"Tomorrow I will also directly return to Japan to assist Sansheng in the work of leaving."

Yuantangyuan stated in an orderly manner.

As the chief instructor of the Lion King organization, her prestige among the students is no less than that of the Sansheng. With her help, the work can be smoother.

"Well, let Na Yue go back to Japan with you tomorrow."

"There are also those who are unwilling to leave Japan, and there is no need to force them."

William thought for a while and added.

For such a large organization, there must be a small number of people who are already used to living in Japan, and it would be troublesome to bring such people over forcibly.

"I see, thank you for your kindness."

Yuantangyuan nodded gratefully.

Don't think about those orphans who have no roots and no family, but there must be many members of the very few who still have their parents and families who are unwilling to leave.

She was about to talk about this just now, but William remembered it by herself and said it on her own initiative.

In this way, the two briefly discussed the positioning of the Lion King Agency on Xianjin Island.

Of course, it was basically what William was talking about, and Yuantangyuan added a little bit.

However, from Yuantangyuan's increasingly bright smile, it can still be seen that William's answer to her still makes her very satisfied.

"That's it, the three of you will stay here together tonight!"

"After Huiyuantang you come back that month, discuss the details and the time of departure tomorrow."

"Why, is there anything else?"

After finishing speaking, William looked at Yuan Tang Yuan's tangled face, and said it a little funny.

Although he also understands what Yuantang Yuan is struggling with, but now he is in a good mood, and he just can't help teasing this elf of the forest.


He took a deep breath, making Yuantang Yuan's swollen and proud chest even more majestic, and then exhaled loudly.

"You haven't promised the guard yet!"

"This matter—!"

William deliberately lengthened his tail tune, and Yuantangyuan's heart also raised accordingly.

Should this person move this matter back with a question of trust?Wouldn't we lose a lot by doing this?

Yuantangyuan thought with some trepidation.

In William's eyes, the ever-changing expression on Yuantangyuan's face can be said to be very interesting.

However, things still can't go too far.

After enjoying it for a while, he cleared his throat.

"So, who are the two guards you recommend?"

Having received an affirmative answer, Yuantangyuan didn't dare to be slow or excited at all, but immediately stood up from the chair.

Then stretched out two Bai Su's slender hands, grabbed the back collars of his two apprentices, and pulled them up from the seat.

"Hwangsaka Sayaka!"

"Himeragi Yukina!"

The two girls stood up amidst Yuantangyuan's roll call, somewhat confused.

"From today on, my two best disciples will be your guards."

With a glance, the corner of William's mouth also raised a beautiful arc.

"That's right - I agree!"


Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka, who just came to their senses, blinked, and suddenly there was a scream.

ps: Thanks to Ling*Mo Aoxue Canglang for sending the reward

It's a new month, and I'm working hard for the Dragon Boat Festival. I beg for your subscriptions and rewards.

The production of Nangong's special episode of that month will start after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, please wait for a while

Chapter 260: Deleting Fear! "4000 words for subscription"

The next day, in the early morning of Xianjin Island, the media was full of news about a mysterious explosion in Xianjin City.

Newspapers published pictures of a large area of ​​Warehouse Street being attacked and damaged, and television and video websites constantly broadcast eyewitness talks.

The warehouses of major food companies were damaged, and it is estimated that there are more than 60 buildings.

The link bridge and monorail connecting East Island and South Island were also severely damaged, and the amount of direct damage alone exceeded 70 billion US dollars.

The amount of indirect losses has exceeded 500 billion U.S. dollars. There are no casualties, which can be called a blessing in misfortune.

"No way! These special zone guards are too bad!"

After breakfast, William, who was sipping coffee, frowned and said somewhat depressedly.

The citizens of Xian Kami Island guessed that a mysterious meteorite fell on Xian Kami Island last night, causing the big explosion.

But in fact, last night, members of the special zone security team, through Lan Yu Qiancong's latest tracking system, blocked the guy who was manipulating the white giant beast that caused an explosion in the research institute area two days ago.

The result was naturally predictable. The special zone security team was almost wiped out, and the opponent completely retreated after causing a lot of damage.

However, compared to his indifference, Himeragi Yukina who was sitting on the opposite table almost frowned.

"Why Xuecai, are you very concerned about this matter?"

Putting down the coffee cup in his hand, picked up the paper on the table and wiped his hands, William said softly.

"Yes, we still don't know what his specific purpose is. If such people are allowed to roam the island, it is easy to cause casualties."

Himeragi Yukina replied with an angry tone.

"So, this is really a little girl with an excessive sense of justice."

William narrowed his eyes, thinking while looking at Himeragi Yukina exuding a gloomy aura.

"Then, after school today, do you want Xuecai to go with me to find out this criminal."

While Liuzi was helping William put on his suit, he said to Himeragi Yukina in a tone that seemed to be joking.


Himeragi Yukina's eyes lit up instantly, but then dimmed, and she shook her head regretfully.

"No, teacher, my task is to protect your safety. How can I take the initiative to lead you to a dangerous place!"

"But the problem is, if you don't take action to solve this guy, String Kamijima is very likely to fall into a food crisis."

William, who heard Himeragi Yukina's objection, did not give an order directly, but stretched out his finger, and tapped Himeragi Yukina's forehead in a void.

"Food crisis?"

"That's right, do you think why Fufu and Xia Yin disappeared this morning?"

At this time, Himeragi Yukina suddenly realized that there were only the two of them dining on this long dining table.

She was very clear about what happened to her master and Nangong that month. The two got up early in the morning and flew back to the mainland of Japan on the first flight in the morning.

Roommate, Sayaka Kosaka just left the house.

Her responsibility was to escort Agulola, who had morning club activities, to school. Of course, when William gave her this task, she was also very happy.

"That's right, where did Her Royal Highness and Xia Yin go?"

Looking at the empty table, Himeragi Yukina asked involuntarily.

"Fufu went back to Ardikia to dispatch the food. Xia Yin just stopped by to go back to see her relatives. I sent them back with space magic in the morning."

"Food dispatch?"

"Yes, the damage and economic losses caused last night are not really a big deal."

"The real problem is that three of the four granaries on Xianshen Island were completely damaged last night."

"Naturally, all the food in it has been reimbursed, and now there is only one granary left to supply the whole island."


Himeragi Yukina also understood the importance of this matter in an instant. No matter what time it is, food is the most important thing for creatures in nature.

The conditions of accommodation, terrorist attacks everywhere, if these things are appeased by the government, the residents of Xiangami Island, who have experienced strong winds and waves, will not be too panicked.

But if a sufficient food supply cannot be maintained, the residents will immediately panic, and things will be troublesome at that time.

"Then can't we urgently dispatch some food from Japan!"

Himeragi Yukina said anxiously.

Listening to Himeragi Yukina who said this, William just looked at her with weird eyes, and then said a little funny.

"Yukina, have you forgotten that the Japanese government already hates me so much?"

What Himeragi Yukina wanted to say later fell silent.

That's right, the island of String Kamishima was originally William's forceful seizure of the dominance from the Japanese government.

The Japanese government at that time dared not say a word due to William's power.But the resentment in my heart was already great.

At that time, the purchase of food from the Japanese government was almost completely suspended, and most of them were transported by ferry from Ardikia.

In addition, his master has now returned to the mainland and started to operate the Lion King agency to separate from the Japanese government.

The relationship between the two countries will inevitably reach a freezing point at the moment the news comes out.

At this time, it is definitely impossible to expect to buy a large amount of food from the Japanese government.

"Then what should we do!"

Himeragi Yukina couldn't help feeling a little discouraged.

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