"Today, my daughter will arrive at Xianshen Island, so I hope to use today's time to prepare for her life on the island."

Sure enough, after Xiandumu Aye said these words calmly.

William and Nangong knew that month that the Xiandumu Aye in front of them hadn't changed at all.

Because from her words and sentences, I can't feel the love of a mother when she mentions her child.

On the contrary, the two of them felt more like they were completing a small task that William gave her at will.

"Okay, today you can spend good time with your daughter! By the way, transfer your daughter to Caihai Academy."

"As for today's matter, just let Yuejiang follow me, and you don't need to worry about it."

"Hey, did you forget me? People are really sad."

The voice came from the direction of the entrance, and La Folia, who was well dressed, was walking towards her, followed by Angel who opened the door for her.

"Don't be funny, you haven't had breakfast yet, sit down quickly!"

William, who didn't care about La Folia's mischievous grievances, waved his hand and motioned La Folia to sit down.

Liu Zi also hurriedly brought La Folia's breakfast.

La Folia, just like the actors in Peking Opera Face Changing, immediately put on a happy expression and sat on the dining table.


The noon sun was as huge as the wheels of an ox cart, as bright red as molten iron, with gushing rays of light, exuding unbearable heat.

A luxury car that can be said to be rare in normal times drove into the community one after another under the bewildered eyes of the security guards.

"I said senior, what happened today!"

The young security guard looked puzzled at the old man who was soaking wolfberries.

It can be said that these cars were not registered at all when they came in, and the security of their community can be said to be very strict.

All of their security personnel have the strength of elementary attacking magicians, and they usually need a registration certificate to pass in and out of the community.

But today, when he was about to stop two Rolls-Royce Phantoms, his usually stern and selfless senior directly grabbed his neck.

Then with a smile on his face, he let go of the two luxury cars that didn't even roll down the windows.

"Young man, you don't understand this! People who can start with the word A are not something our little security guards can afford to offend."

"Even our boss would nod and bow when he saw these people."

After the old security guard took a sip of his wolfberry tea slowly, a look of memory appeared in his eyes.

The face of the young security guard was immediately full of respect, and he felt that this senior should have been a character with many stories before.

"Senior, please teach me well!"

Just when the old security guard used his youthful experience to attract the respect of the young security guard, at this time, the group of big men in the eyes of the old security guard had already parked their cars in the parking lot.

This parking lot is not an underground parking lot, but a surface parking lot under the scorching sun at noon.

The doors of the cars opened almost at the same time, and the people who got off the back seat were all wearing heavy formal clothes.

Even though it was so hot, these big figures in the eyes of the old security guards didn't dare to directly enter the main entrance of the building.

Instead, everyone took out their own handkerchiefs and wiped the bean-sized beads of sweat on their foreheads.

They endured the scorching sun at noon in this way until they waited for the appearance of Angel in a red and white floral dress.

"The master is already waiting in the reception room, please come up with me."


Qiqi answered in a voice as if they were inspired by the time when they went to school and were trained in the military when they were young. There were only about ten people in total, but they followed Angel obediently, and they were automatically divided into two rows.

The leaders of these two rows are also very different!

One's eyes are very gloomy, and his age is probably only in his 20s, with a slightly thin body.

The other one looks more hearty, about 40 years old, and has an explosive figure, with knotted muscles that seem to be able to tear a suit.

The elevator carried everyone up, and the floor they went to was the third-to-last floor of the apartment.

After William moved in, except for the two highest floors that William and Nangong had purchased that month.

The three floors below those two floors were also bought by the senior management of Xianshen Island and given to Nangong Nayue.

As for the original residents, they were forced to move out with a huge sum of money. Even if Nangong hadn't stopped their actions that month, they would probably have bought the building.

The purpose of everything is just to not disturb His Majesty Lingwang's rest!

The 42nd floor they are going to now is the house that has been transformed into a meeting room by Nangong Nayue.

"come in!"

Angel, who took out her room card, opened the door leading to the meeting room, and all the high-level officials of Xianjin Island were also anxiously arranging their attire.

No way, this is the first time they have been able to meet the Lord after joining William's command.

With trepidation, they felt like they felt when they first came into contact with their family's big business.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a gentle and elegant man sitting on the main seat of the conference table.

On both sides of him are Nangong Nayue, whom they are already familiar with, and La Folia, the first princess of Ardikia.

"Okay, everyone sit down!"

The man's voice was like the spring breeze in March, blowing slowly over their trembling hearts, calming down their beating hearts.

"Yes, Lord Lingwang!"

How time passed slowly!

From the noon when the brilliant sun hangs high in the sky to the blood-red sunset burned by the setting sun.

This report meeting, which made everyone uneasy at the beginning, gradually became a place where everyone could speak freely.

"Ah! Joining Lord Lingwang's command is really the right choice."

A young congressman who came out of the meeting room sighed.

"Okay! Since the Lord Spirit King has given us such a great favor, we must complete the tasks ordered by the Lord Spirit King as soon as possible."

The old congressman glanced at the young congressman lightly, and then jumped into the car.

The location returned to the meeting room. Although the meeting was over, there were still people in this room.

Liu Zi and An Qier skillfully served new black tea for everyone, and brought out the dessert that was just made during the meeting.

"You are actually controlling the Yase family?"

After a brief silence, William said to the gloomy young man with a chuckle.

"Yes, Lord Lingwang."

"Ji Shu and I are half brothers. He is responsible for being the head of the house on the surface, but he is responsible for the work that the head of the house needs to undertake."

Yase Ikuma stood up with a flat face, and said neither humble nor overbearing.

There was neither the trepidation that those people had towards him at the beginning nor the almost fanatical admiration that followed.

He kept Yase Jima after the meeting because it was the first time he really saw a person who could resist the attack of his face.

And this is an ordinary person.

"Why aren't you the head of the house? Judging by your age, you should be the eldest son! And in terms of ability, I don't think Yase Motoki can compare to you."

In the meeting just now, Yase Jima put forward a lot of very constructive opinions.

"Go back to Your Majesty!"

"Kiki is an over-adapter, and the house rule of the Yase family is that only an over-adapter can be the head of the house."

"Even if the Patriarch is nominal."

"That's right!"

It is very normal in the world of superpowers that someone with a better seed gene be the head of the family.

William also understood this.

So, he turned his gaze to Lan Yu Xianzhai who had been silent all this time, with a warm smile on his face.

"Mr. Lan Yu, your work has been done very well in the past few years, so your wish can be realized."

The moment William's voice fell, Lan Yu Xianzhai's expression also became agitated.

Then William forced a drop of bright red liquid from the palm of his hand.


The blood drops sank into Lan Yu Xianzhai's open mouth like flying projectiles.

"Send Senator Lan Yu home! From the changes of Senator Lan Yu, you can learn what kind of rewards you can get for working hard for me."

ps: Thank you zusong for the tip of the blade, please subscribe and vote, thank you very much, thank you.

Chapter 250 The Seventh Sent You A Disaster No Less Than A Holy Annihilation

Time soon came to the evening!

Night has gradually enveloped this steel city, and the Caihai Academy, which was noisy during the day, has also fallen into silence.

The students of the club have also finished their activities and are preparing to return to their homes.

But at this moment, something strange happened at the gate of Caihai College. The tired students were pointing at a woman with short green hair.

The reason for this is that this woman is holding her hands on her chest, pulling a stinky face, exuding an aura of not being close to strangers.

"What! Bai looks so good-looking."

The male student who just failed to strike up a conversation held up his baseball bat and complained to his peers.

"Stop it, Yuuji!"

"Maybe this is an old aunt who doesn't know how old she is!"

His companion glanced at the green-haired woman, with a mocking smile on his lips.

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