"Asagi, this is the ruler who is about to rule Xian Kami Island, Your Majesty William!"

"Your Majesty is my special request to come and treat your mother. Send your Majesty a quick greeting!"

Knowing that the discovery of his daughter is inevitable, Lanyu Xianzhai can only maintain an optimistic attitude.

I hope that His Majesty the Spirit King can treat his daughter better!

Lan Yu Qiancong stared blankly at the smiling blond man in front of him, not really willing to believe that the man in front of him really had the ability to heal his mother.

You must know that her mother's illness is a difficult problem that all medical masters in the whole world cannot solve.

Her mother had long been sentenced to death by a large number of experts, professors, and magicians.

If she wants to be treated, it is estimated that her mother's illness can be effectively suppressed only if the current medical conditions have improved for more than 50 years.

But he remembered the scene of his father kneeling just now, and his mother lying on the hospital bed, panting.

This normally stubborn girl finally spoke according to her deepest thoughts.

"Please save my mother!"

"Okay, it's better to say that I came here for this purpose."

After saying this, William took two steps forward, walked to the front of the hospital bed, and looked at the woman whose breathing was getting weaker and weaker.

Stretching out his finger, putting it in his mouth and biting it lightly, a drop of bright red blood immediately appeared on the pad of the finger.

Then he bent down, sucked the blood from his fingertips into the woman's dry lips, then stood up calmly, turned around and said.

"The racial transformation of your mother has already started, and with your mother's physique, the transformation can be completed in about an hour."

After the words fell, William had already walked out of the room with his own thighs.

Nangong also kept up with William that month, turned and left the ward, and closed the door by the way.

Lan Yu's father and daughter were left alone in a mess in this ward!

The parents looked at each other, and a question mark rose in their heads at the same time.

"Change race?"

On the empty corridor, William and Nangong sat next to each other that month.

"I said Na Yuechan, did you ask me to give them a favor after you found out that there was something wrong with that girl named Lanyu Qiansong?"

William put his arms on the back of the chair, and half-jokingly said to Nangong Nayue.

Nangong rolled his eyes that month, and said angrily.

"How could I know, I just want you to favor Lan Yu."

"But what's wrong with Lan Yu Qian Cong that it can attract your attention?"

Nangong asked curiously that month, about this matter, the manual management commune has always kept it from her, so she was also quite curious.

"I don't know exactly what's going on, but she has a deep connection with this island that is actually an altar."

"This connection is not like an ordinary connection, it is a conceptual relationship close to causality."

"That's right!"

Nangong stood up that month, patted her wrinkled dress, and reopened the closed umbrella.

"Then I'll go back to continue class first, do you want to go together?"

"No, I still have something to say, and I will go back by myself later."

William shook his head, and glanced at the door of the ward.

At the very second that Nangong Yue disappeared, the sound of the doorknob turning suddenly sounded.

The one who ran out was precisely the girl named Lanyu Qiancong, her face was full of joy, and the silver beans couldn't help but slipped from the corners of her eyes.

"Well, calm down a little now?"

In the waiting room of the hospital, William, who had just returned from the counter, put the iced coffee in his hand in front of the blue feather light green.

It has to be said that this place is indeed the best hospital in the entire String God Island.

Leaving aside its therapeutic effects, just talking about the supporting facilities, at least you can stay in the hospital here and stay in a relaxed state.

The only downside is probably that it can quickly reset the number on your bank card to zero.

"Well, thank you so much, Majesty...!"

"Don't be so polite to me, just call my name William."

William waved his hand and said that since he already had thoughts about the girl in front of him, he would not show a superior attitude in front of this girl.

At this time, communicating with each other on an equal basis is the fastest way to get closer.

"Good, William!"

Lan Yu Qiancong also heaved a sigh of relief, although the man in front of her rescued her mother.But for some reason, asking her to speak to this man in a respectful tone always made her feel uncomfortable.

"Well, if you have any doubts, you can say it now."

The silver spoon stirred the coffee in the cup, making clinking sounds.


Lan Yu Qian Cong froze for a moment, then took out her mobile phone, stretched out her pale jade finger and swipe it a few times.

It was a photo of a woman in a hospital gown, and this woman had the same appearance as Lan Yu Qian Cong's mother.

However, the postures of the two people are completely different types.

It's not an exaggeration to describe Lanyu Qiancong's mother as skinny and boney before, but now she has completely recovered her pre-illness appearance.

"Well, William, you said that you changed my mother's race!"

"She looks like a legendary elf, right?"

Lan Yu Qian Cong stretched out her finger, pointing to her mother's ear.

Those are not the ears that humans should have. They are long and thin, which is the most representative feature of elves.

"Of course, your father should have told you about my identity. If I change your mother's race, of course I will transform into an elf."

"After all, given your mother's weakness at the time, if I directly removed the diseased variants in the cells, your mother might not be able to bear the pressure and die."

"Rather than this, it is better to directly change your mother's race, so that the diseases that humans suffer from will naturally not cause any harm to the top demons."

William took a sip of his iced coffee and spoke casually.

"That's right!"

Lan Yu Qian Cong also took a sip of coffee, and then added as if she suddenly remembered something.

"Then will my mother live as long as the elves?"


William also thought about it for a while, slightly estimating the energy contained in his drop of blood.

"Although it's not like the elf in the Lion King mechanism, it has survived for thousands of years and is still full of vitality, but if it lives for about three to four hundred years, there should be no problem."

In fact, the conversion just now is no different from his previous conversion of Agulola.

It's just that, when converting Agulola, he used his own star source, and when converting Blue Feather Light Onion's mother, he only used his most common blood.

Even blood essence is not counted, so the elves converted in this way will not have high natural aptitude.

So being able to live for three to four hundred years is almost the limit state.

"Three 400 years!"

Lan Yu Qian Cong let out a choked mouthful, and the coffee in his mouth almost sprayed on William's body.

Her sudden shout naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding customers.

"Sorry, sorry!"

A polite child, Lan Yu Qiancong immediately stood up and apologized to the people around her.

"Can my mother live that long? Then what will my father do."

Knowing that her father still cared about her mother very much, Lan Yu Qiancong untied the knot between her and her father.

In this way, she would naturally care about her father's living conditions.

But after listening to what William said just now, she can now imagine the scene three or forty years later.

His father already had white hair, wrinkled face, and a stooped figure standing beside his charming and charming mother.

"Well, it's not like there's nothing you can do about it."

William deliberately elongated his last tone, and said in a tone that seemed to be joking.


Lan Yu Qian Cong also followed William's tone, stood up and leaned forward, and the faces of the two became more and more similar.

"Although it is not difficult for me to change the race, it also requires a price to obtain."

"Your father used the condition of working for me all his life in exchange for the opportunity for me to help your mother."

"So as long as someone pays me the same price, it's not impossible to change your father's race."

The meaning of this sentence is quite obvious, because William's eyes are constantly scanning this girl who is extremely similar to him.

Because this gaze was too explicit, even Lan Yu Qiansong, who was slightly nervous, felt a little uncomfortable.

Unknowingly, a pink glow appeared on her fair face, and she sat back on her seat in a jiffy.

"No, no!"

Blue Feather Light Onion's head shook like a rattle, and she covered her well-developed bumps with both hands.

"I just entered junior high school. If I have... have this kind of thought, at least I have to wait until I go to...high...high school!"

She explained in a panic!

But even if she understood the man in front of her as a pervert who wanted to repay her kindness, she didn't have any bad feelings about the young man in front of her at the moment.

There was even an indescribable sense of joy in her heart at this moment.

However, William was unusually stiff here.

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