"What should I do? It's the same as before. It's better to transport food from Ardikia by ferry."

"It's just that instead of the usual one boat for half a month, it's just five boats starting at the same time now."

"Then there is only one warehouse left, enough food for the whole island?"

"It's barely enough to last until Ardikia's ferry arrives, but during this time, the last warehouse can't have any more accidents."

Himeragi Yukina's little face was full of tangled expressions.

She understood that this was a difficult multiple choice question given to her by William.

Through the events of last night, it has been proved that the armed forces of String Kamijima at this moment are not enough to fight against the attackers last night.

Now on the entire island, the only one who can easily deal with that vampire is the one in front of him.

But if she agreed to this matter, it would violate her job requirements.

If you don't agree, it may cause riots in the entire String Kami Island.

William just quietly admired Himeragi Yukina's small face, but he didn't tell Himeragi Yukina how well he controlled his own energy.

If you can't control your own moves, this kind of thing is impossible.

After all, it was just to spice up his boring morning.

If Himeragi Yukina agrees, then this matter will be resolved by him.

If he disagrees, then he will directly call Xiandumu Aye who is still in the "library" to deal with this matter.

Another half hour passed!

The tangled expression gradually receded from Himeragi Yukina's white and tender face, and the hesitant eyes became firm.

"Although I really don't want to do this, what you said, teacher, is indeed not wrong."

"So I hope that this matter can be solved by Sayaka and I together. Teacher, you can watch the battle from the side."

After thinking for a long time, Himeragi Yukina came up with this compromise suggestion.

However, from the look in her eyes, this was indeed her final compromise. If William disagreed, she would probably give up on tracking down the criminal.

The most important thing is that she also feels that she and her roommate Saiya Hua have the ability to solve this incident perfectly.

"Really, I don't care about this matter."

"But I see that Huangsaka was very unwilling to be my guard last night, so I asked her to guard Agulola."

William spread his hands and said casually.

Last night, after Yuantangyuan announced this matter, Sayaka Huangsaka showed extreme reluctance on her face.

And William didn't want to see his guard's dirty face every day at all, so he simply arranged her by Agulola's side and continued to perform the previous tasks.

Anyway, he has Himeragi Yukina as a guard here, which can be regarded as fulfilling his promise to the Lion King organization.

Of course, Yuantangyuan did not object to this matter, but the expression on his face was slightly regretful.

"Regarding this point, please forgive Sayaya Hua, she just suffers from male phobia."

"So it's not just that I have prejudice against you, besides, the power of Sayaka is necessary for this mission."

"She is the person with the strongest combat power of the younger generation in our Lion King organization. It is difficult for me to win one of the five battles I have fought with her."

"Besides, the dancer Ji Yuan of the Lion King Agency assassinates the targets of the search mission, which is what they are best at."

Hearing William's words, Himeragi Yukina immediately became a little embarrassed.

Although it wasn't her who made the mistake, it was her friend who was as close as a sister, and she didn't want her friend to be made things difficult by the boss in the future.

That's why I carefully explained the advantages of Kosaka Sayaka and the reason for doing so.

"Androphobia? It's interesting, let's hear it."

Sure enough, William, who heard what happened, immediately became interested.


Himeragi Yukina immediately nodded and replied.

"I'm not very clear about this matter, but what I know is that Saaya Hua is not like us, all orphans came to the Lion King organization."

"She was bought back by the master at a high price when she had her father."

"And the reason why she suffers from male phobia is also because her father often reprimanded her for violence since she was a child."

In fact, Himeragi Yukina also didn't understand why she would do that to her daughter even though she was a father.

Although she lost her father when she was very young, she always misses the warm and happy time when her parents were alive when she was a child.

"That's right!"

Since there was a reason, William also forgot about the little prejudice against Sayaka Kosaka last night.

He was just surprised that this guy turned out to be male phobia because of family reasons.

"Yes, so I hope you can give Sayaya Hua some time, and don't be so harsh on her right now."

"I will also try my best to help Saiya Hua restrain this."

Himeragi Yukina sincerely lowered her head, and chose to confess this matter to William, of course it could eliminate the man in front of him's bad feeling towards his friend.

But this will also expose that his friend is not a qualified dancer Ji Yuan.

After all, it is impossible for Maihime Won to only protect women all her life, and Sayaya Hua is likely to lose her job because of this shortcoming.


The slender hands tapped the table rhythmically, and a smile appeared on the corner of William's mouth.

"About solving Huangsaka male phobia, do you want me to help?"


Himeragi Yukina froze for a moment, then waved her hands hastily.

"No, no! With Sayayaka's current severity, if he comes into direct contact with men, it will aggravate his condition even more seriously."

From this point of view, Himeragi Yukina should have studied this aspect and wanted to help Kosaka Sayaka solve her illness.

"Do not--!"

William shook his finger mysteriously, and then pointed to his head.

"You also said before that the reason why Huangsaka suffers from male phobia is because she didn't get a good childhood with her father."

"Yes what's the matter."

Himeragi Yukina tilted her head in confusion, her amorous look at that moment was indeed worthy of the title of princess given to her by the boys in the junior high school of Caihai Academy.

"So! As long as the bad childhood in her mind is eliminated, her male phobia will disappear naturally."

The solution to the problem is indeed very simple in William's mouth.

Even Himeragi Yukina had to agree that what William said was indeed correct.

This is a great way to get straight to the root of the problem.

Since you are afraid, delete the fear directly!


"Can you still do this kind of thing? The ability to manipulate other people's thoughts at will is really terrifying."

Himeragi Yukina didn't doubt the authenticity of William's words, because she felt that the majestic Spirit King didn't need to deceive her a little sword shaman.

It's just that the vigilance in those eyes has been quietly put on, which has proved that William's danger is constantly magnifying in her heart.

"Don't be so afraid of me. I rarely use this method."

"Generally I prefer to overwhelm my opponent directly with force."

William shrugged indifferently to Himeragi Yukina's eyes.

After another long while, Himeragi Yukina nodded helplessly. Although the vigilance in her eyes had not completely disappeared, her attitude was better than before.

"Then I will discuss it with Sayaka later, and if possible, I will trouble you."

The strength of the other party far exceeds her own, so there is no need to do such boring things, that's what Himeragi Yukina thinks.


ps: Thanks to Fantasia Aria Shuke 54657460788 Jingshui zusong for the tip

In the new January, the humble author of the Dragon Boat Festival prays for everyone's subscription and tickets online, thank you very much

Chapter 260 Nine Good Births with Big Butts "4000 words for subscription"

After school that day, Lan Yu Qiancong hurried to the part-time job as before at the moment after school.

On the [-]th basement floor of the Keystone Gate, the security department of the artificial island management commune.

This place is the most heavily guarded place in the entire Itogami Island. After all, it is definitely the lifeblood of the Ito Kami Island. If something goes wrong here, the entire Ito Kami Island may face the crisis of collapse.

However, Lan Yu Qian Cong can still move freely here.

The reason for this is not only that she has the right to go directly to the heaven on this island, but also because of her talent as a program engineer that the independent city of Xianshen gave her this privilege.

Holding the manager-level ID card personally issued by Lanyu Xianzhai, the highest councilor of Xianshen City, Lanyu Qiancong passed through all the strictly controlled gates with ease.

"Yo, miss, today is still as busy as ever!"

After Lan Yu Qiancong sat on the seat and logged into the computer, the artificial intelligence that assisted her began to chat with her pretending to be intimate.

This is the super artificial intelligence named Moguai by Lanyu Asagi, it is the image of the five supercomputers responsible for governing the entire city's functions on this string god island.

So Moguai wasn't actually created by Lan Yu Qian Cong, it just got along well with Lan Yu Qian Cong, so it just obeyed Lan Yu Qian Cong's instructions.

"Shut up! If it weren't for the fact that those waste materials are too useless, I wouldn't have to work so hard."

While talking, Lan Yu Qian Cong rolled up her sleeves, stretched out her ten slender green fingers, and began to play a beautiful movement on the keyboard.

"Well! It's not wrong to say so. If you just ask for leave, Missy, wouldn't this work have been completed long ago! You don't have to work so hard."

Lan Yu Qiancong's task for the past two days is to deal with the aftermath of the warehouse explosion, manage the restoration of the damaged power transmission system and roads, and schedule on-site maintenance work.

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