After a while!

The skin that was originally as fair as milk turned into a red cherry.


ps: Let me explain in advance that Yukina's character is really impulsive, and it is mentioned many times in the original book, I really didn't write it blindly.

Thanks to @Fate星月@书剑天下道 for the blade reward

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Chapter 250 She Can't Run Away "4000 Words Please Subscribe"

Friends who have known each other for many years actually live in such a place, which makes Agullola, who is pure in heart, feel turbulent.

She also decided to ask her good friend what was going on when she went to school tomorrow morning.

Disanbo also fully realized how pure his younger sister was, so when he returned to the community, he got off the car and took Agulola home, ready to teach his younger sister well.

As for William, he went directly to Nangong's home in Nangong, which was located upstairs from his house.

As soon as he entered the door, he found that the living room was brightly lit, and La Folia and Nangong Nayue were sitting on the sofa.

Several documents were placed in a mess on the table, and the two of them seemed to be discussing something.

"You're back!"

Nangong watched William enter the door that month, and replied in a neutral manner, without the tenderness and comfort of a newlywed wife at all.

In contrast, La Folia's side is much more enthusiastic.

After standing up to welcome William into the door, she pulled William to sit beside her, and her bumpy body leaned softly against William's body.

Immediately afterwards, she lazily exhaled another foul breath, as if this appearance had eliminated all fatigue.

"It's really comfortable. It's really the best to lean on William like this."

"What were you two talking about just now?"

Smelling the fragrance of the girl in his arms, William also casually picked up a document on the table and read it.

"Needless to say, I'm discussing your itinerary for tomorrow."

Nangong Nayue sighed, rubbed the space between her brows, and threw the document in her hand on the table.

Now, it is only at this time that she feels a little bit emotional that her body is no better than the fictional magical body.

After all, the real body will feel physical fatigue, but the false body, as long as it has magic power to consume, there is no need to worry about mental problems.

"What itinerary? Isn't it just to meet those guys!"

At this time, La Folia, who was lying in William's arms, suddenly raised her head, looked up at her lover's profile, and said with a smile.

"No! The temporarily added itinerary is a meeting in the Whispering Garden tomorrow afternoon."

"When did I join the "Whispering Garden"?Didn't Ardikia not have the right to attend high-level meetings! "

This topic aroused William's interest, but he also had great doubts about it.

He is still very familiar with the term "Whispering Garden", because this term comes from an organization, that is, the Sanctuary Treaty Organization.

This is an organization that maintains world peace, led by the three great ancestors, and combined with more than half of the world.

This is an organization somewhat similar to the United Nations.

These countries that have joined the Sanctuary Treaty Organization are also collectively referred to as the member countries of the Sanctuary Treaty Organization.

Ardikia is a member of the sanctuary treaty countries!

And the "Whispering Courtyard" is the place where the high-level members of this organization hold meetings.

Of course, only members of the Supreme Council can participate in the "Whispering Garden" meeting, and the decisions they negotiate with each other will guide the direction of the countries that joined the Sanctuary Treaty.

The Supreme Council is composed of representatives of three permanent members and nine non-permanent members, with a total of 12 members.

The permanent members are the three empires of the night in this world, representing the true ancestors of the empires of the night.

They also represent the highest power in this council and have a veto power.

These three countries can actually benchmark against the United Nations' five...!

The other nine permanent members are the nine countries that are voted for every three years among the members of the Sanctuary Treaty.

This is the structure of the entire sanctuary treaty body!

William is so familiar with this because Ardikia once sat on one of the nine non-permanent council representatives.

"No no no!"

La Folia stretched out her pale jade finger, and waved it in front of William's eyes.

The delicate body twisted in William's arms as if trying to find a more comfortable position.

"The right to participate in the meeting was won for you as early as William when you announced that you would rule the Isogami Island, and when we Ardikia united with the Isogami Island."

"The members of the Supreme Council have also changed from two years ago to 13 people."

"Before, it was just because you were retreating, so when the meeting was held, I went on your behalf."

Nangong Nayue also nodded in agreement, and said at the same time.

"Oh, how did you do it."

William expressed a strong curiosity about this, and was surprised how they did it.

Xian Kami Island is no longer a secret in his eyes. Through these years of rule over Xian Kami Island, some unknown secrets have long been placed on William's table, allowing him to see it at a glance.

But it was precisely because of this that he was surprised that the importance of String God Island was self-evident in the eyes of many people.

Even they should be panicking now, not knowing when, this island will fulfill its destiny and summon out the things they fear.

That's why this island has always been full of disasters. Countless people fear this island, hate this island, and want to destroy this island.

That's why he thought it was a surprise that the Sanctuary Treaty Organization could hand over String Kamijima to him.


What he said before notifying Xiangami Island, even if the island is really ruled, this can only be said to be a private behavior, and it is uncountable in the international arena.

But since it was approved by the sanctuary treaty body, it means that this organization is endorsing him, proving that it is reasonable and legal for him to rule the island.

"That's true. We didn't expect it to go so smoothly without your presence."

"The application documents were only submitted twice, and it was approved."

La Folia couldn't help but smile when she recalled the two years.

"Oh, it looks like something unexpected happened?"

Seeing La Folia's expression, William continued to ask questions with interest.

"That's right, the meeting was originally extremely unfavorable to us, but for some reason, the third true ancestor and the first true ancestor suddenly ended up, and this matter was determined."

It was not La Folia who answered the question, but Nangong Nayue.

However, this did make William fall into a dazed state, he tilted his head and looked at Nangong Nayue.

"I can still understand Jiada's words. What's the matter with the First True Ancestor, I don't seem to know him at all!"

That's the right question!

If it was the Third Primogenitor, William already understood her character based on the short encounter.

She is definitely the kind of character who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Others may be afraid of what Xiangami Island hides.

But she will never, and she is also a woman who will act according to her own interests.

Besides, she still has a deep desire for her own blood, maybe this is her chance to sell her favor.

"Who knows, maybe he has forgotten what the King of War has his own understanding!"

"That's an old man with deep plans, that's what my grandmother said."

La Folia shrugged and said with her hands spread out.

Although she also felt very puzzled by this, to her, as long as the goal was achieved, the process and reason were not factors to be considered.

When she was weak, she might need to figure out the intentions of the superior, but when she was strong, she was not interested in thinking about these meaningless things.

Because her husband's strength is enough to resist conspiracies and tricks.

"It's useless to think so much. If you want to know, you can talk to the Forgotten Battle King at the end of tomorrow's meeting!"

"I want to forget that the King of War should also be very interested in chatting with you."

Nangong Nayue folded her hands on her chest, tapped her little feet wrapped in lace black stockings and said flickeringly.

"That's true, so what is the theme of tomorrow's "Whispering Garden" meeting. "

The pupils in William's eye sockets followed Nangong Nayue's little feet, shaking up and down, talking absently.


Nangong Nayue snorted coldly, but there was an imperceptible joy in her eyes.

Although she didn't want to admit it, this pair of expensive stockings was a high-end product that she bought specially.

Because she discovered last night that William seemed to have a soft spot for his stockings.

That's why when she got up this morning, she specially sent her new maid, Liu Zi, to help her buy a large cardboard box of Balenciaga.

The sight of the man in front of her also made her feel that her efforts were not in vain.


Nangong Nayue also blushed because of the light coughing sound from the girl in her arms, her eyes began to dodge, and her wriggling little feet stopped moving.

William withdrew his gaze with some regret, and returned to La Folia who was about to speak.

"Tomorrow's meeting is actually about you! William!"

La Folia, who was being watched, didn't pretend to be a secret, and said directly.


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