It is true that it is not impossible to directly suppress him with his force.

But there is a person who knows everything about this island, and there will be a lot of convenience.

And he didn't need to worry about Lanyu Xianzhai taking refuge in his subordinates, and he would have different thoughts.

That's because his strength is there, no matter what kind of conspiracy and tricks there are, his strength is enough to suppress everything.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to Nangong Nayue who was sitting on the sidelines watching the play.

Lanyu Xianzhai also immediately sat upright, although he admired the relationship between Nangong Nayue and William in his heart, but he also knew that it was William who wanted to make a decision on what he just said.

Nangong also understood William's meaning instantly that month, and said after a few seconds of pondering.

"Compared to other high-level officials on Xian Kami Island, most of the members of the Blue Feather Sect are honest and honest, and they can be regarded as one of the few clean streams on Xian Kami Island."

As I said before, Nangong was not just an English teacher at Caihai College that month.

Because of her strength and their trust in Nangong Nayue, she actually also served as the chief instructor of the Xianjin Island Security Force.

The team members in it all trusted and admired Nangong that month.

Sitting in this seat, Nangong Nanyue naturally came into contact with many secrets that ordinary people cannot.

She knows most of the nasty things these high-level officials on Xianshen Island have done.

It's just that there was no way to control it before, so she never paid much attention to it out of out of sight and out of mind.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't know.

"Okay, I agree to your request."

"Xiangami Island has regained control, and your Lan Yu family can be the highest person in charge on the surface."

Lan Yu Xianzhai suddenly raised his head, looked at William with a surprised expression, and then glanced at Nangong Nanyue who looked calm.

"You don't need to show such an expression, Nayue-chan is not very interested in politics, so you will be responsible for politics in the future, and Nayue will be responsible for the military department."

Seeing Lan Yu Xian Zhai like this, William waved his hands, sort of answering the doubts in Lan Yu Xian Zhai's heart.


An irrepressible sense of joy welled up in Lan Yu Xianzhai's heart, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

The twitching of the cheeks looks ridiculous.

You know, he really didn't expect the negotiation to go so smoothly.

Moreover, it was the first time he met His Majesty the Spirit King, and as a result, he was given such a great sense of trust.

This gave him a feeling that a scholar would die for his confidant.

The four families who created Xian Kami Island together, why is the Lanyu family the weakest in Xian Kami Island!

It's not because of anything else, but because the other three families themselves were famous Japanese families in the past, but their Lan Yu family is weaker in status.

If it weren't for the sudden change in Xianshen's family, which became weak, it would have awakened in this generation with the priestess inherited from their family, Cain.

Then it is estimated that they can only be big businessmen until now, and they can't put their hands into the political circle at all.

Speaking of this, Lan Yu Xianzhai blinked his eyes, remembering what the young entrepreneur had said.

The things that had been rejected in his eyes in his heart at the moment seemed not so difficult to accept in his heart.

His mind moved slightly, just as he was about to speak.

The beautiful eyes of Nangong that month rolled his eyes at Lanyu Xianzhai in front of him, and then whispered a few words into William's ear.

After hearing this, William also glanced at the man in front of him in surprise, then shrugged indifferently and said.

"Since you have joined my subordinates, before I retreat, I can help you complete one thing."

"How could it be? Your Majesty has already given us such generous conditions. How can we brazenly ask for rewards before we have achieved results?"

Lan Yu Xianzhai shook his head thoughtfully.


Nangong's sneer from that month sounded again, and before Lanyu Xianzhai could ask, he added directly.

"You really don't have any wishes?"

Lanyu Xianzhai was about to shake his head.

"Or is it true that your daughter Lan Yu Qiancong said that you are a person who only cares about your own status?"

This sentence was full of irony, and Lan Yu Xianzhai's expression was not very good at the beginning.

But then his complexion changed in surprise, he understood Nangong's meaning that month, and the voice he made unconsciously carried a hint of vicissitudes.

"Is what the Nangong Gongmo officer said true?"

Nangong nudged her exquisite Qiong nose that month, and glanced at William.

At this moment, there was a splash.

Lanyu Xianzhai, who was sure of the meaning of Nangong's words that month, left his seat directly, and knelt down on the ground in the most standard way of getting off a taxi, with his hands folded in front of his head.

Slightly choked up, he begged in a solemn voice.

"Honorable Majesty, I would like to ask Your Majesty to take action to see if I can cure my wife who is terminally ill."

In fact, it is not easy, especially for those Japanese in high positions.

You know, when he swore allegiance to William just now, he didn't even choose to kneel down.

At that time, if he was not facing William, but another tyrant, he might be punished directly for the crime of disrespect, and his life would be in jeopardy.

However, it can indeed be seen from this that Lanyu Xianzhai really has deep affection for his wife, and is even willing to abandon his dignity.

At this time, William also stood up, stepped forward and patted Lan Yu Xianzhai on the shoulder.

"Okay, take this as a meeting gift from me for joining me!"


There was another clear knocking sound, and when Lan Yu Xianzhai raised his head again, his forehead was already red and swollen.

"Then please ask me to go to the hospital first to make arrangements."

Lanyu Xianzhai stood up from the ground and said respectfully.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just tell the location, and we will transfer directly to the space."

"That Yue-chan, do you want to go together?"

William turned to look at Nangong Nayue who was still sitting on the sofa and said.

"You guys go first, I'll go find someone first, and then go there."

Nangong jumped off the sofa that month, opened the lace folding fan, covered half of her pretty face, and the magic circle unfolded under her feet, and suddenly disappeared into the room.

Withdrawing the gaze that fell on Nangong Nayue just now, the toes lightly touched the ground.


A pitch-black opening suddenly opened at William's side, and a darkness that seemed to be able to swallow everything was hidden inside.

"Where is your wife's location?"

"The First Hospital of String Kamijima, Intensive Ward B2."


Xian Kamishima First Hospital, in the intensive care unit!

The entire ward is about [-] to [-] square meters, and there are all kinds of furniture and facilities here.

It doesn't look like a ward, but it looks like a high-end apartment somewhere.

There was no pungent smell of disinfectant in the room, but a faint fragrance.

The only place that can show that this is a ward is probably the bed in the center of the room!

Lying on it means that the frail lady with thin hair and thin hair can only vaguely see the beauty and charm of the past lying on the hospital bed.

She was still wearing a ventilator on her face, and it seemed that she was completely exhausted.

"This is your wife?"

William looked at the woman calmly, and Lanyu Xianzhai couldn't hide the sadness in his heart.

Then he replied to William with a trembling tone.

"Your Majesty, this is my wife!"

"I implore Your Majesty to take care of my wife."

After speaking, Lanyu Xianzhai knelt down on the ground again.


The one who spoke was a simple girl with black hair, and she looked like she had just graduated from junior high school.

She was wearing the girls' school uniform of the middle school of Caihai Academy, and Nangong Nayue was standing next to the girl playfully.

It can be seen that what Nangong said just now was to pick up the girl in front of him.

And just now, the scene where her father knelt down and begged the man in front of her who looked similar to her age happened to be in her eyes.

This was the first time she had seen her father beg another person so humbly since she was a child.

In particular, this time my father's humility was not for his own political future.

But for the mother who I always thought was abandoned by my father long ago.

Compared to the slightly awkward father and daughter, William felt a little something wrong with this girl.

"Lan Yu, is this your daughter?"

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Chapter 240 Nine Youthful Bichi-flavored Girl "4000 Words Request Subscription"

Sensing William's interested gaze, Lan Yu Xianzhai knew that His Majesty the Spirit King had already discovered the difference in his daughter.

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