He touched his chin, and felt that he didn't seem to have done anything that would scare people.

Of course, Haze Natsune's self-report is not over yet.

"Sorry, teacher!"

"I didn't ask for leave on purpose, it's just that Ai Li gave birth to a baby for the first time, and I'm really worried...!"

"I didn't come to you to punish you."


Suddenly, William interrupted Haze Natsune's continuous apology.

Haze Natsune also raised her head in a daze, and looked at William in puzzlement.

The Agulola trio also understood the meaning of Hasase Natsune's apology, and Agulola was a little bit dumbfounded.

"We just told Mr. William about Xia Yinchan's time, and he was more interested in meeting you."

"Um... eh?"

Haze Natsune widened her beautiful big eyes.

How ambiguous what Agulola said in this sentence, this sentence probably did not occur to Agurola.

But Hasase Natsune's eyes had already raised a hint of vigilance.

Regarding this, William shrugged weakly, but he still stretched out his hand naturally, and placed it on Hase Natsune's head.

Immediately, a feeling of peace of mind hit Haze Natsune's heart.

Natsune Hase, who always likes to understand people with kindness, simply put the faint vigilance behind her just now.

"Xia Yin, I need your help with something later, can you go to my house to play?"

The gentle voice is like fine wine that can intoxicate one's heart unconsciously, Haase Natsune didn't question it, and nodded irresistibly.

"You three, also help Xia Yin take these kittens away, I still have some things to deal with here."

The colorless and odorless alluring power dissipated when William opened his eyes!

Himeragi Yukina and Akatsuki Nagisa immediately fell into a state of intoxication, and nodded mechanically.

Although Agulola was also very puzzled, as a star beast under William, she had no room for doubt when her master gave orders.

So temporarily put away the thoughts of asking, and help others hold the kittens in their arms.

Under the evening sun, several girls stretched their shadows and drifted away.

After the girls had completely disappeared from sight, William also stepped into the monastery with his long legs, and stopped at the front wall.

Looking at a metal relief hanging on the wall of the monastery.

It was a work as large as two or three chapters of straw mats.

Although judging from the abstract pattern engraved on it, it is difficult to see what it wants to express.

But sometimes, in a flash, a woman can be seen emerging, a young girl with an exotic appearance.

"Still asleep!"

"Should be some kind of core is needed to fully activate it."

William stretched out his fingertips, from top to bottom, gently brushed the protrusions of the relief, feeling the subtle changes from the fingertips.

It was an unexpected move to find Hasase Xiayin, but this unexpected move brought him two surprises.

These two surprises were the reason why he took a semi-coercive attitude to send those girls away just now.

After all, for Xiao Nagisa who always had a lot of questions, it would be very troublesome to explain clearly.

"It's very similar to the alchemy that Xinglu once said!"


This is a term that almost always exists in the wizarding world, and even more broadly speaking, his technique of making pseudomorphs belongs to the category of alchemy.

The reason why he knows about this is because there is also an alchemist in the Xuezhan world.

The great alchemist who has lived for a long time is Fan Xinglu's friend.

The practitioners of their era almost achieved immortality through their own methods.

Fan Xinglu herself was reincarnated!

Another friend achieved eternal life by abandoning the body and solidifying the soul to exist in the world!

But the other person Fan Xinglu told him used a method called alchemy to achieve eternal life.

The eternity pursued by alchemists requires two parts at the same time.

Immortal flesh!

eternal soul!

However, it is impossible for ordinary flesh and blood to be immortal.

At this time, the role of alchemy is reflected.

The essence of alchemy is a technique of reorganizing matter.

The reason why human flesh and blood cannot achieve eternal life is that ordinary flesh and blood have too many impurities.

The immortal body is the use of alchemy to remove impurities from the body, so that the signs of life can be sublimated.

The eternal soul is to put its own soul into an artificial container to replace the perishable body, so that the soul will not be lost due to the long time.

"Then what to do next!"

Looking at this relief-like mural, even he, who is now a protoss, feels worried.

That's not to say he couldn't do anything about the cameo.

"Forget it, let's give it a try!"

He stretched out his palm and pressed it against the relief, and suddenly, his golden pupils were dyed white.

Blazing light burst out from the eye sockets.

In his eyes, it was as if a movie was rewinding. On this place, the past scenes began to reappear.

Haze Natsune adopted her first cat here!

Haze Natsune returns to remember her former friends!


Five years ago, the fire at Yadirard Abbey!

"The one who stopped this disaster is—!"

Even William opened his mouth in surprise at this moment, and the reflection in his eyes had gone out at this moment, turning back to the golden pupils before.

He touched his chin!

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he took out his phone from his pocket and dialed it.


The phone rang for a few seconds, and a cold female voice came from the other end immediately.

"Nazuki-chan, now go and bring the magician's figure to bring their Kensei Haase to the former site of Yadilad Monastery in the back mountain of Caihai College."

"By the way, don't let him forget to bring the sage's refining core!"


There was a gnashing of teeth on the other end of the phone.

"You really can summon people!"

"How about it, Yuechan, how much time will it take?"

"Half an hour!"

After dropping these words, the phone was also disconnected.

William smiled silently, and then did not call back the phone, but dialed another number.

"Honey, what can I do for you!"

There was a rather noisy voice on the other end of the phone, as if there were many people around making noise.

"What are you doing? Why is it so messy?"

"It's nothing, it's just a domestic meeting, what's the matter, did you miss me!"

From the looks of it, La Folia should have left the meeting room just now, and the noise on the phone has been eliminated a lot.

"No, I just want to ask you, did Ardikia once have a court magister named Kensei Haase."

Holding the phone, he walked to a chair where he could look directly at the relief and sat down.

The other end of the phone was silent!

After a while, La Folia's voice sounded again.

"He left Ardikia a long time ago, my dear, how do you know."

La Folia's doubtful voice had a strong meaning.

Even those who wanted to ask her to go back to the meeting were waved away by her.

"Hase Kensei is on this island now!"

"Is that so, he told you personally...!"

"No, I just met her daughter Hayase Natsune."

William interrupted La Folia's incorrect guess.


La Folia's red lips parted slightly, and she fantasized about the man who was almost sterilized.

It was really hard for her to imagine the scene of that man having children.

"No, it's not his child. That girl has almost exactly the same spiritual power fluctuations as your Li Havain family."

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