"It's nothing, tomorrow's meeting is to decide whether you can become a permanent member of Aldikia or not!"

"That is, the meeting that decides whether William you have a veto."

Let me add here, the current full name of String God Island is Ardikia String God Independence City.

It means that the name of the current String Kami Island is under the management of Aldikia, but the laws and systems on the island are all determined by the senior management of String Kami Island and managed by themselves.

This is the policy of one country, two governments!

In this way, the two countries are regarded as one country, and can be counted as a unified force under the name of William.

"Then it's okay to participate, but I always feel that it will be troublesome then!"

Faced with this kind of meeting that required talking to each other, William only felt that his lazy cancer was about to break out again.

He felt that he could foresee now that tomorrow the group of politicians would make a big speech and comment on his appearance everywhere.

"No trouble!"

After spending four years with William day and night, how could it be impossible for La Folia to know William's temperament!

She smiled sweetly, and there was a schadenfreude in her tone.

"I know you are tired of attending this kind of meeting, so there is only one thing you need to do tomorrow William."

"That is to remember the guy who opposed you the most, and then use your strength to coerce them with just the right amount of force."

Hearing La Folia's words, William's eyes lit up, and then he nodded.

"Yes, this is indeed very trouble-free, and I happen to have a trick that I want to try recently."

Looking at the two people who decided the fate of the unlucky guy who jumped out tomorrow with just a few words, Nangong Nayue sighed deeply, but didn't stop her, just said something softly.

"Don't involve civilians!"

The reason why Nangong Nayue, who has a high sense of justice, also agrees is that she deeply knows that the members of the Supreme Council are the type who don't shed tears when they don't see the coffin.

Why can only the three great ancestors have a veto power in the sanctuary treaty body!

This is not how powerful their country is. There are too many people who are on par with them in terms of national strength.

Having a veto power is because of their personal strength, and no country can stop them.

These are the prestigious names they have earned from ancient times to the present.

But in this regard, William is far worse.

It's not about strength, but that William's shots are too few.

The only one that barely counted as a full-strength shot was the battle between the feast of flames and Garda.

But that time, what William showed was only strength, without the violence of being a superior.

This makes it easy for those countries to imply that William is actually a kind-hearted person who is easily influenced by others.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being kind and being bullied.

Originally, having three mountains on top of their heads was enough to make them uncomfortable, so why would they want to add one more to their heads.

So if William didn't show his brutality and integrity as a superior tomorrow, there would definitely be idiots using their self-righteous ideas to sway William, and even want to control him whimsically.

"About this point, I know, you don't understand me yet!"

"I promise, this level of intimidation will definitely make them unforgettable."

William smiled confidently, then directly picked up La Folia by the waist, and placed it on his lap.


La Folia's groaning sound followed, and she hooked William's neck in a panic, and then she was shocked quickly, and she pouted her cherry lips and tapped William's face lightly.

"What are you doing!"

Nangong Nayue looked at the scene in front of her and said angrily.

"What else can you do, of course it's what you think!"

"After all, I have to come with you and Aye later, so I have to satisfy Fufu first."

William, who had already picked up La Folia in the princess's arms, also tapped the giggling La Folia's forehead, and opened the door of Nangong Nayue's bedroom with a smile.

"Who wants to be with Ah Ye, I'm leaving!"

Nangong Nayue, who was extremely ashamed and angry, stomped her feet fiercely, and then disappeared directly into this room.

"Honey, she's gone!"

La Folia, who was sitting on the bed, smiled and said to William with her legs crossed.

"It's okay, she won't be able to escape later."

ps: Thank you for your support to me, thank you all, please subscribe and vote,

Chapter 250 Six Mimic Body "Maid" "4000 words for subscription"

early morning!

The rising sun sprinkled sunlight into the gaps in the pleated windows, turning into mottled light and shadows and reflecting on the large round bed.

This bedroom still reflects Nangong Nayue's pursuit of luxury.

The handcrafted velvet carpet is covered with rags that have become rags, and it can only be imagined that this was originally a silk stocking.

The cabinet made of golden nanmu is hung with women's underwear that has been divided into two.

On the European-style round bed in the center of the room, under the white quilt, there is a huge swelling-like protrusion.


In this peaceful morning, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Liu Zi, who was wearing a pure purple dress decorated with lace, walked in, and then walked to the window on her own, opened the hinge of the pleated window, and pushed open the closed window.

"Master, it's time to get up now, breakfast is ready."

Following Liu Zi's bland voice, the bulge under the quilt also began to shake, and then a small white hand protruded from it.

Pulling off the white quilt, three heads that were tightly pressed together also appeared in Liu Zi's field of vision.

"Go out first, Liu Zi, let's change clothes and go out immediately."

Nangong opened his eyes that month, and said sleepily to his little maid.

"I see!"

Looking at Liuzi who had already walked out of the room, Nangong Nayue looked at her own white neck that was already covered with red marks, and sighed softly.

Then he pushed the man beside him and the nasty woman who had been scolding him last night.


This is Nangong Nayue's restaurant again, Liu Zi and An Qier are serving carefully prepared breakfasts to the dining table.

"Liu Zi, your skills are getting better and better now."

After taking a bite of the toast covered in jam, William expressed his admiration to Ryuzi from the bottom of his heart.

"Thank you very much for your praise, this is the result of the master's special training for us."

Liu Zi raised the corner of her skirt very politely, said while slightly bending her knees.

Nangong Nayue also raised her head proudly, and swallowed the thick fried egg in her mouth.

"Of course, in order to train their skills, I sent them to the back kitchen of the restaurant I usually go to."

At this moment, Angel also came over with a tray, on which were three cups of steaming black tea.

William picked it up and took a sip of the tea.

The taste is soft, smooth, and exudes an intoxicating aroma.

This method of making black tea is absolutely close to the skill that Nangong had been immersed in for ten years that month.

"I didn't expect that their learning ability would be so good. They could reach this level after only two days of learning."

It can be said that Nangong fell more and more in love with the two maids that William gave him that month.

"Of course, their learning ability can be said to be comparable to a supercomputer."

These two pseudomorphs can be said to be his highest masterpieces in this field. For this reason, when making them, he also specially strengthened the calculation ability of the pseudomorphs.

"However, don't just use them as housekeeping staff, try to develop combat power, and they will give you unexpected surprises."

Regarding this, William smiled mysteriously at Nangong Nayue.

You must know that the earliest role of the pseudo-body was to be used as a combatant, especially the core of the pseudo-body he made was made with the core of the universal crystal.

What he eliminated was only the evil thoughts of the Wanying Jingjing, and their own extremely specific abilities were preserved by him without reservation.

"Really! Then I will take them to the security team tomorrow!"

Nangong Nayue, who knew that William would never be funny in this kind of thing, had a stronger sense of anticipation in his eyes.

"A Ye, do you want to go to a meeting with us later?"

Xiandumu Aye's current style can be said to be quite taciturn, and there are only two situations where she can take the initiative to speak out.

One is when facing William!

Second, it was time for Nangong to mock her that month!

Putting down the knife and fork in his hand, he picked up the paper towel on the table and wiped the corners of his mouth, which was a little purple from the jam.

"No, master! If possible, I hope that I can ask for leave today."

"Oh, what's the matter with you?"

This time it was not only William, but even Nangong Nayue looked over with the same curiosity.

You know, Xiandumu Aye, who was re-thought-reformed by William, can be said to live a life centered on William.

This kind of situation where it seems to be for his own private affairs, and then not to serve William, can be said to be super rare.

"Yes, after listening to the master's suggestion, I have already completed contact with my daughter Xiandu Yuma."

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