That shape was reminiscent of an amoeba awakened from a state of suspended animation, and it was a metal amoeba that exuded a bright red luster like blood.

Looking at the scene in front of her, even Nangong Nayue, who had a very strong heart, couldn't help frowning.

"Is this the so-called Great Alchemist?"

The corner of Nangong Nayu's mouth raised slightly, it was a rather sarcastic smile.

"After shedding my own body, I gained eternal life, but what I got is such an ugly posture?"

Nangong felt sincerely that month, not to mention gaining eternal life, even if it could give her invincible power in the world now.

In the end, if she turned into this muddy appearance, she would not accept it even if she died.

"How is it possible, the appearance in front of her is just that she has not fully awakened yet."

"The essence of alchemy is the ability to reorganize matter, so in theory, she can be male or female, and she can have any appearance in the world."

It is normal that Nangong, who is usually very knowledgeable, said something wrong that month.

Although alchemy in this world was once very prosperous, but a hundred years ago, the powerful alchemists in this world disappeared.

So it is normal to not have a clear understanding of alchemy.

As William's voice fell, the changes began again.

The relief in the color of a gray copper plate turned into a bright red liquid in an instant and spilled down.

In an instant, the narrow altar of the chapel seemed to be covered by a large amount of metallic liquid like a sea of ​​blood.

The tables, chairs, and even the cat house carefully prepared by Hase Natsune for the kittens in the chapel were all washed away by the metal liquid.

Only the place where William and Nangong were in that month was still in a spotless state.

All the liquid metal was blocked by William's protective film.

The scattered liquid metal turned into huge bright red water droplets and gathered together under the effect of surface tension.

Soon, from the center of the liquid metal, a human figure emerged from the center of the water droplet.

It was made of bright red liquid, the silhouette of a young woman.

Judging from the appearance, she is about 20 years old, and the outline is gradually becoming clear. She is a beauty with an exotic face.

——"Ancient Alchemist" Nina Yadirard.

She sacrificed herself in order to seal the birth of the sage and sleep in the core with the sage's soul for 200 years, just for her to be the caretaker.

Now, under the willfulness of King Ling, he finally escaped from this prison and was born again in this world.

Sensing the excessive magic power of this exotic beauty in front of her, Nangong Nayue was also shocked.

From this moment on, she really felt the power of the alchemy sage.

At the same time, she was also shocked. On the island she was protecting, there was such a terrifying existence sleeping, who didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend.

An immortal life!

Almost as powerful magic power as the true ancestor!

As well as the secrets of ancient magic techniques and alchemy that are dormant in memory!

These are the alchemists who have completed the immortality ritual, and they are the strongest group of people in this world except for the immortal ancestors.

"It's finally over!"

As William's voice fell, a suffocating aura burst from William's body, and quickly enveloped the entire church.

The great alchemist here also regained his original appearance at an astonishing speed.

The dark golden hair scattered from the shoulders, and the bright red water dripped down the girl's delicate brown skin.

The foreign girl is naked, with majestic peaks and mountains so majestic that people can't move her eyes, a slender waist that is full of grip, and slender, round and straight thighs.

"Congratulations on your awakening from 270 years ago, Nina Yadirard, the Sage of the Alchemist. "

William said so, and then he stretched out his hand and swiped in front of him, took out a dumbbell from inside and threw it out casually.

The foreign girl also directly caught the dumbbell that was attacking her face.

The moment the hand touched the dumbbell, the dumbbell immediately turned into a pure white shiny cloth, which was silk with bright luster.

She wrapped her body with silk, and fixed it with a golden metal product that appeared from nowhere.

Although the degree of exposure is still very high, it can be regarded as wearing clothes.

Immediately afterwards, she opened her eyes full of wisdom.

"Who are you!"

"I smell elves from you."

Nina said very firmly that she has already mastered alchemy and is very sensitive to matter, so they will never confuse the race of creatures.

But then, she frowned again.

"But the strength of this spiritual power is too exaggerated! Who are you, and what happened to me after sleeping for so long?"

"No, not only that, what's the matter with your life level."

She could clearly feel that the man in front of her had high-dimensional information.

This strong sense of oppression even made the undead spirit blood on her body tremble, which is the most common law in nature.

That is the instinctive coercion that a higher species has on lower life forms.

Even, she still has a feeling of ready to move.

Because she felt that if she got the gene of the man in front of her, her immortal blood would be able to further evolve and become a perfect life in one fell swoop.

Facing the situation where he had to introduce his origin every time, William rubbed his brows helplessly.

It's okay once, or twice, but there are too many times, and he feels a little bored now.

He turned his gaze to Nangong Nayue, and Nangong Nayue immediately left William's sight, showing that he would not do hard things.

Helpless William sighed.

Then a ball of incandescent light popped out from his fingers, and when Nina couldn't dodge, it directly submerged into Nina's body.

"All the information you want is in there."

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Chapter 260 The second feels great, Your Majesty "4000 words please subscribe"

After a long time!

She opened her eyes again, and the pupils full of wisdom were also full of horror at the moment.

Looking at the dilapidated appearance of this church, she put one hand on her chest.

Then, very sincerely, the body leans forward.

"The descendant of Hermes Trismekistos, the seeker of the "Great Mission". "

"Nina Adilard of Palmia, I have met His Majesty the Spirit King."

"Yes, Not Bad!"

A glint of admiration flickered in William's eyes.

He doesn't like to use violence in everything. If the other party can be sensible, it is really a good thing for him.

But at this moment, the words of the alchemist who transcended life and death in front of her had already expressed her meaning.

After getting William's approval, Nina came to William generously.

The two of them sat down on the chair at the same time.

"Then, respected His Majesty the Spirit King, what is the so-called awakening of me from a long slumber!"

"I don't think you will be interested in the spiritual blood of a sage that the world is looking for."

The sage's spiritual blood may be very attractive in the eyes of short-lived ordinary people.

After all, this is something that allows them to get rid of the life limit.

But on the man in front of her, Nina shook her head secretly.

What the sage's spiritual blood bestows on people is nothing more than immortal life and enormous magic power.

These abilities that are popular among the world are nothing but something that the true ancestor and the man in front of him have long had.

not to mention!

What she saw from the memory light cluster just now was not only these, but also some things she was not willing to believe.

But no matter what, the man in front of her was something she could never provoke.

She can definitely confirm this point.

The blond young man exuding a warm aura sat across from her, and the witch who also made her afraid was not like a witch, but stood behind William like a maid.

"Yes, I really have no interest in that kind of useless stuff."

William's attitude can be said to be quite disdainful.

This sentence also made Nina smack her tongue inwardly. It was obvious that the things they were looking for were not popular at all in the eyes of others.

"Then, what is the concubine you are after!"

The arm was slowly raised, and the index finger in the center of the palm pointed out.

And the direction pointed by the fingertips is exactly...!

"……I see."

Nina suddenly realized.

"What you are after is the knowledge of alchemy in my mind..."

"Not bad!"

William raised his left leg and put it on top of his right leg, and his hands overlapped on his knees.

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