The sound of heavy breathing came from the other end of the phone immediately.

Then after a while!

cluck!cluck cluck!

Another laugh came.

"It looks like grandpa is going to be in bad luck again this time!"

This expression of looking forward to the show is indeed the performance that La Folia should have.

"Well, so let's go home directly after the meeting!"

"I've asked Agurola to bring Hase Natsune home."

"At that time, you have a good talk with her."

"I see, I will have a good chat with my sister-in-law."

I don't know why, but when La Folia spoke, she seemed to bite the word aunt very strongly.

William directly saw what La Folia meant, and added.

"You don't have to do so many things this time, lest people are really afraid of you."

"According to my observation, she should be the kind of person who is greedy for power."

La Folia was taken aback for a moment, and then an unexpected smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Really! I see."

The phone hung up again, and William looked at the relief on the wall for a while.

The Great Sage, Kensei Haase, Nina Yadirad

"This is really too much of a coincidence!"

ps: Please ask for your subscription and votes.Thank you very much for your support, once again thank you very much

Chapter 260 The Great Alchemist and the Spirit King "4000 words for subscription"

The breeze blows slowly!

William, who closed his eyes, felt the elegant summer wind, and was thinking in his heart.

In fact, at his level, the ability of alchemy to reorganize matter is actually useless.

Let him transform and reorganize the creatures, which he could have done a long time ago.

However, he wanted to try to see if he could draw inferences from the knowledge of alchemy and develop the ability to transform things with one thought.

Therefore, he can't directly erase the relief completely. He needs to release the sage in the relief and tame her.

Or directly take out the knowledge of alchemy in her head.

Fortunately, after gathering all the star beasts of the zodiac, his spiritual vision was greatly enhanced.

Compared with predicting the future in that unstable situation, he can now choose a location and a character to trace back and predict his past and future.

The clouds in the sky drifted slowly with the wind, and the purple light rose out of nowhere.

A legal loli in a black suit holding a parasol with one hand!

There is also a frowning white-haired man, about 50 years old, wearing a white coat that is often worn by the research institute, with gold-framed eyes on the bridge of the nose.

"Hase Kensei, the former court magister of Aldikia, right!"

William, who opened his eyes, looked at the middle-aged man in front of him playfully.

Cold sweat flowed down Xiansheng Hayase's forehead. From this point of view, his calm look just now was almost all a disguise.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Spirit King!"

He hung his head down, unable to lift it up.

In fact, he didn't understand very well, although the tone of the person in front of him was very gentle, but for some reason, he could feel a sense of coercion that could not be described in words.

"Did you bring the sage's refining core?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xiansheng Haase didn't dare to procrastinate at all, and took out a crystal clear crimson sphere from his pocket.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

William casually played with the crimson crystal ball in his hand, then suddenly said in a nonchalant tone.

"What's the matter with Hayase Natsune's air, she still has meridians that don't belong to her."

This is the second problem he discovered just now. Although it was only a light touch, William could see through Hase Natsune's current physical condition at the first glance.

The air flowing between the meridians is constantly eroding her body, and sooner or later her body will completely transform and become an angel.

This appearance is very similar to the "simulated angel" recorded in the Aldikia tome.

Hase Xiansheng's heart suddenly jumped!

A strange gleam flashed naturally in his eyes, when he tried his best to hide his momentary absence.

William's sudden expression of a smile that was not a smile made his heart sink suddenly.

Sure enough, the next words directly made the face of this pretendingly calm man collapse.

"It looks like I guessed right!"

"As the magister of the court of Ardikia, it is impossible for you not to see the abnormality in your daughter."

"After all, many taboo magic techniques of the Lihavain family are driven by the aura of aura upgrade."

The super-secret secret he had been hiding all along was revealed by the man in front of him.

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

He tried his best to calm down his heart and answered steadily.

"Yeah, there's no point in playing dumb, because right away you're going to spend the rest of your life in the dungeons of Ardikia."

"Starting with the blood of the Lihavain family psychic, I believe you know how big this crime is."

Nangong also looked at Xiansheng Ye Se in surprise that month.

Although she didn't say a word just now, she has basically smoothed out this matter after standing here for a while.

To put it simply, the man in front of him used the blood of the Lihavain family as an experimental product.

Of course, Nangong's surprise that month meant admiration.

"Amazing! Kensei Haase, you can still use the blood of the Lihavain family that so many people can't ask for."

"And it's nothing more than an experiment, you dare to move under Ardikia's eyelids."

That's right, on this point, William also had the same thought as Nangong that month.

Itogami Island, which has become the territory under the name of Ardikia, is now frequently visited by the natives of Ardikia.

In the royal family of Lihava, there is always a tradition of people appearing before them, so the appearance of the royal family members is almost familiar to every resident of Aldikia.

From this point of view, unless he completely imprisons Haze Natsune at home, the possibility of Hase Natsune revealing her true identity is extremely high.

Xiansheng Ye Lai opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he seemed unable to speak.

After a long while, he bit his lip and spoke unwillingly.

"Are you going to send her back to Ardikia's native land?"

"Unfortunately, this is not something you, a prisoner, can still pay attention to."

William took a step forward, stretched out his fingers to touch Xiansheng Hayase's chest with a calm expression.

The black spell with a strange atmosphere spread from William's fingertips, divided into six directions like ants, and covered Keno Hayase's whole body.


Hase Xiansheng directly collapsed and fell to the ground, his body writhing on the ground like a worm.

"It is estimated that Fufu is already waiting for you at home, and your trial will be decided by her!"

After William finished speaking, Nangong Nayue shook her head, and tapped the ground with her toes wearing small leather shoes.

The bewitching purple magic circle unfolded directly under Xiansheng Hayase and swallowed it all up.

"Send it back to my house?"

"No, it's a meeting room."

"Isn't he the father of Haze Natsune? No matter how many wrong things he has done, punishing him in front of his daughter will eventually have a bad influence on that child's heart."

As if explaining his doubts to William, Nangong said calmly that month.

"Should I say that he is indeed an excellent educator! He is indeed very thoughtful."

Without even thinking about it, William felt that what Nangong said that month made sense.


Nangong Nayue snorted softly, but the corners of her mouth slightly raised, still implicitly showed that she was very grateful for William's praise in her heart.

Stretching out his hand, he rubbed Nangong Nayue's head like playing with a child.

Then when Nangong Nayue was about to burst into anger from his eyes, he withdrew his hand again and turned to look at the relief carved on the wall.

"Then let's meet this ancient alchemy master together?"

Nangong didn't leave with Ye Lai Xiansheng that month, so he knew that Nangong had such thoughts in that month.


Under the faint echo of Nangong's moon, William raised the crimson crystal ball held in his left hand and approached the relief, gently touching the surface.

"here we go!"

At that moment, the relief directly changed dramatically.

The surface swayed like a wave, and it moved like a tentacle, trying to swallow the gem into its own interior.

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