Of course, the most important thing is to make an app dedicated to tracking yesterday's prisoners.

"How is it possible? In the final analysis, I am still a student. Part-time work is just my side job. Going to school is what I should really do."

Lan Yu Qiancong moved her wrist, just in the past ten minutes, she had already classified all the things neatly.

This is the working speed of a talented computer engineer named Lanyu Qiancong.

Usually, this kind of work requires dozens of teams specializing in such matters, and it takes them ten days and a half months to solve it.

But if it was Lan Yu Qiancong, as long as she wasn't busy with other things, she could work for two days.

"That's right! But no matter what I think, I feel that Missy, you are a drunkard and don't care about drinking!"

"Drunkards don't want to drink?"

Lan Yu's flying fingers stopped, and she couldn't help turning her head to the side, looking at the secondary screen of the computer.

"Yesterday's first class in the morning, you left early in the afternoon."

"Today's second class in the afternoon, you didn't go to school until noon."

Lan Yu's light green face suddenly turned a little rosy, and her eyes gradually became dangerous.

"To sum up, the lessons you have these two days are only those of our respected Majesty the Lingwang."

"Mind your own business! Shut up."

After scolding this artificial intelligence that always demolishes him in embarrassment, Lan Yu Qiancong forced himself to sink into work again, to forget the disturbing things just now.

The characters on the computer screen are constantly increasing with the crisp sound of the keyboard, but if you observe carefully, you will find that the current growth rate of characters is not even half of that just now.

No idea!Now the only time I can see him naturally every day is during class.

I don't know if he has forgotten the agreement to go out to eat with me.

And there are too many women around that guy!

After these days of worrying thoughts were aroused by Moguai, it was difficult for Lan Yu Qiancong to re-enter the state of concentrating on work. Instead, the speed continued to decrease, and his thoughts gradually became empty.

Originally, she was quite confident in her capital.

After all, at that time, the only women she knew about William were Nangong who waited for that month, and in her eyes, those women were not capable of fighting at all.

Her level D peaks and mountains are enough to stand out from the group of small hills.

But when she realized La Folia and Xiandumu Aye, her originally high self-confidence was directly hit hard.

"How can I win like this!"

Perhaps it was because she was too immersed in this, when Lan Yu Qian Cong looked down at her chest, she couldn't help but murmur.

At this time, the artificial intelligence with sharp ears spoke out.

"Oh, miss! Men have their own preferences, and you are not without comparison with the family members of Lord Lingwang."

"Don't pay attention to my self-talk."

After a cold snort, Lan Yu Qiancong hesitated for a while, then asked in a low voice.

"Where am I better than them?"

"Does it need to be said? Although Lord Lingwang has many family members, no one has conceived his child so far. As long as you take the initiative to do it, miss, you will definitely be the first to conceive. It is not impossible to become a big wife by then. Something happened."

The rather blatant speech made Lan Yu's shallow eyes instantly turn into circles like mosquito coils, and her fair face was also dyed like a red glow at dusk.

"You... tell me... what!"

Lan Yu Qiancong's speech suddenly became stammering.

"Believe me, miss, there is an old saying in China that a woman with a big butt is a woman who is good at giving birth."

"Abandon your shame and use your strength to win the invisible war among women!"

"Big... ass!"

These words were like a flash of lightning that suddenly descended on a sunny day, directly splitting the blue feather light green onion until it was charred on the outside and tender on the inside.

That's right, although La Folia and Xiandumu Aye are both the kind of mature beauties with very raised figures and bulging back.

But they can only say that it is the kind of well-proportioned lordosis and back curl, the one with the right proportion of bust and hip.

But Lan Yu Qian Cong is completely different. Not only does she have breasts that stand out from the crowd, but her hips are even more outstanding.

Heck, heck -!

A sound similar to teeth grinding came from Lan Yu Qian Cong's mouth.

Casting his gaze over, the jade hands that were typing on the keyboard stopped at some point, his eyebrows were raised, and his blue pupils were almost ready to burst into flames.


At the next moment, a strong vibration and shock directly shook the room she was in.


Blue Feather Light Onion let out a scream like a mournful cry.

There is no such thing as an earthquake on Xianjin Island, which is composed of floating structures floating on the sea surface. She quickly got up from under the chair, and looked solemnly at the virtual creature like a cat monster on the screen.

"Moguai, what happened to the vibration just now?"

"This is really bad! Miss, this place has been attacked."

"And the damage is quite serious, and it is about to attack the main room."

The artificial intelligence said with emotion, Lan Yu's brows were deeply clustered in surprise.

"Where's the guard!"

"It's almost completely wiped out, miss, the remaining defense mechanisms alone won't be able to stop the invaders for long."

"Ask Lord Lingwang for help, Miss."

The sound of an explosion sounded, and a stronger shock swept through the entire Cornerstone Gate, and Lan Yu Qian Cong fell directly to the ground.

"Trouble you, Moguai!"

"Yes, miss."

The blue arm dangled mechanically across the screen.


With two heavy voices, the thick iron door fell heavily from the door, and the surrounding walls were also covered with protective walls like metal membranes.

Half an hour before this same time!

Located at the gate of William's apartment, William and his two guards were standing in front of the room downstairs from William's room.

Opening the door, the room was filled with large and small cardboard boxes.

This is the empty room that Liu Zi sorted out last night. As I said earlier, the apartment from the 38th floor to the 42nd floor is all William's.

Except that the 40th, 41st and 42nd floors have all been utilized.

The 38th and 39th floors are still vacant, and now the vacant 39th floor is about to welcome new residents.

"Do you two still want to live together? There are still a lot of vacant rooms, and it doesn't have to be crowded together."

Walking into the room, William sat casually on top of a stack of cardboard boxes, and said with his hands behind his back.

"What is your plan to separate me and Xuecai?"

Kosaka Sayaka threw the plastic bag in her hand to the ground with a bang, and then hugged Himeragi Yukina who was beside her, her widened pupils were full of vigilance.

There was also a helpless smile on Himeragi Yukina's face, and she also put the handbag in her hand on the ground, and then opened Kosaka Sayaka and locked her hands tightly.

"Okay, Sayaka, don't be like this, I have something to tell you."

Himeragi Yukina, who had already made up her mind yesterday, decided not to delay this matter any longer, and wanted to know what her friend was thinking immediately.

Solve this matter, and immediately deal with the criminals who attacked the warehouse last night.

"Is something wrong?"

A question mark appeared on Kosaka Sayaka's forehead, but she followed Himeragi Yukina very obediently, and was dragged into the bedroom of the room, and closed the door.

William, who was sitting on top of the cardboard box, turned his head to the side in boredom, then stretched out his hand and swiped to the left, and Liu Zi suddenly fell out of the gap in the void.

Liu Zi, who landed smoothly, straightened the corners of her skirt, and then bowed gracefully to William.

"What are your orders, Lord William!"

"Help them tidy up this room. If there is any missing furniture, ask someone to send it directly."

After receiving the order, Liuzi immediately began to work smoothly.

Time passed by so slowly.

In the bedroom, Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka's explanations didn't seem to be going fast.

William, who had nothing to do, was sitting on the sofa that Liuzi had just set up, flipping through the magic guide books that Xiandumu Aye had searched for one page at a time.

For the thirst for knowledge, he has never stopped his footsteps.

Although most of the spells recorded in the magic guide books now are tasteless magic to him.

But he is still like a sponge, constantly absorbing new knowledge.

Until, his cell phone rang.

The mobile phone with a pure black casing was wrapped in a faint blue light, floating in front of William.

What was mapped on the screen was the monster that had just appeared on the computer screen of Lanyu Qiansong.

"Are you? Asahi Onion's artificial intelligence."

William, who had heard about this weird artificial intelligence before, looked at the little guy in front of him with great interest.

Artificial intelligence has never been something that can be easily researched. Even the highly developed demon world and Xuezhan world where William lived, there has never been a product of artificial intelligence.

And the little guy in front of him was the first time William had seen him in several worlds.

Therefore, as a researcher, he expressed great interest in it.

"Yes, Lord Lingwang, I am the Moguai who follows Missy."

"Then, why did you come to see me?"

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