have a small fortune since I started business, so I want to directly buy the No. 12 body in your hand."

As a weapons businessman, Zaharias made such a declaration.

But it is also obvious that this arms dealer definitely did not intend to make a deal at first.

It was only after he saw William's strength with his own eyes that he changed his mind about directly robbing him. He wanted to use the strength of the four bodies to achieve the goal of overwhelming others and complete this bloodless transaction.

"Interesting! Tell me about your chips!"

William's eyes seemed to be looking at a clown, and a smile of unknown meaning appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Half of the magical weapons under my name, plus 500 billion euros, to buy a body of yours, this sincerity is enough!"

Zaharias stretched out five fingers to gesture, and then he felt that his expression was not accurate, so he added another sentence.

"The magic weapon I used to trade is enough for you to save Ardikia's military expenses for three years."

Obviously, Zaharias' conditions are very favorable.

He did express his sincerity, and in his opinion, William would definitely not refuse such a condition.

Because no matter who looks at it, the body of the fourth primogenitor is of little significance to Ardikia.

Even holding the body of the fourth true ancestor is still an unstable time bomb for the Lihavain royal family.

After all, the best psychics in the world are almost gathered in Aldikia, even if they are emperor choosers, it is difficult to guarantee whether the fourth primogenitor will treat them as blood food.

Therefore, in Zaharias' view, this is a deal that benefits both sides.

He is bound to win!

"Pfft! Very interesting, I agree, arms dealer!"

William couldn't hide the smile in his heart, and laughed out loud.

Although Zaharias felt that the laughter was extremely harsh, but because he made the deal, all he thought about was his dream of successfully establishing the Empire of the Night, so he didn't notice the clues at all.

"So, when can we start trading!"

Zaharias couldn't wait to ask, he had already begun to fantasize about attacking Iblisbel Yaziz with five physical bodies.

After winning his two bodies, he swept the "Flame Banquet" with seven bodies, established his own empire of the night, and realized his dream of immortality.

"Well, I won't let you die so quickly, at least I will squeeze out your value."

As William said this, he suddenly raised his big hand.

His body was like a volcano that was about to erupt, causing extremely terrifying spiritual power to emanate out simultaneously.

That is enough spiritual power to shake the sky and tear the earth apart!

At this moment, the entire "Blue Paradise" also began to shake violently.

Zaharias's heart suddenly jumped, and his face showed panic. Only then did he realize that William had no intention of making a deal with him from the beginning to the end.

It was just teasing him before!

"Number two, number four, number nine!"

At this moment, the quadruplet-like girls simultaneously tore off their bony masks, revealing the same face as Agulola.

The difference is that the girl in front of her is like a cold puppet, and exudes an unexpectedly ferocious nature.

The space let out a painful whine!

The power they released instantly caused the ground, which was already crumbling due to William's spiritual power, to break apart inch by inch.

"Come quickly! Amber of the Tauren King!" "

No. [-]'s body exuded heat like hot magma.

The ground behind her turned into lava, and the amber-colored bull-headed giant protruded from it.

The endless lava surging from the earth formed her body, and the magma turned into a thick battle ax that was held in its hand.

Such a ferocious beast with a height of ten meters and a sense of power exuding from top to bottom was formed in this way.


"Come quickly! "Silver Mist of the Carapace"! "

Silver mist diffused from No. [-]'s body, and in the thick silver mist was the figure of a huge beast.

The beast is wrapped in a silver-gray carapace, and only its head protruding from the fog can be seen clearly.

As for its body, it fully interprets the characteristic of vampire atomization, which is faint and wobbly.

At last!

The expressionless No. [-] spoke coldly.

"Come quickly! "Deep Crimson with Two Horns"! "

In an instant, an astonishing air flow surged around No. [-]'s body.

The strong blast tore through the space, stirring the ground, and even the space wailed in pain.

That handsome Litma quickly took shape behind No. [-].

Its body is condensed by high-frequency shock waves, with sharp horns, beautiful mane, blood-red body plus that muscle mass.

The two-horned war beast, which is not inferior to the two beasts in front, just stepped on the void and flew in the sky.

"Oh—! Wait a moment, I'll be responsible for liberating you."

William sighed lightly, and folded his hands together!

"'Absolute Zero'! "

At this moment, the world suddenly became silent.

As far as the eye can see, there is a piece of blue, and the bull-headed giant who is waving the battle ax seems to have stopped completely.

However, if you look closely, you can still see that the battle ax is slowly pressing down.

But the speed is about one-thousandth of a second before.

The same is true for the other two beasts, the high-frequency vibrations and the thick silver fog attacking William became extremely slow.

"It still hasn't reached the point of freezing time and space!"

William sighed slightly, and then walked towards Zaharias who was almost stranded in mid-air.

Zaharias hovered in mid-air, his face was full of panic, and his lips were opened about halfway.

""god……"! "

The crystal barrier wrapped around his lower body, but it didn't cover his whole body.


William raised his eyebrows in a little surprise, then reached out and inserted his hand directly into Zaharias' chest.

In an instant, blood splashed!

But at this moment, William completed the action of picking flowers in the wild, and the blood-stained ribs appeared in his hands.

The extreme freezing air swept out from William's palm, and the crystal frost quickly spread all over Zaharias' body, and then continued to spread downward until it touched the pure white ground.

William glanced at his work with satisfaction, then nodded, turned and walked towards number one.

He melted the palm knife in his hand, and then lightly slashed on No. [-]'s chest.

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